Some of the most extravagant costumes come from a subculture that enjoys taking great care in re-inventing themselves in the vein of certain types of characters, anime characters included. Add a spoonful of cream if you are feeling extravagant. Such extravagant tales about the early celtic saints were very common. His whole soul was wrapped up in his only son, of whose abilities he had the most extravagant estimate and hope. Decorations for outdoor weddings can be as simple or extravagant as you choose. She was far too masculine in mind and temperament, and her extravagant addiction to the outward trappings of femininity was probably due to the absence or atrophy of deeper feminine instincts. The care and expense lavished upon these highly ornate structures would have been deemed extravagant even in medieval Europe. Imagine fruit ripened to perfection, imported cheeses, vintage wines, extravagant desserts, maybe even fresh seafood, artfully arranged in a basket and given to you. Stations also continue to be sold at extravagant prices. Giving an extravagant engagement gift to the bride-to-be such as a house or car? These notes from deeds, evidently collected by an honest inquirer, make no extravagant claims of ancient ancestry or illustrious origin for the Howards, although the facts contained in them were recklessly manipulated by subservient genealogists. When he spoke in extravagant terms of the happiness of his sovereign, Dionysius is said to have invited him to a sumptuous banquet, at which he found himself seated under a naked sword suspended by a single hair (Cicero, Tusc. He ran up stupendous debts through his, 7. Where, therefore, there is animal pollution of any kind, more especially where there is human pollution, generally indicated by the presence of bacillus coli communis, purification is of supreme importance, and no process has yet been devised which, except at extravagant cost, supersedes for public supplies that of properly-conducted sand filtration. Pendant lights-Pendant lighting is a sleek alternative to the more extravagant chandelier. However, take caution not to by an overly extravagant gift because you should save those types for wedding presents. talkies arrived in the early 30s, the extravagant beads and jewelry of the 20s disappeared as they interfered with the sound. Chicago wedding and event planners have the insider knowledge of the city to find that reasonably priced location downtown or the extravagant suburban location that offers you everything you dreamed about and more. Henry VIII 's pleasure palace Henry VIII (r. 1509-47) made Westminster even more important by building an extravagant royal residence there. If your mom, sister, or significant other is extremely practical, you can bet she would not be happy with extravagant spending, knick-knacks, or other "excessive" items. At the ensuing peace congress at Pereyaslavl he demanded terms so extravagant that the Polish commissioners dared not listen to them. In some cases, like with work or a close-knit group of friends, lots of people will chip in to give the happy couple one extravagant gift. The extravagant layering on the wedding cake resulted in it toppling over.He lived an extravagant lifestyle and was constantly in debt. Architecture is lighter, more frivolous, contains more extravagant gestures. tours for $250 that include priority ride access, reserved show seating, and other benefits. Your mom and grandma probably do not expect extravagant gifts. You'll find ready made party favors from simple to extravagant at your local party supply store or online at sites like the Oriental Trading Company. Just like with the television, however, extravagant sound mixing features aren't necessary and only serve to increase the cost. Depp has contributed a forward to one of Thompson's books, narrated his biography, and, when the author died in 2005, Depp paid for his extravagant funeral. Extravagant definition is - exceeding the limits of reason or necessity. Socialism was a more lasting phase, but her natural good sense revolted at the extravagant mummeries of Pere Enfantin and she declined the office of high priestess. No less lavish and extravagant were his charities .द्वारकानाथ की अकूत दानवृत्ति भी कुछ कम रईसी से भरी नहीं थी . Rick spent nearly a year’s salary on the extravagant engagement ring. 3) criticizes his writings as characterized by pomposity of style and an extravagant use of poetical epithets and compounds and far-fetched metaphors. That coat is an extravagance that you can't afford. In 3 9 he visited Athens, where he behaved in a most extravagant manner, assuming the attributes of the god Dionysus. "Moreover, in view of the fact that Jainism, which originated about the same time as Buddhism, inculcates the same principle, even to an extravagant degree, it seems by no means improbable that the spirit of kindliness towards living beings generally was already widely diffused among the people when these new doctrines were promulgated. 14. Enslavement befell the extravagant wife and unfilial children. 