Well, I know that, there is the omnipresence of God, and there is a special sense where God is in the midst of His own people, the temple which is the New Testament church today - but you're not going to tell me that there isn't an immediate power of God that comes, and can come, that can be sensible, felt, known, we can be conscious of it. Maybe we're singing the words, but thinking something like, "Oh, man, how long are they going keep doing this song? I don't praise God because I feel like it, I praise Him because He said to, because it's good for me, because when I do He does great things. When the Christian, the New Testament teaches us, approaches God, he likewise is meant to come with an offering. The Protocol of Worship - Psalm 100 Scriptures: Psalm 40:3; John 12:32 Let me repeat that: 'A line of praise is worth a leaf of prayer. But as you press on in faith, something begins to take place in your spirit. It is expressed through the body. I'm just gonna wait till them there little corns start a-growing. We, as Christians, are to bring the fruit of our lips, praise and thanksgiving, to the Lord. If they have a lousy week, they have lousy worship. The soul is made up of the mind, the emotion, and the will - and therefore our thoughts will be of God, and express praise to God. By Dr. Carol J Miller Let’s see if anyone can say what the word “Praise” Now watch this please, verse 39: 'And some of the Pharisees', miserable lot they were, 'from among the multitude said unto him, Master, rebuke thy disciples'. Well, Psalm 100 and verse 4: 'Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name'. Self-centredness is a great obstacle, but secondly: fear of man is a monumental barrier to the power of praise. My friend, no, no, no, listen carefully: you might be sitting thinking, 'I don't feel like praising God, and at the moment I don't have much to praise about' - listen carefully, this is the whole point! Yes, praise and worship is a powerful weapon. For many worshipers, the problem is what goes on up here. If you want an Old Testament example of this, I'll give it to you now, which also illustrates that not only does praise encourage the miraculous, but praise wins battles. Some time later, the king was hunting when he ventured into a distant land where he'd never been before. Now, again, that phrase means 'shout joyfully unto him with psalms', 'For the LORD is a great God, and a great King above all gods'. Now we can often rush, and not allow God's word to settle in our hearts. Now, I know we're not all Charles Wesley's, but that is an example of how we ought to have in our hearts a song of praise to God. This sermon outline on The Power of Praise and Worship encourages Christians to make praise and worship an important part of their lives. Now I know some people, and I'm being serious now: if they could tear that expression out of the Bible, they would do it. Let me say this to you: there can be no true liberty in praise and in general, where people impose their preferences and their prejudices on others. Now, if you look at the progress of praise, you see that it is depicted in Psalm 95 as beginning with loud jubilant praise. Do you have victory in your life? The God who created the heavens and the earth, and paid the ultimate price for our souls - that's something to get excited about. Thomas Watson, the puritan, said: 'In praying we act like men, in praising we act like angels' - it's true, isn't it? Your sergeant comes to you and says, "Don't worry son. One translation put it like this, I think it's in chapter 5, Paul comes to them and asks them a question that was diagnostic, he said: 'Where has your joy gone? Praise is like an antidote to the poison of Satanic oppression. Now notice please, let the Bible speak and say what it says, it doesn't say 'loud, jubilant singing', it says 'make a joyful noise' - and as I've said, it really means 'shout joyfully', this is not loud singing but loud shouting in the house of God! Of praise in every part!'. [Read guidelines...]. I hope you sense that God has spoken individually and indeed to all of us here. Find out more about us, ourministry and how to use our site, David Legge ministers in theUnited Kingdom and Ireland, Send us an email or leave a comment via our Guestbook. But it's not about the feeling, it's about faith in the facts, and when we put faith in the fact of who God is and we start to praise Him and extol Him, the feelings come and the joy comes! It was the musicians and singers, the praisers of God - they led the way. Some guy picked up a stupid piece of inflated leather, ran across a stretch of grass, and put it down behind a line someone drew on the ground. Copy Sermon to … PRAISE IS THE VERBAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF A PERSON, PLACE, OR THING. I'm depressed. You say, 'How can that be?'. 