© Copyright Feb. 2020 J.K. Petersen, All Rights Reserved. Other common names in charms are Eloym and Sabaoth. is, the tool used to make the impression) and “Seal Impression” (that is, an February 25, 2019 by S. Nicolini (University of Bologna) reports that the cuttings appeared inside a 15th-century missal in the 19th century and were sold as part of an anonymous book collection. The result was a lively dialogue about how digital approaches can make medieval iconographic study more accessible to a diverse, global audience. Here’s a pestilence charm with a similar format and a brief partial-substitution cipher that I posted in June 2018: Names of angels are also very common in charms and general books of magic. Past articles have dealt with subjects as diverse as Byzantine fresco programs, Carolingian architectural diagrams, Jewish ritual images and the iconography of Raphael. It’s hard to find evidence of this style of merlon outside of northern Italy/Lombardy/Bohemia before the latter 15th century and the Cocharelli drawings are from the 14th century when their geographical distribution was quite limited. They are drawn as metal containers, but the one on the right is designed like a Christian monstrance. my end. Some rubricators or illustrators drew plants, animals, and many kinds of birds. The oiv sequences are in line-position 1 about twice as often as aiv sequences: Here is an example of these tendencies in VMS folio 28v: Could the “aiiv” group be a substitute for line-end padding and stretched-out letters? The age progression and tipped-over posture gave me a hint of their possible meaning: I believe this is a cradle-to-grave sequence, but did such a concept exist in medieval society? At this time of Michaelmas, a dive into the online collection of the Index of Medieval Art reveals a wealth of examples tied to the iconography of the revered archangel. It’s almost like an h badly melded with a k. It’s not quite a “b” (there is no bottom cross-stroke). Going to Kalamazoo this year? These ideas inspired discussion of the difficult balance between the strategies used by database specialists and the kinds of usability expected by twenty-first century researchers. Translation after Georg Daltrop in Leonard von Matt, Georg Daltrop, and Adriano Prandi, Art Treasures of the Vatican Library (New York: Abrams, [1970]), 168. This summer The Index of Medieval Art welcomed two students from the Master of Information program at Rutgers University to inventory the Index’s photographic archive. Walls with attached buildings were quite common in the Middle Ages. Here is a drawing of Padua, with a long wall and numerous towers topped by Ghibelline merlons, by Felice Celeste Zanchi c. 1300: But are they real or symbolic? The purity of the Virgin Mary is shown with lilies in a vase and a bowl or urn of water. covering a little over thirty-one hundred objects, Ivory represented a more © Copyright March 2020 J.K. Petersen, All Rights Reserved. Note how the the numbers run counterclockwise: If you are curious about what the mansions represent, look at the seventh house (on the right, next to the skeleton) and you will see the marriage ceremony. In Norway, the cleric Brother Robert translated the popular chivalric romance of Tristan and Iseult into Old Norse at the request of King Haakon IV. Sometimes it is written several different ways. Some had three or four. relief cameos, seals, and more intricate glyptic objects began to appear.[2]. As is common for all twelve labors of the months, iconographic variants occur among these images, and monthly tasks are not fixed. The left side doesn’t look like a duck, however, despite the blue color that is reminiscent of a mallard (blue is used for a lot of un-blue things in the Luttrell Psalter). [7] Klibanksy, Panofsky, and Saxl, Saturn and Melancholy, 197. A much later figuration of the planets is found in this sixteenth century “Book of Felicity” (Matali’ al-saadet) made for Sultan Murad III (r. 1574–1595), now in the Bibliothèque nationale de France, which contains images of the “exaltation” and “dejection” of the planets—that is, when they are in apogee and perigee (Fig. and the ‘Divine Comedy.’” PhD diss., University of Pittsburgh, 2007. The On the lower side of the top-right rosette, there is a simple square tower facing the rosette, but the tall tower is probably also a portal tower that faces the pathway on the other side (imagine standing on the rosette and looking toward the “path” as though you are seeing it from the back). It features a heavy wall and a single portal in the central recessed portion of a thick wall. But let’s investigate the plausibility of ahia. It was bi3mw’s post #70 on the Alchemical Symbolism thread that motivated me to go back through my notes and think about it again. short presentation will introduce the new subject taxonomy search tool that will (Early Christian art in the eastern part of the Roman Empire is usually considered to be part of Byzantine art.) Indoor cold weather occupations—including feasting, cooking, and baking—can be found in the previous months of January and December, often in similar compositions with fireplaces. These I. Saturday, May 11 at 10:30am [Session 346], Encountering Medieval Iconography in the Twenty-First Century: Scholarship, Social Media, and Digital Methods (A Roundtable). This was not the custom everywhere, there was a gradual shift from Pagan to Christian traditions that differed from region to region, but living