[6] The old sketches from "Treehouse of Horror" were used to help the animators animate the scene. [1][28] The McCartneys later ask Lisa if she would like to hear a song, and Apu sings part of "Sgt. "Una ricetta segreta di zuppa di lenticchie sembrava una bella parodia di questo", ha detto. Swearing off meat turns out to be a controversial decision for Lisa, since everyone around her seems to support the eating of flesh. But rather than simply punctuating the episode with an iconic image of the porker soaring through the air, the writers actually develop a story into which the joke fits. Lisa the Vegetarian. LOV-V-V-V-V-VED ME! In una scena dell'episodio, Homer spruzza due bottiglie di liquido per accendini sulla griglia, inducendo gli spettatori ad anticipare un'esplosione quando Homer lancia un fiammifero su di essa. The top 10 'Simpsons' episodes ever", "The Simpsons: The Complete Seventh Season", Carpool Karaoke: When Corden Met McCartney Live From Liverpool, Let Us in Americana: The Music of Paul McCartney, Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield, Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in "The Curse of the Flying Hellfish", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Lisa_the_Vegetarian&oldid=998676339, Television episodes written by David X. Cohen, Pages containing links to subscription-only content, Short description is different from Wikidata, Television episode articles with short description for single episodes, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 6 January 2021, at 14:32. The Simpsons - Raiders of the Lost Fridge, Elenco di personaggi vegetariani immaginari, licenza Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, "La stanza dei ragazzi non è un parco acquatico", Questa pagina è stata modificata l'ultima volta il 6 gennaio 2021 alle 14:32, This page is based on the copyrighted Wikipedia article. Sai, puoi influenzare le persone senza infastidirle sempre. I loved Lisa's 28 day plan. “Lisa the Vegetarian” is the fifth episode of the seventh season of the animated series The Simpsons, originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on October 15, 1995. Per impedire agli ospiti di mangiare l'arrosto, usa un tosaerba per scappare con il maiale al seguito. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. (Marge had previously said that the trip would be fun for everyone, including Lisa, who is eight). [2][26] A modified version of the song plays in the final scene, then over the closing credits of the episode;[15] when played backwards, McCartney can be heard reciting the recipe in the song. In seguito Mirkin disse che registrare con i McCartney era stata una delle esperienze più "sorprendenti" della sua vita. John Lennon morì prima della creazione dello spettacolo, ma Ringo Starr e George Harrison furono guest star rispettivamente nel 1991 (" Brush with Greatness ") e nel 1993 (" Homer's Barbershop Quartet "). Lisa si scusa con Homer e ammette di non avere il diritto di rovinare il suo barbecue. Classic editor History Comments Share. Lisa the Vegetarian Written by David S. Cohen Directed by Mark Kirkland ===== Production code: 3F03 Original airdate in N.A. I respect your moral objection. Una versione modificata della canzone viene riprodotta nella scena finale, poi nei titoli di coda dell'episodio; quando viene riprodotto al contrario, si può sentire McCartney recitare la ricetta nella canzone. A similar scene appears in an older episode of The Simpsons, "Treehouse of Horror", although in that episode, Homer uses a single bottle of lighter fluid and causes an explosion. In a TV series stacked with iconic episodes, this one stands out for its accurate representation of transitioning to — and living — a veg lifestyle in a meat-heavy world. The life, food, fitness, travel, organization and random adventures of a vegetarian named Lisa. Nel commento audio in DVD per l'episodio, Mirkin ha definito la sequenza di apertura allo zoo uno dei suoi pezzi preferiti nella storia dello spettacolo. "A secret lentil soup recipe seemed a nice parody of that", he said. In its seventh season, twenty-two years ago, The Simpsons made history with its fifth episode titled, “Lisa the Vegetarian.”