Maramal must be asked about marriage in Skyrim before any dialogue related to the Amulet of Mara shows up. How about living in one of the most luxurious houses in Skyrim with the strongest and best-looking man in the game? Onmund. Even Breezehome would be luxury compared to those homes. The Dragonborn can then express their wish to marry the person. Morwen (A Skaal woman is a great housewife tbh. You might have your house get raided while you go questing. Ysolda is a modest woman with her own house in Whiterun. 4. It will likewise confer detailed information on how to locate and marry her. I do not consider these followers to be as good as Mjoll, because training is only temporarily beneficial, while immortality is forever. I also really like Dark Elves, Brelyna is my favourite (not that we have a lot of good Dark Elves options). After retrieving the blade, head back to Riften and talk to Mjoll again. You receive one during the Book of Love quest, which you keep when completed.You will not be able to marry anyone until you have spoken to Maramal about marriage, even if you have already obtained an amulet from somewhere … Some of them can accompany you on your quest, but in many cases, you don't need to marry them for this to happen. You'll need to take down a Centurion, so you may want to consider bulking up a bit anyway. You can expedite the waiting period by pressing the "Wait" button (T on PC and "Back" on a controller) and selecting the appropriate number of hours from the current time until around 8:00 AM the following day.If you miss your wedding window, you must find your spouse and apologize to them, then set up a new wedding time with Maramal. He is a sellsword … Gallery; Description; Customers also purchased; