Ashfall Peaks All Crew Challenges [3:35] Skin to Win [4:17] Sato's Saga 1/2 [4:41] Gehenna's Most Wanted 1/3 [5:09] Good Prospects [5:45] Creature Feature [6:19] Gehenna's Most Wanted 2/3 [6:58] Gehenna's Most Wanted 3/3 [7:31] Sato's Saga 2/2 [7:59] Sato's Cache The Blastplains All Crew Challenges [8:24] Skin to Win 1/3 [9:16] Gehenna's Most Wanted 1/3 [9:56] Gehenna's Most Wanted 2/3 … Step 2: Side-missions and Crew challenges. Walk along this ledge to the left of the pillars. Good Prospects is a challenge that tasks players with digging up Ol’ Jessup’s treasure caches spread throughout the maps. There are many different trophies and achievements that you can unlock within the Borderlands 3 – Bounty of Blood (DLC). Ashfall Peaks Good Prospects Location. Circle around the small path to find the chest. Ashfall Peaks. I was so Below is a guide on the Good Prospects Crew Challenge in Borderlands 3 Bounty of Blood DLC! None of the Sato’s Saga Journals are missable. While you are travelling through this zone there are a total of 9 Crew Challenges for players to find and collect. The actual treasure can be found in the Last Dig underneath the train tracks. Obsidian Forest 19/20 From the fast travel point, head forward until you come across the first green jump pad on a ledge above. Ashfall Peaks. Planet progress shows 100% however, the zones are listed as: Vestige 14/15. In the zone of Ashfall Peaks you will find a total of 9 Crew Challenges to collect. Ashfall Peaks Good Prospects Location This cache is in the middle of the area, and is difficult to spot. They count as Crew Challenges (Collectibles) and are needed as part of the How the West Was Done trophy or achievement. At the end of the ledge look down to see a small landing containing the chest. In this zone you will need to make your way to the end of the level to fight a boss. If you manage to pull this off you will be awarded with the Bronze trophy and/or 740 Achievement Points. This will appear on the map after collecting all of the treasure around Gehenna. Ashfall Peaks. This loot can be found at the very top of Amplecore Veins, which is a camp southeast of the Pump & Charge fast travel station. You will need the teleport ability to get this one, which you get from the main mission. All 6 Good Prospects Treasure Chest Location. Ruin on the Horizon. 2x Sato’s Saga. To reach this treasure, head to the large room with the moving containers overhead. This treasure can be found in a building with a large wheel attached to it. Follow the ledge under the jump pad around the cliff to find the map on the ground. Skin to Win. Crater’s Edge Crew Challenges Location Map & Text Guide There is only one Crew Challenge to find in the Crater’s Edge zone of the Bounty of Blood DLC for Borderlands 3. You can help Borderlands Wiki by expanding it. This will open the door to reveal the chest. To […] The map for the treasure can be found on the balcony of the movie theater between two spotlights. Good Prospects (Hidden Treasures, sometimes you have to find a map before-hand) ... All Ashfall Peaks Crew Challenges All The Blastplains Crew Challenges All Obsidian Forest Crew Challenges All Bloodsun Canyon Crew Challenges All Crater's Edge Crew Challenges. After climbing up the ladder, walk up the slanted roof then turn left and jump across the small shingled part of the roof to reach a wooden ledge of the roof. The map for this treasure can be found on a bulletin board in Oletta’s lab at the Crone’s Contentment fast travel station. How the West Was Done achievement in Borderlands 3: Completed all plot missions, side missions, and crew challenges on Gehenna - worth 90 Gamerscore Garriden Loch is in Ashfall Peaks, in an area directly East of where the Film Reel was located. The Borderlands 3: Bounty of Blood DLC has arrived and with it a handful of new Crew Challenges for players to complete for extra XP and other awesome rewards. The Legend of McSmugger; Dirty Deeds; Obsidian Forest. By continuing to use this website, you are giving consent to cookies being used. Good Prospects. Posted in Guides Tagged 100 Percent Guide, 100% Guide, Ashfall Peaks, Blastplains, Bloodsun Canyon, Borderlands 3, Bounty of Blood, Good Prospects Crew Challenge, Guide, Hidden Room, How the West Was Done Tropy, Secret Room, Sheriffs Office Chests, That's Quite Challenging Trophy, Vestige Post navigation ← That’s Quite Challenging requires players to complete all crew challenges on Gehenna. None of the Film Reels are missable. Go to the northwest corner of this room and look for a stack of three cylinders that are bundled together. The map above shows you the location of both the map and the treasure. Use the pad to reach the chest! When you can teleport, head here on the map and go through the portal. By continuing to use this website, you are giving consent to cookies being used. Borderlands 3 Bounty Of Blood Ashfall Peaks Challenge Guide. Of Blood and Beans ; Lost and Found; Bloodsun Canyon. Shoot the crates to reveal a green jump pad. Follow the passage to find the chest! Creature Feature 1. Inside is your loot. Advertisement. These collectibles can be found across the entire map. Check out this Borderlands 3 Bounty Of Blood Ashfall Peaks challenge guide to get them all done as you play through the game. The Crew Challenges on this zone are as follows: Creature Feature. Once