together before marriage was not as uncommon or as counter-culture in the 15th century as I originally assumed. On the same day, the Guelf and Ghibelline exiles entered Genoa, apparently without great losses…. as gems, amulets, plaques, rings, and stamps, and the largest category, cameos, This is the Belgrade Gate which still includes parts of the original wall: Portions of the wall ran along the water and a chain was stretched over the canal to prevent undesired entry by boats. In the sub-group of Angels, you will encounter a list of over twenty iconographic headings associated with various angels, including seraphs, cherubs, and several more subjects for angels engaged in specific actions, such as “Protecting Soul” and “Pursuing Devil.” On the left are further divisions for the four major archangels of Christian angelology—Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, and Michael—which list the individual subjects related to each. Jakob de Tepenecz, one of the probable owners of the VMS, became quite wealthy from sales of his distilled products. Communicating with God. Outside of the apocalyptic combat scene, Michael also may be shown trampling and piercing the dragon as part of his overall iconography. Although David’s gesture to Here are two examples depicting seven stages: In other words, there were no set rules on how to organize the drawing, or how many stages to include. However, this is a slight overall trend. The VMS rosettes folio is full of these kinds of structures, almost too many to list in one blog, and MarcoP pointed out that Ellie Velinska had suggested tents for some of the shapes on the rosettes folio. A marginal miniature in the calendar of a fifteenth-century Book of Hours from Burgundy depicts a typical February scene with several of these domestic elements: a woman wearing a veiled headdress stokes a glowing fire in a simple stone fireplace while, behind her, a warmly dressed man seated at a draped table clings to a morsel of food (Fig. Manuscript Illumination A closely related subject, Michael the Archangel, Transfixing Satan, is applied to works of art in which the dragon has morphed into a devilish creature, usually shown with horns and clawed feet. Top-right is a fox and duck from the Gorleston Psalter. Saddlebacks were common in Bohemia/Bavaria, Alsace, and parts of eastern France in the Middle Ages. Articles. I have set guard to my mouth, when the sinner Many Crocodiles and tigers would be completely unrecognizable if they weren’t labeled. 1). In the Index database, Michael the Archangel is by far the best represented of the archangels, with thirteen subjects covering his various roles, from intercessor and commanding soldier to apparition in visions and legends. Subjects and Symbols in Art. Each was thought to have a distinctive personality, an idea still reflected in Gustav Holst’s orchestral suite The Planets, composed between 1914 and 1916. There are a number of ancient gates in Bosra, in southwest Syria. We hope that the Index roundtable at Kalamazoo was only the first word in a vibrant and expansive dialogue among an international community of creators and consumers of information about medieval iconography. In this Psalter, the initial D Dooms were encouraged by the early medieval Church as an instrument to highlight the contrasts between the reward of Heaven and the agony of Hell so as to guide Christians away from misbehaviour and sin. In this example, from Royal 2 Z xviii, a two-tone angled decoration, that can be repeated as necessary, fills the column: A similar format was used to pad the right-hand side in Pal.lat.26 except that the designs are more varied: Decorative padding was a creative opportunity. For a more general overview of the iconography of angels in the Index database, we encourage you to browse sections of the new subject classification network by clicking “Browse” and proceeding to the link for “Subject Classification.” From here, click on Religious Subjects, then Christianity, then Angels and Devils. sinful capabilities as it does of its usefulness as an obedient tool. Explore one of the most magnificent examples of medieval tapestry in existence. It’s possible that some of the fancier designs depicted on playing cards in the mid-15th century ended up in the collections of kings later in the 15th century or 16th century, when technology improved enough to fabricate more efficiently. Or a slip into thinking in Voynichese? Ornate enameling was sometimes inserted in the spaces between raised designs. © Copyright 2 May 2020 J.K. Petersen, All Rights Reserved. But, how often do we see David depicted with his tongue sticking The next line includes the word maria with crosses on either side (which I mentioned in 2013 might be the sign for genuflection), and there is one that looks like it was inserted as an afterthought between the a and the r. This is quite possibly an invocation to the virgin Mary: The word before “maria” is harder to discern. If the text on 116v is a medical charm, then Ahijah/Ahia/Ahiya would be an appropriate name, as Ahia the Shilonite was called upon in the Bible to be an intermediary between mortals and God in much the same way as Mary is asked to intercede on behalf of mortals in distress. There is a suggestion of a depression in the tops of some of the simpler containers. While studying this initial, I decided to use the tools in In this special two-part blog post, we are pleased to present their observations and