Find out more about our pastors and history of the church. And the most valuable gift to give to yourself and your loved ones. I Thank God for His goodness and for all He has done for me this year. PRAYER POINTS AGAINST STAGNATION AND LIMITATIONS Thank God for His goodness and for all He has done for you this year. Any power given the mandate to curse and hinder y progress, summersault and die, in the name of Jesus. Isaiah 6 vs. 5. 7. 12.Just like the wall of Jericho Fell, Every barrier of limitation assigned against me, fall down and crumble in Jesus’ name. Be with organizations all over the world as they fight against poverty and homelessness. Bless you, thank you for the prayer points. Now Faith Is. Saved by Sasha Bianca. Every unspoken curse against my life, break, in the name of Jesus. 21.Every unspoken curse against my life, family, education, marriage ,ministry, employment, career, business and destiny be broken now by the blood of Jesus. 32:17-19; Luke 1:37 Introduction A limited man is a restricted man who suffers in the midst of plenty. You inward curses, militating against my virtues, break, in the name of Jesus. 4.Spirit of God, draw me closer into a new and intimate relationship with You from now, in Jesus’ name. Hebrews 12 vs. 24. ... sickness, poverty, untimely death, retrogression, lack and failure at … Spirit of God, draw me closer into a new and intimate relationship with You from now, in Jesus’ name. Jesus, I pray that you open my eyes to opportunities of advancement for me in all areas of life today, in Jesus name. I declare and decree that I am delivered and I am free from every chain, bondage, affliction, curse, limitations, stagnancy , failure and generational sicknesses and situations in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of The Living God who’s blood breaks every bondage in Jesus’ name. Prayer Points. Prayer to deal with satanic delays and stagnation. CAUSES OF STAGNATION. Father God I thank You for today and pray that every word, decree, proclamation or pronouncement that will proceed from my mouth will be fulfilled by the power of the Holy Ghost, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 7.By the power of the Holy Spirit, I take authority over every financial bondage & deliver myself in Jesus’ mighty name. Prayer points against stagnation and limitations. 3. By subscribing you agree to receive our newsletter and agree with our, © Copyright 2020 | New Generation Chapel | All Rights Reserved |. Jacob and Laban. Every curse pronounced against my destiny, BREAK, in the name of Jesus Christ. The dream of stagnation hinders progress and makes a person to run around in circles. This website uses cookies and third party services to enhance your experience on the site. It has nothing to do with wealth or lack of it. To pray against dream of stagnation is to determine to make progress. Every satanic barrier designed to hold me back from my … Isaiah 41:10, ”Fear thou not; for I [am] with thee: be not … Every altar of poverty in my place of birth, working against my prosperity, burn to ashes, in Jesus name. You can take your stand against delay through this prayer. The session is titled: destroying altars of poverty. 30 Days Deliverance Prayers against the spirit of Poverty and Lack. PRAYER POINTS AGAINST STAGNATION AND LIMITATIONS PRAYER POINTS AGAINST STAGNATION AND LIMITATIONS. A spirit of poverty can oppress, even the wealthy. Make us content with nothing less than a world that is transformed into the shape of love, where poverty shall be no more. 10 Prayers To Crush The Poverty Mindset Is your mind shackled and controlled by the spirit of poverty. Prevailing against blockages and hindrances Every stronghold, Lord, let it vanish at the sound of Your great name! Inspirational Quotes. 1. 15.By the hammer of Jehovah , Every curse operating in my family line, 16.The forces of darkness assigned to tie me to one spot, I command you to. 1. 6.I boldly declare that I shall not die, but live to fulfil my God-given destiny in the mighty name of Jesus’ Christ. 19.Every Spirit of stagnancy I reject you and I bind you. 3.Jehovah ,rekindle Your precious, Holy and purifying fire in me, in Jesus’ name. Every cage of poverty, roast to ashes, in the name of Jesus. 2. Visit this page to learn more about what we believe. 4. Powerful prayer points against stagnation and limitations prayerfully crafted to help you overcome stagnation and limitations; and prevail in all areas. The dream of stagnation can make a person to work hard, but will remain at one spot. 2 Corinthians 10 vs. 5. 1. You are my help and my deliverer; Do not delay, O my God.”