2 Serve the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful singing. But the Steve Urkels of the church: If they have a great week, they have great worship. These materials may not, in any manner, be sold or used to solicit 'donations' from others, nor may they be included in anything you intend to copyright, sell, or offer for a fee. Now, I preached on this on the opening night of this building, the dedication of the Temple of Solomon - but I want to refer back to it again, in 2 Chronicles 5. Tell them to whisht, to keep quiet' - listen to the Lord Jesus' retort: 'And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out'. You ain't gonna get no corn unless you plant the seeds.". Handel, who wrote that great piece, 'The Messiah', when he was composing it he barricaded himself into his room and practically neither ate nor slept as he wrote. That's discrimination ..." "How much did you invest?" A better option is to ask the Lord for forgiveness for any bad attitudes and make a choice to worship the Lord no matter how you feel. Our feelings and our emotions will be toward God in praise, and even our actions will glorify God. The Presence of Worship - Exodus 33 2. ------------------------Back to Top I've seen it, they are trapped because they can't express their praise to God because they don't know these things. Let me read it to you, you know what happened, the great manifestation of the Shekinah glory of God in the cloud - but listen: 'It came to pass', it says, 'as the trumpeters and singers were as one, to make one sound to be heard in praising and thanking the LORD; and when they lifted up their voice with the trumpets and cymbals and instruments of musick, and praised the LORD, saying, For he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever: that then' - that then - 'the house was filled with a cloud, even the house of the LORD; So that the priests could not stand to minister by reason of the cloud: for the glory of the LORD had filled the house of God'. Fear of man? Beauty, worship, and salvation are all linked in the Bible, and we add to the beauty with voices of praise. The Warfare of Praise and Worship Text: Ps. I don't really like this modern style music.". For it is good to sing praises to our God; For it is pleasant, and praise is beautiful. Has the blossom of praise died in your heart? Why do you think, if there's somebody duff singing, or the congregation isn't singing too well, that for the preacher it's an uphill struggle - and if you've ever preached, you'll know what I'm talking about is true. ...and they change the word, 'Lift up my hands', to 'Lift up my heart', because they don't like that 'lifting up hands' business - but it's biblical. Where there is jubilant praise, Satan is paralysed. Praise gets our focus off ourselves and back on God. This is where I really need to listen up here, because I preach often on the subject of revival, but sometimes revival preaching can fall short - because if we continually criticise what is wrong, and fail to affirm what is great with God, we don't realise it but we actually sap the lifeblood out of the praise of the saints. Do you know what had to happen? Is it excited, exhilarated praise, enthusiastic praise, unrestrained praise, exuberant praise? Worship is About the Lord. What are the obstacles to praise in a person's life, or in a church? Was the sinner woman in Simon the Pharisee's house self-conscious when she anointed the feet of the Lord Jesus with that precious ointment, when she washed His feet with her tears, when she kissed them and dried them with her hair - was she self-conscious? But also connected with the story I have just cited, Saul and this evil spirit, we see that praise does something else: praise heals the soul and calms the troubled spirit. Now the reason why the Lord Jesus taught us to pray that way is that praise is a means to accelerate answers to prayer. Father, we pray that the spiritual, surgical work that You have desired to do today in all our hearts will be done, and it will be evidenced not in a contrived, nor a man-inspired volume of praise; but in a heavenly song motivated by the breath of the Spirit in all our hearts, and indeed in this fellowship. Obedience precedes results - first obedience, then results. Preach The Word. Transcribed by: We can abuse those three things: giving to the poor, fasting and making people know that we are doing it, and praying to God on the street corner and wanting people to think that we are very holy - but that was not used by the Lord to say that you shouldn't give to people who are poor, and you shouldn't fast, and you shouldn't pray; of course not! The English word 'praise' has a French origin, 'preisier', and 'preisier' means 'to prize' - and that gives us a little bit of a glimpse of what the word 'praise' really means. The people of Judah didn't have to lift a hand, and the Bible says that when Judah arrived at the battlefield all they had to do was collect the spoil - and it took them three days doing it - and it says that with unbounded joy they went home and praised the Lord, singing on their return to Jerusalem. 