2. In his financial administration of the empire, Justinian is represented to us as being at once rapacious and extravagant. Among the 8 tomb pagodas of the Dalai Lamas, the 5th tomb is the most extravagant. As you can imagine, these were expensive toys and only the children in well off families played with such extravagant toys. However, for long-term girlfriends and wives, something more extravagant is often expected. Economy the poor man’s mints; extravagance the rich man’s pitfall. Extravagant cakes can cost upwards of twelve dollars. Soon after he was dismissed from all his offices on the following charges, - the concealment, as attorney-general, of a bond belonging to the king, a charge which could not be proved, illegal interference with the court of chancery and disrespect to the king in the case of commendams. extravagant lifestyle of the travel editor requires a contribution of 30p. The swampy regions of the Nile and of the Eastern province are characterized by an extravagant growth of papyrus and other rushes, of reeds and coarse grass. While they were struggling to enforce their claims to universal sovereignty, the royal power, less extravagant but more real, was welding together the feudal states of France and moulding the England of to-day. He travelled through Flanders and Picardy, denouncing the vices of the clergy and the extravagant dress of the women, especially their lofty head-dresses, or hennins. In the French drama an unimaginative imitation of ancient models had long prevailed; even in art Poussin and Le Sueur were successful by expressing a bias in the same direction; and in the first years of the revolutionary movement the fashion of imitating the ancients even in dress and manners went to the most extravagant length. The prince and princess entered Heidelberg on the 17th of June, and Elizabeth, by means of her English annuity, enjoyed five years of pleasure and of extravagant gaiety to which the small German court was totally unaccustomed. He displayed the heroic, epic value of American history, its unity with the great central stream, and dispelled for ever the extravagant conceptions of a sentimental world just emerging from the visionary philosophy of the 18th century. 1479115 Tom has an extravagant lifestyle. Remember that the party doesn't have to be extravagant or cost more than the wedding itself. The ease with which money was acquired in the war period, the acquiescence of the people, and the influences of extravagance and corruption engendered by the war, opened, at the return of peace, a period of extravagant expenditure that has continued with progressive increase down to the present. Learn the meaning of the word and increase your vocabulary while using Extravagant in a sentence. I go to that restaurant for lunch if I'm feeling, 4. Unless sin is to be awfully punished, the language of Scripture appears extravagant. During the World War, although he had at first put forward in letters to leading military authorities, since published, extravagant plans for the German annexations, he soon became a most active agent in attempts to draw the Allies into negotiations for peace. Synonym Discussion of extravagant. The highest perfection with regard both to form and decoration was reached in the 16th century; subsequently the Venetian workmen somewhat abused their skill by giving extravagant forms to vessels, making drinking glasses in the forms of ships, lions, birds, whales and the like. The most extravagant theory is naturally that which was expressed by the Portuguese advocates in connexion with the dispute as to the ownership of Delagoa Bay. The extravagance of all that the hagiologists claimed for him now seemed to make him a fraud. He was a man of extravagant and luxurious tastes, and, although he greatly improved the city of Dresden, he cannot be called a good ruler. The ambitions which Henry cherished, if extravagant, were never sordid; his patriotism, though seldom attested by practical measures, was thoroughly sincere. In these last the ballad-mongers, not to let their native hero be outdone by the Amadises, the Esplandians, and the Felixmartes, engage him in the most extravagant adventures - making war upon the king of France and upon the emperor, receiving embassies from the soldan of Persia, bearding the pope at Rome, and performing other feats not mentioned even in the Poem or the Chronicle. In typically extravagant yet classical Italian style, the 17th century cupola is formed by green and yellow majolica roof tiles. An electric toothbrush—at once practical and … 5. The general advancement of Australia, to the era of the goldmining, had been satisfactory, in spite of a severe commercial crisis, from 1841 to 1843, caused by extravagant land speculations and inflated prices. The most shameless bribery and the robbery of the well-to-do went together with the most extravagant luxury. 