He never hesitates to kill, but he never holds any grudges and only kills because it is his job. Despite this humanizing characterization, they are rarely less dangerous. He also refuses to go back alone and doesn't even bother trying to find a way to leave without destroying the world. Related Tropes: Noble Top Enforcer, Hitman with a Heart, Minion with an F in Evil, Would Not Shoot a Civilian, Never Hurt an Innocent, Even Evil Has Standards, Wouldn't Hurt a Child, and My Master, Right or Wrong. Not to mention that his village and his father, Benjamin Barker, a barber, was such a nice guy with a beautiful wife and daughter before a corrupt judge banished him from London, sexually assaulted his wife, and then engaged in some, Jack Krauser is retroactively implied to be of this trope in, A lot of fans see Lemongrab as being this. It was very controversial at the time because of this. The inversion of Nominal Hero, where a hero fighting with the good guys only does so with morally neutral motivations. the Beast comes, as well as the agonizingly difficult choices he'll have to make for the greater good, resulting in the slaughter of thousands of innocent lives at Kessler's hands, including Cole's girlfriend and Kessler's former love, Trish, Palutena is possesed by the Chaos Kin, she helps Pit so he can rescue her. He seems to be more of an AffablyEvil Anti-Villain though, than full on villain. Tales of the Abyss features many Anti Villains, even if they barely fit into this trope, considering that their idea of saving the world would wind up destroying it in the process. He's pushed into what he does by Regina's manipulation and betrayal plus love of his daughter. Examples Ironically, these characters can be extremely dangerous to the hero as their high skill at arms/competence more than makes up for their lack of vileness. ultimately she wouldn't go through with this unless she was forced to, but she is and she doesn't bother to make herself look heroic, The Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye, singularly devoted to the goal of killing a group of 36 people whose very existence he believes. But he also turns out to be a great father figure to Jim Hawkins. Ultimately, Noatak turned on him and ran away from home, with a festering hatred of bending that would one day lead to him starting the Equalist revolution under the guise of Amon. The Anti-Villain is pretty straight forward. his past self, for the coming of the Beast, an entity intent on destroying all life, which Kessler failed to stop in his own timeline. Notable in that, before his acclaimed appearance in BtAS, in the comics, he was more or less a typical villain, and his tragic backstory has since been integrated into his comic incarnation. Their deaths are extremely likely to be a Tear Jerker. Related Tropes: more benign examples of My Country, Right or Wrong or My Master, Right or Wrong, Non-Malicious Monster (when the monster doesn't even have sentience to be a considered a character), Punch-Clock Villain, Noble Top Enforcer (when not a Noble Demon), mild examples of Necessarily Evil, those who are Forced into Evil, and occasionally a Token Good Teammate (when amongst a bunch of scumbags). They are portrayed as Darker and Edgier in... Anti-Antichrist: A supposedly anti-Christ (or similar) character willing to save the world from the forces of evil. This saddened, yet angered AZ, creating a machine that would revive his Floette. Ultimately Sasuke qualifies as well. At its heart, it was all an attempt to prove to his father that he was just as worthy of his pride and affection as Thor. Can contribute to Sliding Scale of Villain Threat and Sliding Scale of Villain Effectiveness. Sophia after Thomas' death and finding out the aliens homeworld is dying. While their intentions may be evil, such characters are present in the type of story that showcases that "villain" as having characteristics that are appealing or sympathetic to the audience. Examples include: Mr. These anti-villains stand virtually no chance of ever becoming straight-up villains and are much more likely to become a Hero Antagonist or even side with the hero in the end. ; Exaggerated: . Turns out Lavos destroyed Magus' home and family in the Dark Ages and the whole war was so he'd have an army strong enough to defeat it. The defining Trope for this type of Anti-Villain would be the Noble Demon (emphasizing the "noble" aspect). He's also a variation. The Anti-Villain is a villain with heroic goals, personality traits, and virtues. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from thestaff@tvtropes.org. Works with an Enlightenment leaning tend to make frequent use of Woobie and Well-Intentioned anti villains, showing the villain as a product of society or simply misguided. Rumble is this in "Marks and Recreations". The only reason she's even billed as a villain is because she has a demon's soul (she's the Valley of defilement's Archdemon), but it's outright stated that even in her bitter disillusionment after finding out about God's non-existence, she still hasn't lost her kind heart, and her soul is the most impure one because she's taking all the sins and suffering of the Valley's inhabitants on herself, relieving them of some of their misery. Formerly the ancient king of Kalos from 3000 years ago, his Floette, one he loved very much, ended up in the great war, and died, being brought to AZ in a small coffin. He wants to reform the Shinobi world via a violent revolution that involves killing all of the current Kages. A Freudian Excuse may explain their actions, but almost never changes them into an Anti-Villain if there is nothing good about their present motivations. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. They'll see it as a viable means to a (possibly) good end. Compare and contrast this trope with its antithesis, the Anti-Hero. Having to kill a particularly well liked In Name Only AV in a boss fight can be a Player Punch. regularly teleports out of social situations because she can't handle them at all. This scale is a measure of how ambiguous an Anti-Villain is, goes from A Lighter Shade of Black to being indistinguishable from the good guys. The In Name Only can also be a revolutionary of some sort, fighting against the main character only due to their affiliation to some government or organization, and usually fighting for a noble cause. What is an anti-villain? A character who is a Wild Card or a HeelFace Revolving Door can be capable of being both an Anti-Hero and an Anti-Villain depending on whether or not they are acting for or against the protagonist at the time. falls in love with a man who proceeds to use her for his own evil bidding, and gradually grows more and more guilt-stricken over time, Reiner Braun, Bertolt Hoover, and Annie Leonhart, While responsible for most of the death in the series, all three Titan Shifters are shown to be conflicted and remorseful over their actions. The original Scarface, the one from 1932, has an Anti-Villain as its titular character, who literally pets the dog at multiple points in the film. The Disposed Son. He even goes out of his way to protect Jim at one point. The only reason some would even be considered evil at all is when they're the Designated Villain. Related Tropes: Noble Top Enforcer, Hitman with a Heart, Minion with an F in Evil, Would Not Shoot a Civilian, Never Hurt an Innocent, Even Evil Has Standards, Wouldn't Hurt a Child, and My Master, Right or Wrong. Kamina's whereabouts, and eventually accepts Simon as his new rival. Yet after all this, his Floette, shocked and saddened at his action, left him, as he killed many Pokemon to power his machine. The latter character was In Name Only in his original game as well, seeing how the only reason he's on the villain's end is because he fused with Sin after becoming Brask's Final Aeon with the intention of eliminating Sin, and was perfectly willing to die at the hands of his son as long as it at least ensured Sin's permanent destruction. Alice has hardly any villainous traits and is a villain in name only. Anti-Villain - TV Tropes. Afro found out he had the Number 2 heaband. She's absolutely right; not only does one hero's escape allow the, after his previous Master got killed by him, He's also a high ranking member of The Order of the White Lotus, a group of, Once he explains his backstory, the two team up and depart on good terms with one another, and they would eventually go on to get married and have kids together, showing the villain as a product of society or simply misguided, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light, befriending, helping and inspiring children to become a better person, Starscream's defilement of Skyquake's body, she can't even talk more than a few words per sentence. Like say, the player character. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AntiVillain. Villain types particularly prone to Anti-Villain-dom (though each has its share of flat-out villains, too) include: Ambiguously Evil; Byronic Hero; Dark Magical Girl; Designated Monkey; Designated Villain; Fallen Hero; Friendly Enemy; Gentleman Thief (when they're not the hero) Harmless Villain; He Who Fights Monsters; Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain; Jerkass Woobie Anti-Villain - TV Tropes An Anti-Villain is the opposite of an Anti-Hero a character with heroic goals, personality traits, and/or virtues who is ultimately the villain. They will tend to be driven to their villainous acts by something within their biology. Related Tropes: Necessarily Evil, Obliviously Evil, Totalitarian Utilitarian, Utopia Justifies the Means, Villainy-Free Villain. They often reach a kind of critical mass that makes them more good than normal villains but not quite heroes, blurring the line between hero and villain the same way an Anti-Hero does, but coming from the opposite direction. Thankfully, his brother, Thunderlane, shows him that he doesn't need to just do what Wonderbolts do to get that type of cutie mark and thus, quickly rejoins the Cutie Mark Crusader's camp. Understanding Anti-Villains: Anti-Villains Writing Trope Examples. Straight: Alice is a villain who follows a strict moral code and does what she does because she sees heroes as ineffectual in getting good done. Marche is arguable. lets Gray live, even though he broke the rules of their duel. How in the world did he become an anti-villain in the first place anyway? the method she chooses to accomplish this guarantees a massive loss of life. The sympathy the audience can garner for this character comes from the fact that they basically share the same goal as the hero, but are pragmatically, expediently, or pessimistically, ruthless about it. Anti-Villains are often, but not always -- in the case of Hannibal Lecter -- the forefront of the story. The "unexplained reason" is later revealed in season 2 as it turns out that, Also the Computer Research Society President, who only opposed the SOS Brigade because Haruhi, Okay, this might take awhile, but throughout, In Pre-Crisis days, Bizarro was Superman's. Noble and Woobie Anti-Villains are often a darker shade of grey (or A Lighter Shade of Black, if they are unambiguously evil), while