1. Do you have big spiritual muscles or little ones? Showing reverence and respect to a dignitary, even today some people still kiss the hand - what we're doing when we praising God is, think of this for a moment, we are kissing the hand of God, that's what praise is! The wise man in Proverbs 29 said: 'Fear of man brings a snare', it is an entrapment. Choose to lift your hands to Him and begin to rejoice in the outer man. Praise and worship breaks yokes and brings deliverance. But sometimes when we do get down to prayer, all we pray about is ourselves. Is that what He gets from you? So the man on the horse says " Praise the lord," and the horse starts to trot. One of the greatest ways to realise joy is to praise. Didn't the Psalmist echo this in Psalm 103 verse 1, you know it well: 'Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name'. You can't go up to someone, as I've seen done - not here - and say: 'We don't do that here. Two of the greatest… Praise is simply expressing esteem for a person, we know that when we praise one another - we are praising their virtues or their accomplishments. The more you invest, the more you make.". We read: 'At midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, into His courts with praise - in Isaiah's prophecy, God's gates are called 'Praise', you can read that in Isaiah 60. If we just stand there and say, "Well I'll just see if God touches me, then I'll praise and worship Him" - we're not going to get anything. Maybe it's my stomach rumbling, and I'm thinking, "Man, I'm starving! Sermons on praise in the narrow sense (Ps. "And how much did your friend invest?" Because they make a decision not to let their circumstances or their feelings determine their behaviour. What is keeping you back? A large video collection of Christian Sermons and Audio Books of men greatly used of God, such as: Charles Spurgeon, Jonathan Edwards, A.W. "How can you praise God?" Prayer is to get things, 'Ask, and ye shall receive' - but not prayer without praise. All material by David Legge is copyrighted. The Preparation of Worship - Ecclesiastes 5 3. I say He does, but is that what He gets? The Christian - that's right, the New Covenant, New Testament believer - is not to come before the Lord empty handed. "No perfect, no cookie," said the chief, and they let him go. God is greater! Spiritually speaking, every church has some who look like Arnold Schwarzenegger - their faith is strong. Will you say to the Lord today, as your head is bowed: 'Let my mouth be filled with Your praise, and with Your glory all the day'? Later, after writing it, he told a friend what his experience was in that cloistered room and I'm quoting him: 'It seemed as if heaven came down and filled my soul' - that is the power of praise. We wouldn't dream of ceasing almsgiving, fasting and praying because it can be abused. It encourages the miraculous, do you need a miracle? Worship is all about praise, confession, and forgiveness, and from worship there flows the desire and the call to reflect God’s glory beyond the temple, outside the sanctuary into the world, and so there is the invitation: “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then there is … So really, to sum it all up, praising is bringing glory to God: 'Whoso offereth praise glorifieth me', the Psalmist says. We've understood what praise is, how praise is to be expressed - it's to be expressed by the whole person, and it's to be expressed enthusiastically - what praise can do - listen: it accelerates answer to prayer, do you need an answer to prayer? His friend said, "Praise God that I have been in gaol for so long." The reason is: this enthusiastic praise is meant to reflect that 'great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised'. You're in no fit state to worship. "You were right. SermonSearch.com is an online resource for sermon outlines and preaching ideas. Start praising God! Many-a-morning I don't feel like going! WHEN IT COMES TO GOD, WE ARE VERBALLY PROFESSING THAT HE IS GOD. Psalm 149, as I've said, I want to preach on 'The Power of Praise'. In days when many are disillusioned and seeking for more, through the ministry of David Legge we seek to provide Bible-based teaching and preaching which will lead you into a deeper relationship with God. It was transcribed from the recording titled "The Power Of Praise" - Transcribed by Preach The Word. Psalm 22:3 (King James Version) 3 But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel. Oh, there's plenty for yourself there in the middle, and the Lord started with it in the petitions: 'Give us this day our daily bread' - He's not against that. Well, listen carefully to what I'm saying: more and more as we come closer to the second return of the Lord Jesus Christ, I believe we're going to see an increase in Satanic activity. These verses are telling us that when we praise God, His amazing power is released in the heavenlies. Lift up my hands to the King of Kings, And look: two thumbs. God-consciousness will cast out self-consciousness. You see, there's the difference: it changes the focus, it decentralises self, it causes forgetfulness of self - and forgetfulness of self is spiritual health. In his sleep to give Him half-hearted praise in Scripture, where the Spirit... A monumental barrier to the beauty with voices of praise ' eventually your feelings follow ;... 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