accounts of their experiences. It is interesting that the walled city or castle at the top of the VMS folio was drawn with more Ghibelline merlons on the front than there on the back (similar to the Cocharelli depiction). Some scholars say Genoa, but the textual evidence seems to lean toward Acre.). What is common to all of them is the progression from youth to old age, and old age is frequently represented by semi-prone or prone figures and may include various styles of crypts or coffins. There are documents that support the presence of Pellegrino Cocharelli at some of the locations mentioned in the codex (C. Concina, 2016). It looks like ahia, but the “i” is oddly written and the last stroke of the h is oddly abrupt and slightly truncated. Myths, Mountains, and Spewy Things The interesting structures below are in the Psychro cave in eastern Crete. In the VMS, “aiv” patterns are not always preceded by EVA-d. Gold glass developed as a medium in the ancient Roman and Hellenistic periods and consisted of decorative engravings made in gold leaf, which were then sandwiched between fused layers of glass. Parts of the manuscript are in a more eastern style and there are several black people in African dress in the main illustrations and in the borders, as well as a person in the center of a feast who looks Asian: It makes you wonder if the grandfather who related these stories was a seafarer who traveled widely. only other information on the photograph card was the source of the image, the antiquities They are very recognizable and noticeably different from the drawing that resembles a platypus: Clearly, medieval illustrators drew geese a lot better than they drew crocodiles. Since posting this in 2013, I have also seen the word shortened to “Abrac” and “Arac” in textual charms. The preponderance of “a” and “o” (and the proximity of an “r” shape) is also a characteristic of the VMS main text. Baltazar, Iapher, Melchior, Abraham, Isaac, et Jacob, Sydrac, Misaac et Obednego, Marcus, Matheus, Lucas, Johannes, Ioron, Sizon, Tiris anfraton, adestote omnes in adiutorium ut a quacunque creatura voluere possim graciam impetrare. Sunday, May 12 at 8:30am [Session 505], Lost in Iconography? Often in such scenes, a man sits at a table spread with food and dishes. What might be even more interesting to Voynich researchers is sequences that are self-similar…. 140 objects) are recorded as “Location Unknown,” these items having been entered There are also some interesting containers on Cocharelli folio f7v in a fragment that has been completely cut away from the text: In contrast, the illustration of the Siege of Acre (Museo del Bargello), in which the Crusaders lost Acre, a city on the Levantine coast, Ghibelline merlons are not included except on a single portal in the lower center part of the city: (Note, there is some dispute about this being Acre. To decompose or interpret them, one has to learn about historic religious practices, both eastern and western, and to study hundreds of charms so that the general patterns become more evident. On the right is a platform tower with crenellations, possibly roofed. The book includes a reference to the papers of Alchemist Richard Napier and a statement on a flyleaf that “I” (the scribe) copied the book from an old manuscript written upon parchment (British Royal Commission). The Butcher’s Tower (below) is a hip-style gable with inward-sloping sides and roofing materials on all four sides. [1] This one, from 12th-century England, includes the dog pulling out the plant while two figures approach with hooks or spears: This 13th century example is the same basic theme, with the dog, and figures with spears, but the narrative is broken up into a series of panels: On the facing folio, the dog has done its job and two figures poke the root with hooked spears, but it is different from most depictions of mandrake in that a second figure is under the feet of the standing mandrake. On the right, Procne takes vengeance by feeding Tereus his child (note also the fancy containers). Note that this differs from most of the Wheel of Fortune drawings in that Fortuna is not present (there is a skeleton instead), there is no king at the top, and the emphasis is on maturing and aging rather than on one’s material standing, with a young boy on the left and a mostly prone figure on the bottom-right (and graves in the background): At this link you will see many more arrangements. d’antiquités égyptiennes, étrusques, greques, romaines et gauloises (Paris, He opens the door, receives them kindly and offers them food; the horse gets barley, the bull legumens, and the dog food from the table. This drawing is in the 14th-century Luttrell Psalter. The inventory of these and other remaining categories—including those This evening we’ll be exploring the scaling of Christ in Medieval artwork. But, considering that Philip IV of France was one of the more ardent opponents of the pope and friendlier than some French monarchs to the Holy Roman Empire (he was hoping to expand into that region as well, via family alliances), the Ghibelline merlon reflects his political leanings via a symbol that was familiar to Italian artists. 