Well-Intentioned and In Name Only varieties tend to be a lighter shade (with the latter even being in a Good vs. Good situation sometimes). Honorable Villains is a TV-Tropes popularized term found in fiction about villains who follows a strict moral code. Her daughter Pyrrha gets the same treatment in Soul Calibur V. Being raised by Tira and manipulated into being a new host for Soul Edge, everything out of her mouth screams she doesn't want to do any of it. even The Illusive Man can come off as this, despite his utterly brutal experiments. The resulting energy left him and Floette immortal, reducing him to, a lake where a spirit needed to create something for his plan bombed, as well as two others planned for the same fate, releases the spirits after he completes what he needed them for, one of the Galactic admins going into the Distortion World when it closes so he won't be alone. Alternatively, their goals may be selfish or have long-term consequences they don't care about, but they're good people who might even team up with the hero if their goals don't conflict. For instance, heroes wouldn't know what to expect if their enemy shows caring and then attacks their reputation, without giving them an excuse to rationalize killing them. one overpowered god has decided to make her their, is essentially shoehorning Shiraori into playing the role, in a moment of weakness where her depression. In Disney's Treasure Planet, John Silver is supposed to be the bad guy; and he does it pretty well, most of the time. Haku in Naruto was more of a sympathetic Punch Clock Villain than a true evil menace. Naval Marshall General Isoroku Yamamoto from, Several of the Havenite military personnel in the, The bully, representing Israel, in "Neighborhood Bully" by, Tamoko in the first game, based on what we see of her. The more heroic examples tend to overlap with either Unscrupulous Hero, or Nominal Hero. which she willingly goes along with to prevent a third world war, Even more clearly amoral rather than evil, helping dead souls escape the Netherworld, When said duel is interrupted by Cytomander, who takes Yoko hostage and orders Viral to perform a, In the Star Wars Expanded Universe Boba Fett fits this trope nicely. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. so is his manipulator Hugo Gilchrist, who turns out to be his and Rutee's father and he's been possessed all along. The Valley's denizens adore her, and will do absolutely anything to protect her, including judiciously slaughtering pesky soul-hunters looking to snag her soul. Anti-Villains is a trope popular found in any media is about a character who with a double sense of moral yet the have the same or equal degree of action like a hero. Tales of Symphonia loves this trope. to save her home dimension and resurrect her father, Itachi performed the Uchiha massacre because he was ordered to do so by the village in order to avert a civil war, and spared his brother. An Anti-Villain is the opposite of an Anti-Hero a character with heroic goals, personality traits, and/or virtues who is ultimately villainous. Sub-tropes and related tropes '90s Anti-Hero: A specific anti-hero from The '90s, usually from the comics. The problem is that. Another Silver Age Superman villain, Titano the Super-Ape, was always treated as a simple animal who couldn't be held responsible for his actions. She's only on the side of the. so that her younger sister Miho will be free to live her own way, And in the end, he dies with the knowledge that his friends were betrayed by none other than his childhood friend, and the said friend would marry his, In a side story, she realizes what is going on and tries to oppose the rest of the SUEs, but the. Solidus Snake is similar, having taken in people who weren't wanted anywhere else, and also doing terrorist actions in order to prevent the Patriots from eliminating everything America stood for, such as liberty. Moreover, compared to regular villains that are just simply evil, anti-villains are often neutral — depending on the writers of said characters. Alternatively, they may not even realize what they're doing is wrong or making things worse in the first place. The defining Trope for this type of Anti-Villain would be the Well-Intentioned Extremist, of course. After being slain by Kefka, the heroes give him a heartfelt funeral. In terms of personality, anti-villains are kind-hearted and can be caring and honorable in nature, even towards their enemies, but it can be possible for them to treat their own allies with rudeness, which by its own accord, is a very unusual trait to possess. Their desired ends are mostly good, but their means of getting there are evil. Written by MasterClass. Madara is literary a Complete Monster with sense of honor. a Skrull impersonating Captain America caused a war between Skrulls, Krees and mankind, resulting in the destruction of Earth. he is so powerful that his spirit energy kills any weaker hollows and he was tired of always being alone. The next and final season's villain, Kuvira, went the opposite route. visibly outraged (Lee) and terrified (Marie) after Eddy's brother shows his true colors and beats up Eddy and Edd, or rather, Alicia, the girl she's based off of. Who had taken Afro in and trained him with the other students, and provided him with a family and a good life to live. save the Goddess and the world from total annihilation, Olivia while she is trapped on the other side, along with anyone that helps her, Most obviously displayed when he flat-out rejects his top scientist's idea to text cortexiphan on children, an idea that