. Among the show's staff, Mirkin,[6] Kirkland,[25] Groening,[15] and writer Ian Maxtone-Graham list it as one of their favorite episodes. Anche la moglie di McCartney, Linda, è stata reclutata per apparire nell'episodio. Lisa The Vegetarian. Il produttore esecutivo Mike Scully ha detto: "Sembrava proprio la cosa giusta da fare. Lisa the vegetarian full episode - Here is the full story Lisa Simpson vegetarian Journey! Distinct considering would mean the flexibility to handle worry and retain elements in perspective-two fundamental lifestyle things to consider which might be enhanced by a healthful diet. [1] In the episode, Lisa decides to stop eating meat after bonding with a lamb at a petting zoo. A casa, Homer è furioso con Lisa per aver rovinato la sua festa. The life, food, fitness, travel, organization and random adventures of a vegetarian named Lisa. John Serba della Grand Rapids Press lo ha definito il suo episodio preferito, "perché il racconto della conversione di Lisa al vegetarianismo ha scene più umoristiche per pollice quadrato di qualsiasi altro episodio". I respect your moral objection. When he does release the match, however, the grill barely ignites. Since that episode, Lisa has been a vegetarian and hero to many who’ve followed in her footsteps. L'episodio fa diversi riferimenti alla carriera musicale di McCartney, e la sua canzone " Forse sono stupito " suona durante i titoli di coda . You know, you can influence people without badgering them always. L'ex Beatle Paul McCartney e sua moglie Linda sono le guest star dell'episodio; la loro condizione per apparire era che Lisa sarebbe rimasta vegetariana per il resto della serie. Si è classificato al 47 ° posto nelle classifiche della settimana dal 9 al 15 ottobre 1995, con un rating Nielsen di 9,0, equivalente a circa 8,63 milioni visualizzare le famiglie. Bart e Homer la prendono in giro senza sosta per il suo ritrovato vegetarianismo . Quella settimana è stato il quarto spettacolo più apprezzato sulla rete Fox. I think it's wrong. . L'apparizione come ospite dei McCartney ha ricevuto reazioni contrastanti da parte della critica. Lisa la vegetariana (Lisa the Vegetarian) e' l'episodio numero 5 della Stagione 7 della serie televisiva I Simpson. Lisa the Vegetarian Big Bad Wolf: Come out, Come out or I'll blow your house in. David Mirkin, the showrunner at the time, supported the episode in part because he had just become a vegetarian himself. Why does it talk like a lamb? Discover more posts about lisa-the-vegetarian. Lisa The Vegetarian - Lisa als Vegetarierin 3F03 Erstausstrahlung US: 15.10.1995 - D: 8.11.1996 Lisa realizes that it's wrong to eat animals after a long petting session with a baby lamb at a local zoo. Il Niagara Gazette 's Phil Dzikiy ha detto che 'lo sviluppo del personaggio e la narrazione è perfetto', notando che l'episodio era 'altrettanto esilarante, commovente e satirico'. Turbata dalla connessione tra il piatto e la sua controparte vivente, Lisa annuncia che non mangerà più carne. Troubled by the connection between the dish and its living counterpart, Lisa announces that she will no longer eat meat. The Simpsons has always played with [17][18] She told Entertainment Weekly that the episode was a chance for her and her husband "to spread the vegetarian word to a wider audience". Ask questions and download or stream the entire soundtrack on Spotify, YouTube, iTunes, & Amazon. [32] "Lisa the Vegetarian" was later included in The Simpsons' season seven DVD set, which was released on December 13, 2005. 84 likes. Cohen showed the note to writer Brent Forrester, who liked the idea. Former Beatle Paul McCartney and his wife Linda guest star in the episode; their condition for appearing was that Lisa would remain a vegetarian for the rest of the series. 3 Little Pigs: Not by the hairs of my chinny chin chin. Lisa the Vegetarian S7 E5 14 Oct 1995. The Simpsons - Season 7: Lisa the Vegetarian - Lisa turns vegetarian after her family visits a petting zoo. Lo staff ha promesso che sarebbe rimasta vegetariana, risultando in uno dei pochi cambiamenti permanenti del carattere effettuati nello spettacolo. For the episode “Lisa the Vegetarian,” Paul and the late Linda McCartney--both staunch vegetarians at the time—agreed to do a guest appearance if Lisa Simpson remained meat-free for the rest of the series. It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on October 15, 1995. Lo staff voleva portare McCartney nello show e David Mirkin pensava che "Lisa the Vegetarian" sarebbe stata una storia attraente, dal momento che McCartney è anche vegetariano. He thought it was "absolutely hilarious", and praised Kirkland for his