4. Stifling your child's imaginative processes can quench her fledgling spirit, so it's time to brush aside any adult cynicism and explore the world of extravagant girls' princess dresses! It has sometimes been supposed that Pascal, from 1651 or earlier to the famous accident of 1654, lived a dissipated, extravagant, worldly, luxurious (though admittedly not vicious) life with his friend the duc de Roannez and others. The woman was very flattered by the extravagant anniversary gift that her husband surprised her with. Add to this that Louis XIII., like Richelieu himself, had wretched health, aggravated by the extravagant medicines of the day; and it is easy to understand how this pliable disposition which offered itself to the yoke caused Richelieu always to fear that his king might change his master, and to declare that the four square feet of the kings cabinet had been more difficult for him to conquer than all the battlefields of Europe. He was also ordered by the council to revise his book of reports, which was said to contain many extravagant opinions (June 1616). Will Mary and Peter manage this somewhat extravagant but chilling mission or is the world as we know be plunged into a living hell! Architecture is lighter, more frivolous, contains more extravagantgestures. The work was bitterly attacked by Freeman, whose "extravagant Saxonism" Pearson had been unable to adopt. Of the many paradoxes in the Divine Legation, few are more extravagant than the theory that Virgil, in the sixth book of his Aeneid, intended to allegorize, in the visit of his hero and the Sibyl to the shades, the initiation of Aeneas, as a lawgiver, into the Eleusinian mysteries. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. I appreciate the kind things Mr. Anagnos has said about Helen and me; but his extravagant way of saying them rubs me the wrong way. 10. He presents himself as an altogether human person, brave enough in the field, and, at least when young, capable of extravagant devotion to an ideal, provided the ideal was fashionable, but having at bottom a sufficient respect for his own skin and a full consciousness of the side on which his bread is buttered. To ensure the support of his people the king had called an assembly of the three estates of his kingdom at Paris in April 1302; then in the following year Guillaume de Nogaret seized the person of the pope at Anagni, an event immortalized by Dante. The forecasts for the growth of e-learning are becoming more extravagant by the month. It doesn't have to be extravagant, just a token of appreciation. Although the extravagant prices paid at first almost ruined the planters, the traffic continued to flourish in hands of foreign concessionaires until 1820, when through English influence it was abandoned. 5. Simply lie back and indulge in the pampering of our extravagant treatments, from massages and body wraps to rejuvenating facials. CM 250652 My salary doesn't allow us to live extravagantly. Follow: Blog. The extortions by which he sought to raise money for his extravagant pleasures excited a rising known as that of the arme Konrad (poor Conrad), not unlike the rebellion in England led by Wat Tyler; order was soon restored, and in 1514 by the treaty of Tubingen the people undertook to pay the duke's debts in return for various political privileges, which in effect laid the foundation of the constitutional liberties of the country. The FBI was inadvertently aided by the gang members' extravagant spending. His styles are regularly featured on the red carpet, and some of his most famous evening shoes for women are often glowing with extravagant crystal embellishments. Extravagant as this noumenalism is, it was a healthy fantidote to the phenomenalism of the day. I can have a brainstorm and be very extravagant Hornblower hosts extravagant Mother's Day sightseeing cruises in the San Francisco area. Sleek N Chic has everything from simple bras to extravagant one-for-alls to shape your whole body. She conceived herself to be specially favoured by Christ, who appeared to her in the most extravagant forms. Both are declamatory, extravagant in character, highly lyrical and immediately establish the soloist as a romantic protagonist. From that date till 1864 the Radicals ruled the state, their head, Fazy, being an able man, though extravagant and inclined to absolutism. Yet, although, as Andral and other French physicians proved, it was extravagant to say that all fevers take their origin from some local inflammation, it was true and most useful to insist, as Broussais vehemently insisted, that "fever" is no substance, but a generalization drawn from symptoms common to many and various diseases springing from many various and often local causes; from causes agreeing perhaps only in the factor of elevation of the temperature of the body. He advanced into Italy at the head of a licentious and ruffianly soldiery, and Rome became the scene of riot and massacre, gladiatorial shows and extravagant feasting. Spamster 1 2266243 He gave extravagant tips. Can you use extravagant in a sentence? An example of extravagant used as an adjective is the phrase an extravagant purchase which means something expensive that … High quality example sentences with “extravagant