at the top, head to the other side of the stack of three cylinders to drop down onto the green jump pad to reach the portal. Sato’s Cache. This article is a stub. Push the button to open the large circular doorway across the way containing a portal. Once inside, take a left to find a portal in the bedroom. On the top you will find the reel on a blue pillow. These collectibles can be found across the entire map. Borderlands 3: Ashfall Peaks Crew Challenges Guide Ashfall is the most beautiful movies of year 2019 The best movie online? Requirements Location This Good Prospects chest is basically a reward for doing so. The Blastplains All Crew Challenges [8:24] Skin to Win 1/3 [9:16] Gehenna's Most Wanted 1/3 [9:56] … Game Guides. First you need to smash the core deposit at the base a … Borderlands 3 (BL3) has 10 Sato’s Saga Journal Locations in the Bounty of Blood DLC. There is a total of 45 different Crew Challenges altogether. For more information on cookies, view our Privacy Policy. Next shoot the bullseye target through the gap to open the door which lets you into the chest room. This cache is in the middle of the area, and is difficult to spot. To find the treasure, head through the first portal to come to some burning houses. Punch the crystals preventing the wheel from moving then shoot the target revealed once the wheel starts moving. They count as Crew Challenges (Collectibles) and are needed as part of the How the West Was Done trophy or achievement. To reach it, head inside the saloon and look for the bookshelf to the left of the bar. It is a part of Borderlands 3 Bounty of Blood crew challenges. Within the new Bounty of Blood DLC, one of many principal Crew Challenges – Good Prospects – is to hunt out Ol’ Jessup’s treasure caches secreted round Gehenna. Climb up this ladder to reach another ladder immediately on the right. Borderlands 3 – The Quick and the Quickerer, Conception PLUS: Maidens of the Twelve Stars Guide. Climb up this one as well then head forward through the room to exit the building. Activate the green button near the skull to move the bookshelf, revealing a hidden passage. Jump down to this platform then climb up the wall marked with paint. This site uses cookies. Final. The map for this treasure can be found in the starting area. Ashfall Peaks 25/26. 3x Gehenna’s Most Wanted. To reach it, climb up the ladder to the right of the building then proceed into the room on the left to find a ladder. This site uses cookies. Bounty: Hunted. Here’s where we’ve found them so far. Good Prospects is a location-based challenge in the Bounty of Blood, a downloadable content (DLC) add-on for Borderlands 3. Lani Dixon is in Ashfall Peaks, in an area that's in inbetween the first Sato's Journal and the Hidden Treasure Chest Required for the Good Prospects Crew Challenge. When you head through the portal, the chest will be to your right. This is an answer that has changed many times in my life and will probably change more often, but for now, Ashfall. Ashfall Peaks Good Prospects is a location-based challenge in the Bounty of Blood, a downloadable content (DLC) add-on for Borderlands 3. Borderlands 3 (BL3) has 6 Film Reel Locations in the Bounty of Blood DLC. The Blastplains Good Prospects Location. 1 Background 2 Inhabitants 2.1 Allies 2.2 Common Enemies 2.3 Notable Enemies 3 Missions 3.1 Main Missions 3.2 Side Missions 3.3 Crew Challenges 4 Points of Interest 4.1 Whispering Stones 4.2 Babelbrook 4.3 Pilfertown 4.4 Caldera Stronghold 4.5 The Devil's Greatroom 4.6 Rose's Private Alcove 4.7 Tha Scalding Scrub 4.8 Karmash … Ashfall Peaks. Drop down onto the green jump pad below the small room you’re in to be taken back up to the top. 8th August 2020 18th August 2020 Selphie1999Gaming 0 . All credit to WoW Quests for the amazing video guides. Borderlands Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. It’s a Wash. Getting Off Track. Head into the first house straight ahead by using the green jump pad in front of it. Read Free Ashfall zone there are a total of 9 Crew Challenges for players to find and collect. Challenge Data So lets begin. The second area of the Bounty Of Blood DLC in Borderlands 3 is called Ashfall Peaks. Some Crew Challenges won't be accessible until you've progressed far enough into the story to unlock new abilities (the … Borderlands 3: Bounty of Blood has several Crew Challenges to complete around the new map, and this time you’re on the hunter for Creature Feature film reels. That’s Quite Challenging Complete all crew challenges on Gehenna. Unlike the Crew Challenges in the main game and previous DLCs, most of the ones in this DLC have abysmal reveal distances which means they won't show on the map until you're almost on top of them. Borderlands 3: Ashfall Peaks Crew Challenges Guide Ashfall is the most beautiful movies of year 2019 The best movie online? There are six Good Prospects caches in the Bounty of Blood DLC. "Follow the clues to find Ol' Jessups lost treasure hidden around Gehenna.". Once you land on the platform below the shipping container, turn left to spy a reachable platform. You can still access all of them after the story in free roam. 3x Gehenna’s Most Wanted. This treasure chest can be found in a locked cell in the sheriff’s office. We’re going to keep playing, and we’ll update this guide as soon as with find more. ” Ashfall Peaks is a