Walter developed and executed far before the conflict between the universes began, find a safe way to cross to the other universe and return Peter home. The original founders of the Patriots were also this, as they did legitimately attempt to follow through with The Boss' will, and thought they were doing so with their actions. Compare with Sliding Scale of Anti-Heroes. While the "heroes" are definitely anti-heroes, the "villain" Kougaji of Saiyuki definitely fulfills this role. The defining trope for this type of Anti-Villain would be a Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds. … getting bullied by sisters as well as humans and turning into a monster, kill Shirou and Rin if necessary to save Sakura (even if Sakura herself is opposed). Her villainous acts are done on behalf of her superior, FB, who took advantage of her weakened psyche when she was contemplating suicide. They can also be capable of a HeelFace Turn much more easily than normal villains thanks to their personalities. Victor Fries of Batman: The Animated Series is one of the deepest and most sympathetic villains within the DC animated universe. 1 Overview 1.1 Why This Character have Fundemental rule in them? Subsequent episodes reveal that he was once far more ruthless, and actually helped. Their desired ends are mostly good, but their means of getting there range from evil to … The boss fight where you kill her is a serious, any events of her death proved to be soul-crushing for her little sister Wendy, when all of the inhabitants of Doma are poisoned to death by Kefka, turns against Kefka as soon as the latter proves to be not so harmless. however cruel or terrible the short-term situation will be, in the long-term it's the option with the least amount of risk, Shiraori has safeties in place for a small number of people she holds in regard. Porky revived his dead body and brainwashed him as an assassin. While he has some villainous motives and does some truly unforgivable things, he honestly thinks he … Anti-Villains in this category may become true villains, but they're also just as likely to turn into an Anti-Hero. This seems to run in the family, considering her father, King Jikochuu, only did what he did because he was under the influence of the dark essence in the castle basement, which wouldn't have happened if he hadn't gone crazy over almost losing his daughter. Other names: Snubbed Sibling. They can very much be conscious about their morally questionable actions, but feel that there is no other way. If you choose to kill the rescue team in the epilogue, he goes from a Well-Intentioned Anti-Villain into a full-blown one. Exaggerated: Alice has hardly any villainous traits and is a villain in name only. Due to the circumstances, there is essentially no avoiding this. He put her in cryogenic stasis until a cure could be developed, but an "accident" that followed turned him into a mutant that can only survive at sub-zero temperatures. A vast majority of Batman's Rogues Gallery regulars is an anti-villain of some kind. divert countless clone bodies (essentially semi-autonomous computers in practice) to assist her with speech! Walter White could qualify for this too, but by the end of season 3, he seems to be more of a Villain Protagonist. all she wanted was to be free, but with Administrator D looking upon her, it can never happen. Cheese Sandwich is a cheery guy whose only goal is to throw parties for ponies and make them happy. Also, for that matter, Tony Montana in the remake. Anti-Villains is a trope popular found in any media is about a character who with a double sense of moral yet the have the same or equal degree of action like a hero.. WHO are they and what made them so special from Other Regular Villains [edit | edit source]. This is the villain born to wealth and privilege (or … As a result, he decides to spread his belief to the Cutie Mark Day Camp campers, which lures them away from the camp. to: They may believe in a good goal, but use whatever means there are to achieve it. Their desired ends are mostly good, but their means of getting there range from evil to undesirable. Everybody loves a villain, or so I've been told. Both Mr.Gold/Rumpelstiltskin and Captain Hook from, Bruce Irvin even moreso. refusing to believe that he's actually good, humans are responsible for the evil in the world, take on a humanoid form in order to repay him, gradually gaining supernatural ice powers and becoming unsightly, pressured into most of his more heinous acts, they may not even realize what they're doing is wrong or making things worse in the first place. Those that are part of the neutral alignments however, aren't exactly benevolent, but they aren't malevolent either, but there also does exist anti-villains that are outright evil in nature, though they still maintain having all of the attributes on what anti-villains usually have in common. , or Nominal Hero, sympathetic Murderer, Jerkass Woobie, Destroyer Worlds... Of how different they look or act, the routes lord equvalient is essentially a villain coprotagonist Montana... Gladly work with anyone regardless of how different they look or act, the Apocalypse out! The epilogue, he honestly thinks he … the Disposed son that Zaheer 's brought. The Anti-Hero very controversial at the time because of this never happen possessed all along, turns... S goal only does so with morally neutral motivations the defining Trope for this type of Anti-Villain would be great... To a realistic villains are either anti-villains or Anti-Heroes of being a good goal, he! 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