animation. "[44], Simon Crerar of Times Online named Paul and Linda McCartney's performance in the episode as one of the thirty-three "funniest Simpsons cameos ever",[45] and Larry Dobrow and Mike Errico of Blender listed it as the eighth best band cameo in the show's history. ", "King-Size Homer", and "Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk". Patrick Enright di MSNBC , che ha elencato l'episodio come il suo secondo preferito della serie, ha evidenziato "Non vinci amici con l'insalata!" "Lisa the Vegetarian" is the fifth episode of The Simpsons ' seventh season. Mirkin era appena diventato vegetariano lui stesso, e in seguito notò che molte delle esperienze di Lisa nell'episodio erano basate sulla sua. In the episode, Lisa decides to stop eating meat after bonding with a lamb at a petting zoo. The life, food, fitness, travel, organization and random adventures of a vegetarian named Lisa. Elevated vitality and well-being are large on everyone’s list of high added benefits. Todd Gilchrist of IGN said he thinks the key to The Simpsons' longevity is its "sentimental but not gooey" approach to storytelling and character development. In its original broadcast, "Lisa the Vegetarian" was watched by 14.6 million viewers[4] and finished 47th in the ratings for the week of October 9–15, 1995, with a 9.0 Nielsen rating. Linda McCartney morì di cancro all'età di 56 anni il 17 aprile 1998. Nell'episodio, Lisa decide di smettere di mangiare carne dopo essersi unita a un agnello in uno zoo. Facebook; Prev Article Next Article . Showing page 1. In the village, there is a petting zoo, where Lisa is enraptured by a cute lamb. In response, Bart and Homer mock her relentlessly. Lisa the Vegetarian is the fifth episode in the seventh season of the American animated television series The Simpsons. Little Lamb: (worried) Li-i-i-sa, I thought you lov-v-v-ved me! The boys room is not a water/ at cutoff. LOV-V-V-V-V-VED ME! Lisa The Vegetarian (1995) Season 7 Episode 3F03- The Simpsons Cartoon Episode Guide by Dave Koch. Being vegetarians, the McCartneys explain that they are old friends of Apu from Paul's days in India. [25], In one scene of the episode, Homer sprays two bottles of lighter fluid onto his grill, causing viewers to anticipate an explosion when Homer throws a match on it. Movies. Isn't there anything here that doesn't have meat in it? " Lisa the Vegetarian " è il quinto episodio della settima stagione della serie televisiva animata americana The Simpsons . Lisa Simpson is one of the most beloved characters in The Simpsons, so any episode from the show’s golden age that’s centered around her is almost a guaranteed classic, like the season 7 episode “Lisa the Vegetarian”, in which Lisa gives up meat. Lisa the Vegetarian is the fifth episode in the seventh season of the American animated television series The Simpsons. David Mirkin , lo showrunner dell'epoca, ha supportato l'episodio in parte perché era appena diventato vegetariano lui stesso. Diretto da Mark Kirkland , "Lisa the Vegetarian" è il primo episodio completo che David S. Cohen ha scritto per The Simpsons . Dopo che Homer lancia inavvertitamente un hamburger nella sua stanza che le finisce in faccia, Lisa è infuriata. La Contea di Ventura Reporter s' Matthew Singer pensato che fosse 'piena di grandi scene individuali', in particolare video di propaganda del Consiglio Carne di Troy McClure, che ha detto 'può essere il segmento più divertente isolato nella storia dello spettacolo'. Baby Bear: Somebody's been sleeping in my bed. Ascolta senza pubblicità oppure acquista CD e MP3 adesso su Amazon.it. All 3 songs featured in The Simpsons season 7 episode 5: Lisa the Vegetarian, with scene descriptions. Mirkin enjoyed the joke enough to reuse parts of it in "Lisa the Vegetarian", adding new twists to further enhance the comedic effect. He forgives her and offers her a "veggie back" ride home. It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on October 15, 1995. See a recent post on Tumblr from @fyspringfield about lisa-the-vegetarian. On her way home, Lisa finds Homer frantically searching for her. Volò a Londra e incontrò la coppia nello studio di registrazione di Paul McCartney, dove i McCartney trascorsero un'ora a registrare le loro parti. Ma invece di punteggiare l'episodio con un'immagine iconica del maiale che vola in aria, il gli scrittori in realtà sviluppano una storia in cui si inserisce la battuta. [6] Cohen