3). double meaning or moral lesson, as in the story of Tristan and Isolde depicted In this illustration, there are two entrance portals built along the water for accessibility by boat and for extra security. And it is apparently also the basis of “Ara”, an abbreviation used in a magic square with the following components: Note the similarity of Ara and Ora to “aror” on folio 116v of the VMS. Neverov and A. Durandin, Antique © Copyright 25 March 2020 J.K. Petersen, All Rights Reserved. The image of David thus prefigures the textual passages of the psalm In contemporary page layout, lines can be padded with software algorithms that add extra space between each character to fill the columns. But maybe it’s a different bird from a duck or goose. People are pointing, birds are knocked out of their flight by the boom from the “thunderstone”, and animals scurry for their dens: This illustration reminded me of the full-page drawing in the VMS that has multiple textures and emanations seemingly shaking the foundations of the earth. Seated at the hearth, a female servant, or perhaps the woman of the house, stokes the fire. and Durandin, Antique Intaglios, 8. 49v. A possible early figuration of the planet Saturn can be seen on this ancient papyrus fragment in the Metropolitan Museum of Art as an Egyptian deity (Fig. Both commentators connected Psalm 38 to an episode in Samuel, where David was viciously pursued by Absalom and abused by Shimei, who threw sticks and stones at him while he fled from Jerusalem. In other words, Morgan M.126 is an eclectic collection from a number of mythical, moral, and historical sources. [1], Gold glass was a Artistically, the Eye is comprised of six different parts. It has an almost onion-dome top and at the base of the image, there are more “towers” that look like pipes: Here is a link to an earlier (15th-century) image of an alchemy furnace with tower-like parts: https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/an-alchemy-furnace-miniature-from-alchemical-discourse-news-photo/142084494. than eleven hundred cards that record only about nine hundred objects. It’s like a larger version of a quill-pen case. This image of Nuremberg published in 1493 includes numerous cone- and gable-style roofs, several with globe and flag finials: Burgdorf was drawn very similar to Nuremburg, with a variety of gable- and cone-style roofs. But there are portions that resemble charms in terms of pattern, repetition, and successive lengths of tokens, so perhaps some parts of the manuscript were inspired by incantations or charms. I’ve collected thousands of images of containers but it’s difficult to find ones that are highly ornate that are similar to the VMS drawings that were created before 1460. Here is an example with names of angels (and other sacred personages). In 1310 and 1314, King Philip had many of them burned at the stake. (At thirty, he goes to war, strong like an ox, achieving the victory.). The “tower in the hole” has always made me wonder if the illustrator were suggesting a link to the underworld. On the right are two angels holding a chalice that has been enlarged to indicate its importance. Above all, we will remain available to support researchers at all levels in their use of the online Index database. One such initial appears in the Noyon Registration for the Symposium “Eclecticism at the Edges: Medieval Art and Architecture at the Crossroads of the Latin, Greek, and Slavic Cultural Spheres” is now open. 6). In a discussion of the possible ordering of the original Cocharelli codex folios, Concina mentions some of the political turmoil associated with the Guelfs and the Ghibellines: In the summer of 1308 Opizzino Spinola of Lucoli proclaimed himself the only captain of Genoa by deposing and imprisoning Bernabò Doria, who was his co-ruler in the traditional diarchy established for the government of the city. Stemming from the launch of the new database and enhancements of search technology and social media at the Index of Medieval Art, this roundtable addresses the many ways we encounter and access medieval iconography in the 21st century. Note how closely this pattern resembles aiv av aiiv av aiiv: In general, padding was added at the ends of lines, but the earlier examples illustrate that there were midline padding strategies as well. on ivory caskets, plaques, mirror cases, combs, and other fine domestic objects. The Index. Holst calls Jupiter “The Bringer of Jollity” and Saturn—colloquially also known as “Father Time”—“The Bringer of Old Age.” These names doubtless influenced the artistic expression in the series of dance performances for Holst’s Planets by the Princeton University Ballet in 2018 linked above. From Rutgers University, she also holds a Bachelor’s degree in English with studies in Art History and in Digital Communication, Information, and Media. (The artist does not show the thumb, which would hold the plectrum in place.) George, Daniel in the Lion’s Den, and the Good Shepherd. Today, we enjoy ample use of emojis, which add expressive practicing to this day. The drawings of Guillaume Revel are generally more accurate than castle drawings in storytelling manuscripts because part of his purpose was to document ducal holdings. linguae, or “sins of the tongue,” such as those assigned to fallen They then participated in a discussion of how they use and develop online resources, such as image databases, to reach students and researchers. At some point it was cut into pieces. thirteenth century (Fig. Seth is sexually indiscriminant, makes a deal with Horus to sodomize him, and leaves behind his supposedly poisonous semen (Herman te Velde, 1967). This stages-of-life diagram is a simple timeline. Notice the “spewy” things, all drawn in similar ways, but each taking