Light Show Weapon Stats. The Obsidian Forest: This first chest is just inside a hole in the cavern wall. Loot is at the heart of Borderlands 3, but sometimes it’s about the treasure hunt too. Borderlands 3 Map. Once the treasure map is picked up, Ol’ Jessup will start a radio call with the player and the cache should be marked on the player’s map. Item List. Lasodactyl is a Hunt Target from Borderlands 3 and can be found in Obsidian Forest. This is where Trial of Supremacy takes place. Find Red Chests, Legendary loot, Crew Challenges & Eridium Writings & more! First Sato’s Saga in Obsidian Forest Turn to your left to find a crate. Satos Saga 2. Maps. Obisidan Forest Sato’s Saga Journal and cache location. Obsidian Forest: Kills increase burst count for a short time. At the bottom of a water wheel is a core deposit that is preventing it from turning. Nintendo Retail Store Vandalized in NYC Riots, Borderlands 3: Good Prospects Locations (Bounty of Blood DLC), How to Find The New Bounty of Blood DLC in Borderlands 3, How to Fight The Final Boss in Borderlands 3: Bounty of Blood DLC (Ruiner), Red Dead Redemption 2 Fans Start Single-Player DLC Petition, What To Expect From Into The Dark Season 3, Batman v Superman: How Many People Ben Affleck's Batman Kills, Cyberpunk 2077 Has Already Been Made Into an Adult Film Parody, Marvel’s Secret Invasion Show To Start Filming In April, Luca Image: New Look At Main Characters In Pixar’s Next Original Film, Humble Bundle Announces $1 Million Fund For Black Game Developers, Resident Evil Nintendo Switch Sale Is The Perfect Time To Start Series, Bridgerton: Every Filming Location & Stately Home, Bachelor: Peter Weber Shows Off NYC Apartment View After Kelley Flanagan Split, DC's Titans Season 3 Casts Former-Batgirl Barbara Gordon, Call Of Duty Black Ops: Cold War Rumors Explained, 90 Day Fiance: Fans Are Still Comparing Betty Gibbs to Debbie Johnson, Why Future Tesla Cars Might Use A New Millimeter-Wave Radar Sensor, Cyclops' Children Unite in Cable's Next Adventure, PowerSpot Wireless Nintendo Switch Charging Grip Review. You can still access all of them after the story in free roam. Here is the exact map location for Lectrikor: You need to break a green crystal wall to go into the main boss area. No alternate firing mode. There are also new storylines to follow, as well as bigger and badder bosses to take down. While taking the trial, Vault Hunters should be aware of their position as the proving grounds have no natural obstacles preventing Vault Hunters to fall or be knocked over the edge. DPS Calc. Fast Travel Use the progress tracker to get 100%! The Hall Obsidian (exit only) The Hall Obsidian is divided into four areas, where access to the next area is granted only once all of the enemies in the current area have been defeated. In Ashfall Peaks, the cache is located in the middle of the map. Now that players have found all of Ol' Jessup's caches, they will be swimming in loot and have one more Crew Challenge to strike off their list. The area is a battleground between the red and black dragonflights. A graduate of the William Allen White School of Journalism and Mass Communications, she has created content for a variety of different organizations and news sources. Limited number of ammunition crates can be found in all four areas. I know there are trophies for discovering all named locations. From one of the stair landings, the player will need to jump across the gap to the tunnel and portal. The Obsidian Forest is one of the new areas in the Borderlands 3 Bounty Of Blood DLC. The treasure map in Bloodsun Canyon has to be access via a portal. As a writer, gamer, and marketing professional, MJ currently writes for Screen Rant covering Gaming Guides. Travel to the section in which the marker is located, and there will be platforms that can be jumped down to get closer to the treasure. They count as Crew Challenges (Collectibles) and are needed as part of the How the West Was Done trophy or achievement. Around the middle of the map, there will be a treasure map on the ground on one on the rock ledges. All Obsidian Forest Red Chest Borderlands 3 3/3 Red Chest Locations video. Item List. It’s a large map but the quest is very easy to come across. Traveling through the caverns, there will be a room where almost the entire floor is covered in acid. Intro None of the Sato’s Saga Journals are missable. Interact with it and you will complete this Bounty of Blood Crew Challenge. These new changes are sure to keep players busy until the next release in the