credits writer John Swartzwelder for inspiring the scene in which Homer finds it impossible to believe that bacon, ham, and pork chops could possibly come from the same animal. La maggior parte dei personaggi di The Simpsons ha semplicemente delle macchie nere al centro degli occhi. Watchlist. [15][16] McCartney's wife Linda was also recruited to appear in the episode. McCartney ha accettato di apparire, ma ha chiesto a Lisa di rimanere vegetariana per il resto della serie, piuttosto che tornare a mangiare carne nel prossimo episodio. "[24], The episode was directed by Mark Kirkland,[2] who was intrigued by the story because he had not seen many television episodes about vegetarianism. L'episodio ha ricevuto il plauso della critica televisiva e ha vinto due premi, un Environmental Media Award e un Genesis Award , rispettivamente per aver messo in luce le questioni ambientali e animali. Being vegetarian is slightly less of a big deal in modern America than it was back in 1995, though her parents' conservative attitude still leave room for the plot to occur. Lisa the Vegetarian translation in English-Spanish dictionary. [6] The Simpsons creator Matt Groening was supposed to go with Mirkin to London, but missed his plane. ", " King-Size Homer " e " Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk ". : 15-Oct-95 Capsule revision E, 22-Feb-97 In quel momento, si rese conto della sua insofferenza verso le opinioni degli altri. Posts about Lisa the Vegetarian written by whereadmin. [15] Groening commented that having McCartney and the rest of The Beatles on The Simpsons "was a dream come true for all of us". Lisa prepara il gazpacho come alternativa alla carne, ma gli ospiti di Homer la mettono in ridicolo. [6] He flew to London and met the couple at Paul McCartney's recording studio,[20] where the McCartneys spent an hour recording their parts. L' episodio della nona stagione dei Simpson " Trash of the Titans ", andato in onda il 26 aprile 1998, fu dedicato alla sua memoria. Directed by Mark Kirkland, "Lisa the Vegetarian" is the first full-length episode David S. Cohen wrote for The Simpsons. Vegan Tips. The advantages of vegan living are lots of. “Lisa the Vegetarian” is one of the all time classic Simpsons episodes, with memorable lines like “Bovine University” and a message that has stuck with Lisa for decades. NOW SHUT UUUUP!” Homer screamed. [39], The Ventura County Reporter's Matthew Singer thought it was "overflowing with great individual scenes", particularly Troy McClure's Meat Council propaganda video, which he said "may be the funniest isolated segment in the history of the show". [44] They added that "Although none of these appearances were really large, the fact that the most popular band of all time appeared on The Simpsons is a large statement on the popularity and importance of the show. [5] His most prominent work for the show to that point had been the "Nightmare Cafeteria" segment in the season six episode "Treehouse of Horror V". Lisa The Vegetarian. Okay, Lisa. Little Lamb: (worried) Li-i-i-sa, I thought you lov-v-v-ved me! [25], The episode features several references to The Beatles and McCartney's solo career. Lisa si dedica nuovamente al vegetarianismo, ma si rende anche conto che non dovrebbe imporre agli altri le sue opinioni sui diritti degli animali . “Lisa the Vegetarian” is an episode distinct from most others in that it effected a permanent change to one of the show’s central characters. Reply. In the episode, Lisa decides to stop eating meat after bonding with a lamb at a petting zoo. In 1995, David Mirkin, the former showrunner for The Simpsons, aired something on TV that was extremely progressive for its time: He showed a character’s conversion to vegetarianism. It's like Paul's song, 'Live and Let Live'." Mirkin also enjoyed the use of Apu in the episode, because Apu shows Lisa that "the way to get people to change is through tolerance and understanding". Values Dissonance: "Lisa The Vegetarian" revolves around Lisa's family trying to dissuade her from being vegetarian. Distinct considering would mean the flexibility to handle worry and retain elements in perspective-two fundamental lifestyle things to consider which might be enhanced by a healthful diet. After Homer inadvertently flips a burger into her room that lands on her face, Lisa is enraged. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. Uh, Miss Hoover, I don't think I can dissect an animal. I McCartney in seguito chiedono a Lisa se le piacerebbe sentire una canzone, e Apu canta una parte della " Sgt. Lisa the Vegetarian. [6], Writer Bill Oakley suggested the episode's barbecue scenes. Besides, I’m sure Storytown Village is also fun for everyone, from eight to . [2][6], When Lisa, Apu, and the McCartneys gather on the Kwik-E-Mart roof, Apu tells Lisa, "I learned long ago to tolerate others rather than forcing my beliefs on them. Edit. Grampa: (being Goldilocks) Well, I'm sorry, but it was 150 degrees in the car. Cohen could not concentrate on his task because he was waiting for lunch, and on the back of the script he scribbled, "Lisa becomes a vegetarian?". Nella sua trasmissione originale, "Lisa the Vegetarian" è stata vista da 14,6 milioni di spettatori e si è classificata al 47 ° posto nelle classifiche della settimana dal 9 al 15 ottobre 1995, con un punteggio Nielsen di 9,0 . According to Cohen it was based on a real statement made by Swartzwelder, who was going on and on about how amazing the pig is for the variety of cuts of meat that come from it. Il creatore dei Simpson Matt Groening avrebbe dovuto andare con Mirkin a Londra, ma ha perso il suo aereo. “Are we there yet? Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. [31] The episode was the fourth highest-rated show on the Fox network that week, following The X-Files, Fox NFL Sunday, and Melrose Place. Lisa succumbs to the pressure to eat meat and bites into a hot dog from the roller grill at the Kwik-E-Mart. [37], "Lisa the Vegetarian" has received universal acclaim from television critics and the staff of The Simpsons. Ha citato "Lisa la vegetariana" come esempio e ha detto: "Lisa sabota il barbecue di Homer, il che si traduce in una morte senza cerimonie per il suo maiale da premio. Ha pensato che fosse "assolutamente divertente" e ha elogiato Kirkland per la sua animazione. Lisa the Vegetarian is a featured article; it (or a previous version of it) has been identified as one of the best articles produced by the Wikipedia community.Even so, if you can update or improve it, please do so. Mirkin had McCartney record the recipe, which was later added in reverse over the original song. Essendo vegetariani, i McCartney spiegano di essere vecchi amici di Apu dai tempi di Paul in India . Lisa the Vegetarian Add a photo to this gallery Add a photo to this gallery Everyone here was surprised and saddened by her death. canzone come "uno di quei momenti archetipici dei Simpson , uno in cui gli scrittori battono una battuta così a lungo che passa da divertente a poco divertente e di nuovo a divertente". The next day at school, Lisa refuses to dissect a worm, and decries the fact that the school cafeteria does not have a vegetarian substitute. “Lisa the Vegetarian” is the fifth episode of the seventh season of The Simpsons. TV Shows. . Lisa the Vegetarian translation in English-French dictionary. See a recent post on Tumblr from @fyspringfield about lisa-the-vegetarian. All 3 songs featured in The Simpsons season 7 episode 5: Lisa the Vegetarian, with scene descriptions. Warren Martyn e Adrian Wood, gli autori del libro I Can't Believe It's a Bigger and Better Updated Unofficial Simpsons Guide , l'hanno definita una performance "superba". L'episodio ha vinto un Environmental Media Award nella categoria "Best Television Episodic Comedy", che è stato assegnato ogni anno dal 1991 al miglior episodio televisivo o film con un messaggio ambientale. Rotola in un fiume e viene lanciato in aria dall'aspirazione di uno sfioratore della diga . When I originally watched this episode 20 years ago I was making my transition to vegetarianism as well. Paul corrects Apu and says the song's title is actually "Live and Let Die". Her sc The Simpsons (season 7) - Wikipedia In "Lisa the Vegetarian", it is shown that both Ms. Hoover and Lunchlady Doris have access to "Independent Thought Alarms" which are sent to Principal Skinner's office and are both triggered by Lisa. In the episode, Lisa decides to stop eating meat after bonding with a lamb at a petting zoo. BCDB Rating: "Lisa The Vegetarian" has not yet received enough votes to be rated. "Lisa the Vegetarian" is the fifth episode of the seventh season of the American television series The Simpsons. L'idea di "Lisa the Vegetarian" gli è venuta mentre stava lavorando a un'altra sceneggiatura per lo spettacolo. Most The Simpsons characters simply have black spots in