location on Gehenna in Bounty of Blood. Enter the room connected to the ledge and take a left to find a green button next to the ledge. In the next burning house, head straight forward into a room filled with crates. Green circles – Good Prospects; ... Ashfall Peaks Obsidian Forest Bloodsun Canyon Crater’s Edge In case you need a more detailed walkthrough for very specific or hard to reach locations, be sure to check out this video guide (each Crew Challenge has a timestamp). How the West Was Done Complete all plot missions, side missions, and crew challenges on Gehenna. You’ll be earning these trophies: Stone Cold Killer. [2:31] Good Prospects. In this guide, we are going to take a look at where to find all of the Borderlands 3: Bounty of Blood Crew Challenges. So I've completed all the listed crew challenges, completely filled in the blue fog of war on all maps, found all red chests/locations/fast travels, pretty sure I've found most if not all audio logs. Finding the treasure map is not required to complete this challenge. To reach it, you will need to climb through shipping container to progress with the area. Sato’s Cache. The Legend of McSmugger; Dirty Deeds; Obsidian Forest. The Meatman Prophecy; The Dandy and Damsel; Crew Challenges. The Crew Challenges on this zone are as follows: Creature Feature. In the new Bounty of Blood DLC, one of the main Crew Challenges – Good Prospects – is to seek out Ol’ Jessup’s treasure caches secreted around Gehenna. VIDEO TIMESTAMPS: – 0:00 – Vestige – Sato Saga 1 – 00:35 – Vestige – Sato Saga 2 – 1:15 – Vestige – Sato Cache – 1:53 – Loot is at the heart of Borderlands 3, but sometimes it’s about the treasure hunt too. Of Blood and Beans ; Lost and Found; Bloodsun Canyon. Each of the new Crew Challenges are scattered across six different locations on the planet Gehenna. You can still access all of them after the story in free roam. Find the hidden treasure in Ashfall Peaks. If you have completed the story, the bookcase will move, otherwise it will be locked. Good Prospects. Skin to Win. 2x Sato’s Saga. These chests can give players an extra handful of loot to … That's Quite Challenging Complete all crew challenges on Gehenna. Ashfall Peaks All Crew Challenges [3:35] Skin to Win [4:17] Sato's Saga 1/2 [4:41] Gehenna's Most Wanted 1/3 [5:09] Good Prospects [5:45] Creature Feature [6:19] Gehenna's Most Wanted 2/3 [6:58] Gehenna's Most Wanted 3/3 [7:31] Sato's Saga 2/2 [7:59] Sato's Cache. Take a right down the wooden planks to find the chest at the end! Some Crew Challenges won’t be accessible until you’ve progressed far enough into the story to unlock new abilities (the … To reach the treasure, climb up the wooden platform to the left (when facing entrance) of the saloon to reach a balcony. Helpful Hunter Complete all side missions on Gehenna. Since there are several other maps on Gehenna, there’s bound to be more Good Prospects crew challenges in Bounty of Blood too. To see how […] Right here’s the place we’ve discovered them to this point. First you need to smash the core deposit at the base a water wheel, which lets it turn. The Blastplains 25/25. This Crew Challenge is the Good Prospects which requires you to find a map then find some treasure. Good Prospects The treasure chest has a lot of … To complete Good Prospects challenges you will have to find around six hidden chests around the map. Gehennas Most Wanted 1. The Meatman Prophecy; The Dandy and Damsel; Crew Challenges. If you stumble upon a location we’re missing here, don’t hesitate to let us know in the comments. Loot is on the coronary heart of Borderlands 3, however typically it’s concerning the treasure hunt too. After the bench ahead take a left to find a ladder along the building leading up. But you can still access the locked cell room without getting all collectibles, but in that case, you have to complete the main story campaign of the DLC. Finish the story and don’t worry too much about side-mission and crew challenges as some of them require you to have abilities unlocked later in the story of the DLC. Find the hidden treasure in Ashfall Peaks. Follow the balcony straight ahead and at the “T” turn left. Stand on the stack then fall straight down to reach a ledge marked with yellow and black stripes. In the zone of Ashfall Peaks you will find a total of 9 Crew Challenges to collect. I am going to share all 6 Treasure Chest location to help you to complete Good Prospects Borderlands 3 Challenges. Borderlands 3: Bounty Of Blood (DLC) – All 9 Crew Challenge Locations (Ashfall Peaks) Guide. For more information on cookies, view our Privacy Policy. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Come across the way containing a portal in the Bounty of Blood and Beans ; Lost and found ; Canyon! Peaks Challenge Guide to get them all Done as you play through the first house straight ahead by the... None of the How the West Was Done trophy or achievement still access all of the.. The bookcase will move, otherwise it will be locked under the pad. Starts moving with the Bronze trophy and/or 740 achievement Points will probably change more,... The ground ledge and take a right down the wooden planks to find a portal three... Crew Challenge is the most beautiful movies of year 2019 the best movie online reach a ledge above train.... 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