series. Hertz is the unit of measurement for frequency as cycles per minute: 137. Insider: Any N: World Drop Only: Xylourgos: No charge time. That will be your shortest way to reach the Boss area quickly. Go inside the left one and interact with the journal to complete the 4th Vestige Crew Challenge. Weapons Shields Grenades Class Mods Relics. The book is right after you teleport. Look for cranes, refer the arrow pointing towards a platform in the image above. If they choose to do so, Vault Hunters can use Drop Pod to teleport back and collect any valuable loot left behind. Obsidian Forest. Follow the tunnel through the rock to reach a large room. Of Blood and Beans; Lost and Found; Bloodsun Canyon. There are six Good Prospects caches in the Bounty of Blood DLC. Game FL4K Calc. From there you can see the chest. These The exact enemy location is marked in the map below. The Meatman Prophecy; The Dandy and Damsel; Crew Challenges . This journal can be found by head to Crone’s Contentment. The Of Blood and Beans side quest is available in the Obsidian Forest area. In the center of the map is a set of stairs that can be walked down to access a portal in a tunnel. Go down there and see if there is something you can shoot at. After heading back to vestige you explain Roes's plans to Juno when the town gets attacked by the Devil-riders. Home Galaxy Map Covenant Pass The Droughts Ascension Bluff Sanctuary III Meridian Outskirts Meridian Metroplex Lectra City Athenas Skywell-27 Atlas HQ Neon Arterial Forgotten Basilica Floodmoor Basin The Anvil Jakobs Estate … There will also be two Jakobs lockers nearby. At the end of a walkway is the cache. The weapon drops from Lasodactyl on Obsidian Forest – Crone’s Contentment. Completing these challenges will unlock rewards for the player. Amara Calc. MORE: How to Fight The Final Boss in Borderlands 3: Bounty of Blood DLC (Ruiner). Follow the tunnel through the rock to reach a large room. Once accesss to the next area has been granted, it is possible to revisit the previous area and loot ammunition boxes or any other loot they wish. Go through it, and there will be a treasure map on a table to the left of the player. Update: Krieg's Mind map released! Google Album [] Inside, collect Ol’ Jessup’s neglected stash. Obsidian Forest Good Prospects Hidden Chest Location. ” The Hall Obsidian is a location in Borderlands 3. BL3 Map. When you have the ability, head here on the map and bust the wall with the green crystal. Obsidian Forest. JOIN. FEEDBACK. ” Obsidian Forest is a location on Gehenna in Bounty of Blood. At the top of the hill in the camp is a barn that players must walk through to reach the jump-pad on the other side. Advertisement. Axton Calc. If more help is needed check out our more in-depth Obsidian Forest Crew Challenges guide. These Crew Challenges challenge players to collect items such as Creature Feature Film Reels, finding caches like Sato’s Cache, and hunt down dangerous beasts in Skin to Win. Bloodsun Canyon Crew Challenges (9) The final major zone you will traverse in the Bounty of Blood DOC is called the Bloodsun Canyon. From the location marked on the map above, navigate rooftops until you can drop down the balcony with a giant box. Krieg Calc. This is one you cannot get until you get the teleport ability, which is unlocked via the main mission. Sato’s Saga Journal #2 . RELATED: How to Find The New Bounty of Blood DLC in Borderlands 3. You can help Borderlands Wiki by expanding it. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. The highlighted area on the map is the place where you have to go. Moze Calc. The Obsidian Forest [62, 79] is a scorched area of forest near the southern shores of the Twilight Highlands, bordering the Highland Forest. In the room, there is a treasure map on the chalkboard. In the wooden building with the round door frames that is on fire, players can enter through a side entrance and smash crates to access a jump-pad, which they can take up to access the cache in the rafters. GreenKnight127 (Topic Creator) 1 year ago #5. There's a green jump plant in one of the saunas which launches you into the rafters. Tools. Go to Crone’s Contentment, from the fast travel point walk left towards the cave and stop at a notice board. Drop down to the ledge below and enter the room to activate the door using the keypad terminal. To the right of the platform that the player jumps up on is a ladder that must be climbed, and then two other ladders. Here is the map location for Lacodactyl to farm Light Show: The save location is a fast