personality” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English He made his first public appearance in Vienna in 1887, in Paris in 1889, and in London in 1890, his brilliant playing created a furore which went to almost extravagant lengths of admiration; and his triumphs were repeated in America in 1891. Themes can range from hosting an extravagant costume night (elves, reindeer, Christmas movie characters) to the simple idea of decorating in all one color. They don't have to be expensive, elaborate or extravagant. At last, by dint of fasting and lacerating her flesh, she succeeded in reducing herself to such a state of ecstatic suffering that she believed herself to be undergoing in her own person the Passion of the Lord. Extravagant as this sentiment sounds, it paved the way to better things. She courts publicity by inviting journalists to, 15. No matter how extravagant or simple the Christmas themed wedding is, it is not complete unless it includes at least one Christmas tree. Over 100,000 Hindi translations of English words and phrases. extravagant claims about the benefits of the new Wrexham Road bus lane. Many of the same items used in more extravagant centerpieces are perfect for creating a simple, clean look at your wedding reception. The Renaissance and the Reformation were awakening extravagant hopes in the minds of the German peasants, and it is still a matter of controversy among historians to what Tb extent Luther and the reformers were responsible for ~ their rising. Examples of extravagant in a sentence: 1. A diamond solitaire scalloped setting can be a delicate, elegant way to embellish an engagement ring without adding extravagant gemstones or bulk to the ring. Heavy beading and extravagant embellishments may not be comfortable, and heavily sequined attire will take away from your natural beauty and the beauty of your surroundings. Translations of the word EXTRAVAGANT from german to english and examples of the use of "EXTRAVAGANT" in a sentence with their translations: Extravagant , aber wirksam. Decorations can be as simple or as extravagant as you wish. The television should have a clean picture with good clarity and color, but extravagant features aren't necessary. The result was buoyant, extravagant, jewelry that women hungered for and cost less than comparable gem-bedecked pieces. Though Erasmus led a very hard-working and far from luxurious life, and had no extravagant habits, yet he could not live upon little. exquisite italian lingerie, exclusive brands, extravagant new styles -- that's what she wants -- not a three pack of minis! I go to that restaurant for lunch if I'm feeling, 13. Flesh-meat cannot be procured without injury to animals, and the slaughter of animals is not conducive to heavenly bliss: from flesh-meat, therefore, let man abstain. Her Aunt Sallie gave her an uncharacteristically, 20. Having worked out that we had barely a handful of sous between us, we didn't do anything extravagant. Embellishments: While extravagant embellishments certainly add personality to fancy dresses, they tend to weigh them down, too. 99 examples: The familiar failures of leadership and examples of extravagant demagoguery are…. Keep in mind that when you buy a designer dress, it should be flattering on you and not just be about a fancy label or extravagant price tag. In 1903 Count Billow declared in the Reichstag that the government was endeavouring to pursue a middle course between the extravagant aspirations of the Pan-Germans and the parochial policy of the Social Democrats, which forgets that in a struggle for life and death Germanys means of communication might be cut off. On the 1st of February 1713 he was attacked by the Turks in his camp at Bender, and made prisoner after a contest which reads more like an extravagant episode from some heroic folk-tale than an incident of sober 18th-century history. 2. He justified the most arbitrary and extravagant measures by the authority of visions from heaven, as others have done in similar circumstances. The upper class had extravagant chemises made. 3. You can look for cruise line reviews and find out which river cruises earn high marks within the gay community for their extravagant shows, luxurious rooms and exquisite dining options. Examples of extravagance in a Sentence The reorganization of the department was aimed at reducing extravagance. Schefer, Paris), a theoretical description of his religious and philosophical principles; and we can very well dismiss the rest as being probably just as apocryphal as Nasir's famous autobiography (found in several Persian tadhkiras or biographies of poets), a mere forgery of the most extravagant description, which is mainly responsible for the confusion in names and dates in older accounts of our author. Philip 's orders, of whose abilities he had the most common events that require more!, just a token of appreciation extravagance during a time of war define a style by transforming even the look! Well be doubted, however, whether his own extravagant desire for glory... 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