. Blood of Jesus, arise by your cleansing power, wash my polluted foundation in Jesus name. Many people below the “poverty level” are not oppressed by this spirit. Today I deliver myself from every self-pronounced curse, by the fire of the Holy Ghost. I command it to be cast of my life and it’s influence wiped out with the blood of Jesus Christ. Raise me up, so that I will overcome mountains and prevail against any blockage, barrier or hindrance in my life. To stay up to date with our ministry, sign up for our e-mail newsletter. Prayer Against Stagnation, Limitation, Set backs . Psalm 18 vs. 29. You can learn more about how to intercede for people in need and pray for yourself. Lord, rekindle Your precious, holy and purifying fire in me, in Jesus’ name. Job 22 vs. 28 a, b. I pray that as I decree today, the light shall shine upon my ways, business, family, job, health, marriage and projects. For this reason, I beg for the forgiveness of all my sins and iniquities. These powerful prayer points against stagnation with bible verses could also be combined with the prayer points against stagnation and limitations for thorough effects. I come against every oppressing or limiting force of the enemy against my life stationed to tie me down to one level or to one spot, as a result of my place of residence. In Genesis chapter 29, Jacob set out to marry Rachel, the love of his life. Every curse pronounced inwardly against my destiny, break, in the name of Jesus. 2. Philippians 2 vs. 9. Psalms 40:17Since I am afflicted and needy, Let the Lord be mindful of me. Join us to intercede for prayers which have been submitted on our website. Use these powerful prayer points against stagnation of any kind, coupled with Bible verses to break yourself free from the strongholds of stagnation. Job 22 vs. 28 c. And, I set myself free from every self-imposed limitations, bounds, boundaries, constraints and borders which has brought stagnation upon my life. Prayer is the most powerf ul weapon against trials. 22.I release from my life every cycle of failure, disappointments, sickness and frustration, in Jesus’ name. You can also edit or delete any request. The session is titled: destroying altars of poverty. And, I command it to depart from me now, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. PRAYER POINTS FOR DEALING WITH THE SPIRIT OF LIMITATION Anchor Scriptures: Mark 11:1-10; Matthew 15:13; Genesis 26:1-14; Acts 28:30-31; Genesis 18:13-14; Isaiah 43:18-19; Jeremiah. 14.Any power assigned to obstruct and curse my life,I bind you and I paralyse you in the name of Jesus. Sunset Quotes .. Check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription. Lord, every foundation of Hatred that has been built against my destiny – uproot them. Gather yourself up and begin to release prayer bullets against these powers. ... poverty and shame. Confession: Psalm 124, Psalm 126. Prayer Against Stagnation Posted on August 15, 2019 ... poverty, untimely death, retrogression, lack and failure at the edge of success, in Jesus name. If you want to be delivered from witchcraft, evil cycles, generational curses, spirit of poverty, stagnation, evil dreams, blockage, struggles or sickness. Find out more about who we are, what we believe, our focus and vision. I feel blessed and thankful coz I have learned how to free myself from stagnation. Not everything has happened in the time frame we wanted them. Father empower me to continue and prevail in prayer in Jesus’ name. 18.Every mountain on my way to success and victory, be removed! Moreover, I revoke every thought or word I have spoken in the past which has given Satan or demons the legal ground to inflict my life with any form of stagnation. 5.Oh God, revive me and restore me in every area of my life, in the name of Jesus Christ. Posted on March 28, 2019 Posted By: prayerpoints Categories: Prayer Points. Be a part of our weekly services or join us online. Every yoke of stagnancy operating in my life, break by fire, in the name of YAHSHUA. We have compiled a list of prayer against debt and poverty to help free people from this two cankerworm that has destroyed the lives and destinies of many. 6. Topic: Warfare Prayers against the Spirit of Poverty and lack. 2. 17.Father God, have mercy on me and turn every curse I brought upon myself due to disobedience to blessings, in Jesus’ name. Stagnation is real, and its from the pit of hell. Thank you for signing up. 11.Every curse working against my prosperity and the fulfilment of my goals. Our prayer request form enables you to directly send us your prayer request. Romans 10 vs. 10. However, to have a good understanding of what stagnation is, its signs, causes, effects and how to overcome it, click here. Dear Jesus, our Savior, thank You for all my blessings, and may I work for You daily, storing up my treasures in heaven. 29. I refuse and reject from my life every form of procrastination, in Jesus’ name. Anyone who has ever tried to live by faith has experienced delays. of justice, peace and an end to poverty. The scriptures says in 2Corinthians 10: 4 4. Breath of God, let there be abundant life. The forces of delay and denial are responsible. 2.Father let Your anointing fall on me afresh and empower me to continue and prevail in prayer in Jesus’ name. Every generational and ancestral sin sentencing me into stagnation: I renounce and divorce you by the power of the Blood of Jesus. By the authority in Jesus’ name, I decree and declare that every spiritual, or financial, or economic and or marital flood besieging me, flow back to the desert. According to the dictionary definition being stagnant is the state of being dormant. Psalms 89 vs. 22. Prayer Points: Lord Jesus, the scripture says we can’t be in sin and ask that grace abounds. Ephesians 6:12 says, For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. PRAYERS FOR THE LABOUR OF MY HANDS. And I destroy them from my life every hindrance and stagnation I have brought upon myself as a result of my words, actions or thoughts. Every satanic priest, ministering against my prosperity in any evil altar, die by fire, in the name of Jesus. Every power tying me down to one spot, PERISH! Thank God for what He has done for you this year. Quotes By Genres. Every curse that has brought stagnation upon my life because I live or had lived in a curse location, I command it broken from life.Isaiah 6 vs. 5. 2 Corinthians 10 vs. 5, Any person or personality attached negatively to my destiny because of my present or past place(s) of residence, I command such to be detached from my life and destiny. 1 Thessalonians 5 vs. 18, Confess and repent of all sins (known and unknown, willingly or unwillingly committed) – 1 John 1 vs. 9, Ask God to forgive you and cleanse you from all unrighteousness in Jesus’ name – 1 John 1 vs. 9. Every satanic priest, ministering against … The most effective medicine against sickness. ///// (((Destroying The Cage Of Poverty))) 57. “Since I am afflicted and needy, Let the Lord be mindful of me. Through prayer, you can conq uer all things. Always visit for more prayer points, especially at this time we will be publishing our end of year prayers and declarations for the new year soon. 5. The prayer points for the new year 2020 can be found here. Some are provoked by us by the things we do and we bring enmity against us that is avoidable. As a child of God, I set myself free from every bondage to one level, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. The New Year 2021 Prayers and Scriptural Declarations, prayer points against stagnation and limitations, PRAYER POINTS AGAINST STAGNATION AND LIMITATIONS, Thank God for all He has done for you and for the gift of life. I refuse to remain in the position, state or condition I have been enclosed in for some time. He cannot go beyond the limit the enemies have set for him. If you have submitted prayer request on our website, visit this page to see your prayer history. Holy Spirit deliver me from profitless hard work and let success be mine in Jesus name Galatians 6:17 says, It is written, From henceforth let no man trouble me: For I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus. 2. Jumpstart your prayer life today with empowering, uplifting and inspiring 30 Days of Prayer. Thank you for those wonderful prayer points. PRAYER POINTS. Jun 27, 2016 - 21 Day Prayer Against Poverty & Lack In Your Life | Jun 27, 2016 - 21 Day Prayer Against Poverty & Lack In Your Life | Explore. Incarnate God, you taught us to speak out for what is right. 2. Quotes. PRAYER POINTS. 10.Every curse pronounced against my destiny, BREAK, in the name of Jesus Christ. 8.By the power in the blood of Jesus I set myself free from bondage to failure, sickness, poverty, untimely death, retrogression, lack and failure at the edge of success, in Jesus name. You need to be very conscious of who you are if you want to break away from backwardness and stagnationand move to the mountain top of life. We trust that this edition of the “ 90 SPIRITUAL WARFARE PRAYER POINTS AGAINST POVERTY AND STAGNANCY” devotional will enhance your spiritual growth and development, and position you for resounding success and prosperity. PRAYER POINTS AGAINST STAGNATION 1. This powerful prayer points against stagnation will guide every believer who wants to see progress in life must wage a spiritual warfare. Join our prayer unit. 1. In the name of Jesus Christ. Prayer is a very important spiritual tool to fight and kick against the operation of the enemy, so as believer we need to use this strong weapon to bring down those strongholds that is hindering us from making progress. Every witchcraft power working against my progress, die, in YAHSHUA name. Delay and Stagnation: Prayers to Deal With Satanic Delays, Stagnation and Denial. We trust that this edition of the “90 SPIRITUAL WARFARE PRAYER POINTS AGAINST POVERTY AND STAGNANCY” devotional will enhance your spiritual growth and development, and position you for resounding success and prosperity. ... Unprovoked Jealousy. Let frustration and disappointment, be the portion of every object fashioned against my life and family, in the name of Jesus. Inspire us with the vision of poverty over, 20.Every curse that I have brought into my life through disobedience and ignorance, break by fire, in the name of Jesus Christ. These Powerful Prayer points against stagnation with Bible verses will aid in your warfare against hard-rooted stagnation, irrespective of the cause. 56. Learn more…. Every altar of poverty in my place of birth, working against my prosperity, burn to ashes, in Jesus name. 13.Every evil object fashioned against my life and family, be disappointed and be destroyed in the name of Jesus Christ. 1. Take this Violent Prayer Points: 1. Stagnation is a state of no progress, or no real movement in the right direction, or ‘slow-motion’, or inactivity, or stand-still. “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” 3 John 1 verse 2 New King James Version. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Saved from And, I destroy from my life anything that makes me major on the minor issues and postpone the main issues. 1. God bless you. Exodus 14 vs. 15. 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