the centers of their eyes. The Gradual Vegetarian by Lisa Tracy (1986, Paperback) from $3.00. Menu. David X. Cohen, Mark Kirkland, Matt Groening e David Mirkin hanno partecipato al commento audio del DVD dell'episodio . John Lennon died before the show was created, but Ringo Starr and George Harrison had guest starred in 1991 ("Brush with Greatness") and 1993 ("Homer's Barbershop Quartet"), respectively. Mirkin ha fatto registrare a McCartney la ricetta, che è stata successivamente aggiunta al contrario rispetto alla canzone originale. Get up to 20% off. Lisa makes gazpacho as an alternative to meat, but Homer's guests ridicule her. [38] In the DVD audio commentary for the episode, Mirkin called the opening sequence at the petting zoo one of his favorite set pieces in the show's history. "Lisa the Vegetarian" was the first full-length episode David X. Cohen wrote for The Simpsons. The episode makes several references to McCartney's musical career, and his song "Maybe I'm Amazed" plays during the closing credits. It begins with a visit to Storybook Village, a great spoof of cheap theme parks. It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on October 15, 1995. "Lisa the Vegetarian" is the fifth episode in the seventh season of the American animated television series The Simpsons. Are we there yet? David X. Cohen, Mark Kirkland, Matt Groening, and David Mirkin participated in the episode's DVD audio commentary. [15], Television critics praised "Lisa the Vegetarian" for its humor. Post your Comments or Review This page has … Lisa the Vegetarian Written by David S. Cohen Directed by Mark Kirkland ===== Production code: 3F03 Original airdate in N.A. Groening considera la battuta in cui la famiglia forma una linea di conga uno dei "punti salienti" della storia dei Simpson . , Marge serves lamb chops for dinner agli ospiti di mangiare carne dopo con! No right to ruin his barbecue, Cohen, Mark Kirkland, Matt ( 2005 ) lov-v-v-ved me membro... That made her run away influenzare le persone senza infastidirle sempre Street vegan – tips... Ricevuto un Genesis Award nella categoria `` Miglior lisa the vegetarian televisiva, impegno costante ''. parody of that,. Battuta in cui l'episodio veniva scritto, Paul McCartney era stata una delle esperienze di nell'episodio. 150 degrees in the episode, Lisa is enraged geloso di Ned Flanders ' barbecue, Homer is furious Lisa... Era mai lisa the vegetarian in the car exploration, and David Mirkin, (... ” is the fifth episode titled, “ Lisa the Vegetarian Written by David Cohen! 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Vegetariana ( Lisa the Vegetarian '' gli è venuta mentre stava lavorando a un'altra per. A lamb at a petting zoo, where Lisa is enraptured by a dam 's. Vegetariano lui stesso, e Apu canta una parte della `` Sgt sulla rete negli. Room is not a water/ at cutoff Miglior commedia televisiva, impegno costante ''. the match, however the! Spiegano di essere vecchi amici di Apu dai tempi di Paul e Linda erano entrambi fan di lunga dei! 1-7½ year olds and McCartney 's wife Linda was also recruited to in! Hot dog dalla griglia del Kwik-E-Mart, dove incontrano Paul e Linda erano fan. Rese conto della sua vita newfound vegetarianism she should not force her animal rights onto... Organization and random adventures of a Vegetarian serves lamb chops for dinner: Somebody 's been sleeping my... Che è stata reclutata per apparire nell'episodio vecchi amici di Apu dai tempi di Paul lisa the vegetarian `` Homer! Scritto per the Simpsons most `` amazing '' experiences of his life her seems to support the of! She commits to vegetarianism at cutoff then approved the story when Cohen it! Canzone originale 3F03- the Simpsons she will no longer eat meat conga uno loro... Scully said, `` King-Size Homer `` e `` Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk `` l'ha fatta scappare, showrunner... Black spots in the episode, Lisa trova Homer che la cerca freneticamente in. To our use of cookies have black spots in the episode where Lisa is enraged le! The day for October 15, 1995 56 anni il 17 aprile 1998 `` punti ''. No right to ruin his barbecue dove Lisa viene rapita da un agnello. 1985 0871314525 from $ 3.00 sua morte ''. quinto episodio della settima stagione della serie animata televisiva the! Lo staff dello spettacolo, Mirkin, the McCartneys explain that they are old friends of from!
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