travel station itself. All information about loot sources, quests and a completed map. Use this guide to find all the Good Prospects locations in Borderlands 3 and collect Ol' Jessup's loot hidden throughout the map. Shoots rift-shaped projectile: x12: 1: Hertz so good. Fast travel to the location Obsidian Forest – Crone’s Contentment in Gehenna. This article is a stub. I saw there were a few hidden trophies. That's super weird. In the Obsidian Forest, walk through the map to reach Oletta’s den. Take a left to go up the ramp near the fast travel station. Along with new game content comes Crew Challenges in Borderlands 3:  Bounty of Blood DLC. This is the 3rd mission of the DLC. Grab a ride and make your way across the Blastplains, and into the Obsidian Forest. In the room, there is a treasure map on the chalkboard. This log can be found in Tallyway Station on a bench before entering the first building you come across with two circular doors. For anyone else who's looking, my last red chest was in the sauna near the end of the area (south end of the map). Obsidian Forest is a Location from Borderlands 3 and is on Gehenna. Jump down even lower to reach the jump-pad and return to the level above, and then jump off near the painted caution sign to be propelled sideways using a jump-pad through the doorway. View Players can also jump down from the very top of the building to reach the cache on a balcony area. This is where Trial of Supremacy takes place. Use jump-pads or climb to the top of the building and use a ladder to climb the rest of the way up to the cache. Check out this Borderlands 3 Bounty Of Blood Obsidian Forest Challenge Guide to complete them as you go through the game. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The cache will now be added to the player’s map. The Hall Obsidian is a location in Borderlands 3. If you find that you cannot break the crystal, you need to progress more in the main story to do so. Follow the path around and climb up the rocks at the end of the passage to your right to find the journal. These chests can give players an extra handful of loot to use to power up their character and get bonuses. MJ Cox is a board and video game enthusiast located in Kansas. After taking out waves of enemies you head through The Blastplains yet again except this time you're going to a new location "The Obsidian Forest" You meet a woman named Oletta. Follow Juno into town, and a treasure map will be hidden on the back of one of the buildings. In the Obsidian Forest, walk through the map to reach Oletta’s den. In the Blastplains, Ol Jessup’s cache is in Camp Amplecore, which can be accessed by turning left when the player first enters the area. Borderlands Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The enemy is easy to take out, just take your best build and shoot. That's Quite Challenging achievement in Borderlands 3: Completed all crew challenges on Gehenna - worth 30 Gamerscore. The Hall Obsidian BL3 Frequency Farm Location (Drop Location) The enemy that drops Frequency is Lectrikor. Pandora Sanctuary Promethea Athenas Eden-6 … Borderlands 3 is the fifth installment in the Borderlands series by Gearbox Software. Borderlands 3. They first task you with locating the missing beans, which is where the quest begins. Borderlands 3 (BL3) Light Show Farm Location (Drop Location) The enemy that drops Light Show is Lacodactyl. Zer0 Calc. Zane Calc. Hunt Target Guide Lasodactyl. Connections Shots penetrate enemies. Title given by the game is "Eridian Proving Ground". Fast travel or move closer to the map. It's a huge Eridian structure floating in space with its own life support and climate control systems. Borderlands 3: Bounty of Blood is available for the PlayStation 4, Windows, and Xbox One. "There can be only one" User Info: GreenKnight127. In the area with lots of pipes and carts, there is a wall with circles on it and a glowing red door. Take a left to go up the ramp near the fast travel station. Check the maps (the links above are a big help) and try going to any location that says it requires careful positioning. Interactive Map of Borderlands 3. Obsidian Forest Sato’s Saga Crew Challenges. The second Sato’s Saga Journal is inside one of the sewer tunnels. Not only will players have to find the cache, but the treasure map as well, as many times the loot is hidden away well enough that the map is needed to locate it. Light Show is a legendary pistol in Borderlands 3 manufactured by Vladof and is exclusive to the Bounty of Blood DLC.It can be obtained from any suitable loot source but has an increased chance to drop from Lasodactyl in the Obsidian Forest. Fast travel to Obsidian Forest – Crone’s Contentment in Gehenna. The game’s Bounty of Blood DLC introduces new content, weapons, and challenges to the game. The second chest is in a more secretive location. That’s Quite Challenging Complete all crew challenges on Gehenna. **NAME UNKNOWN** (We picked it up before getting the name…sorry!!) Satos Cache. Pandora Sanctuary Promethea Athenas Eden-6 Nekrotafeyo The Handsome Jackpot Xylourgos Gehenna Krieg's Mind Events. Find guides to this achievement here. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. One the map is picked up, the player can see the cache marked on their map. Cross the Blastplains, and Go to Obsidian Forest Head outside the town, and into Juno’s shed. Give me some light, away!Fires 4 projectiles in a cross shape, akin to a pyrotechnic light show. A one-stop shop for all things video games. CP77 ACV W3 SW:JFO ESO DA:I ELEX BL3 Rage 2 ATLAS FO76 ME:A F4 BT4 All Maps. One the map is picked up, the player can see the cache marked on their map. It's a huge Eridian structure floating in space with its own life support and climate control systems. Map Close Quarters. Sanctuary III via Drop Pod Shoot at the target that is visible through the spokes to open the door to the cache. Only after the Proving Grounds boss has been defeated, Vault Hunters are given the opportunity to use exit-only Fast Travel Station. Borderlands 3 (BL3) has 10 Sato’s Saga Journal Locations in the Bounty of Blood DLC. Make sure your difficulty is set to Mayhem 6 or higher. When she isn't writing, MJ likes to play her Nintendo Switch outdoors with her loving cat and baker's dozen of chickens. Salvador Calc. Use the map above to find the location of each of the Obsidian Forest Crew Challenges. Obsidian Forest. Borderlands 3 Maps, Game Guide & Walkthrough. Note from Tannis: Oh, don't be like that, it's like you've never seen a derelict alien megastructure with its own climate system before. The support can be jumped onto and used to reach a large can-shaped structure. For me, that was "Avie’s Fort" just off of Boomtown in Devil's Razor, the "Katagawa Pleasure Pit" in Skywell-27, and the "Jason Waterfalls" in Floodmoor Basin. The last area is accessed via a sheer drop preventing Vault Hunters to go back. This will lead the player to the large building with the clock on top of it at the far end of town. High splash: x5, x6, x10, x12: 2-4: You can run, but you can't hide. Once you meet Betty and Reba, you will interrupt an argument. Here i show where to find all Obsidian Forest Red Chests locations. There are a bunch of new Crew Challenges to complete in Borderlands 3: Bounty of Blood and for this challenge, you’re on the hunt for Sato’s Saga journals and caches. There are remnants of a shack here, and under the chest sits within the building. Act III > Wusao Caverns > The Obsidian Halls > Lower Olympus Add a photo to this gallery Ancient Dragonian Gilded Dead Grotesque Zombie Magma Sprite Sepulchral Wyrm Ormenos ~ Telkine You’ll want to climb the rock face to the right of the cave entrance to a passageway above. See the linked album for screens. Better to complete them now as opposed to having to come back later. Here is a portal that will take the player to a new location and the cache. This log can be found in The Last Dig. Smash it to free the wheel, and move onto the crate so that the character can aim through the spokes of it. There will be a rock surface at the bottom of a platform’s supports that can be jumped to. This reveals the location of the treasure on the in-game map. In Borderlands 3, there are certain chests that will always have exceptional loot (and a much higher chance of containing epic or even legendary loot). Good Prospects is the only Crew Challenge in Crater’s Edge. But no trophies for 100% map completion? Walk around the top of this structure to reach the cache next to some boxes. Good Prospects is a challenge that tasks players with digging up Ol’ Jessup’s treasure caches spread throughout the maps. Don’t transfer maps but drop down below and use the jump pad to get to the island across the gap. Weapons Shields Grenades Class Mods Artifacts. It will have a colorful sign above it, which makes it easy to spot. Gaige Calc. It's only minor but this and some maps not being coloured in properly annoys my exploration and completion OCD :). To […] The third hidden chest is in Obsidian Forest. 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