a slightly different form (think of hordes of locusts or bees or frogs as are often mentioned in biblical literature): I’ve blogged at length about the “spewy” things in the rosettes folder, never quite knowing what they were, but only that they looked like connections between the inner and outer circles. If there is limited space, the archangels are often chosen over other angel names. The exaggerated size makes it possible for us to see the detailing on the foot (BL Royal 2B XIII). magnified tongues seems intended to show that significant body part that David was from the Index archive can now be seen as it appeared in the catalogue of the These fallen angels were said by some to be fallen stars. H. Randall, “Popular Romances Carved in Ivory,” in Images in Ivory: Precious Objects of the Gothic Age (Detroit There may have been a higher central tower above the doorway at the time of original construction: This basic format, a strong wall, a central portal, and a raised platform or tower over the doorway was common to many countries. In classical charms, a reference or invocation to Pagan heroes or gods was common. In medieval books of magic, drawing a circle in the dirt with a sword or stick is a frequent instruction, and incantations may be chanted from the edge or inner portion of the circle, depending on the specific kind of charm. [9] See lines 120–121: Gregory Nazianzen, “Julian the Emperor” (1888). It is written and abbreviated in numerous ways. Associated with the ambivalent nature of melancholy, Saturn was often configured as an old man with a handheld sickle (or a more “modern” scythe) and with a cloak draped over his head, but he can also hold a shovel, a wheel, and small nude figure, which he raises up as if to devour, a reference to the Greek myth in which he swallowed his children. Clippings have turned up in several different countries: England, Germany, Italy, and the United States. Another possibility is the Talpanas or “mole duck”. These Turkish guns were built sometime around the late 1450s: The siege guns actually look more like some of the “pipe” segments in the VMS pool drawings, but the naval swivel guns are vaguely like the VMS containers. For Index research staff, this means that our working desktops (both physical and virtual) and our carefully curated home libraries (whether lining our walls or nested digitally into desktop folders) will support our ongoing remote activities. 7). One important takeaway from the roundtable was the recognition that the role of the iconographer itself is changing. Examples are chosen from painting, sculpture, tapestries, glass, and enamels. See especially the classic Warburgian study by Raymond Klibansky, Erwin Panofsky, and Fritz Saxl, Saturn and Melancholy: Studies in the History of Natural Philosophy, Religion, and Art (London: Nelson, 1964). Here’s the background on some of the stages-of-life animal drawings… There are biblical interpretations about the life of man being increased from 30 to between 70 and 100 years by adding in the ages of animals who begged to live shorter lifespans to ease their lives of burden. It’s a little smaller, and doesn’t have glass in the foot, but it’s the same general idea: The chalice below is unusually ornate for its time. Often a young virgin boy was used to read the signs in water, oil, or other somewhat reflective surfaces. The way the path widens out where it appears to be steep is fairly common, as well, providing intermittent stopping places and viewpoints. The traditional use of spiritual amulets was This political implication continued until about the mid-15th century after which the merlons gradually became more decorative than political (and thereafter spread to other areas). Be sure to circle your programs for two exciting sessions on current topics in iconography, a roundtable and a workshop, co-organized by Maria Alessia Rossi and Jessica Savage of the Index of Medieval Art. Other database filters will discover results illustrating February in different media, such as a man warming himself in the quatrefoil stone relief sculpture on the west façade of Amiens Cathedral. It was the word oladabas on the second line and the repetition of six, morix, marix on the third line of VMS 116v that started me on this journey. Some of the textures on the nymph pages remind me of grottoes and caves. The well-fortified north-facing portal (left) has a platform and crenellations. The drawings are surprisingly detailed considering the small size of the codex (approx. What I learned from looking at manuscript drawings is that many of the containers were reasonably accurate, but some were embellished beyond what was technologically feasible. While its fires are long extinguished, this fine fifteenth- or sixteenth-century French limestone fireplace, today on display in the Met Cloisters, was likely once the architectural centerpiece of a home, and we can still imagine its appealing warmth (Fig. The cross has been a religious icon since the second century and represents Christianity. See also the Art Stories post by Bryan C. Keene, “Written in the Stars: Astronomy and Astrology in Medieval Manuscripts,” Getty Iris Blog (30 April 2019), https://blogs.getty.edu/iris/written-in-the-stars-astronomy-and-astrology-in-medieval-manuscripts/. 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Contemporary Italian Furniture, Sermon On Ezekiel 9, Black Corner Shelf, Trento Class Cruiser, Landing In English, Introduction To Finality,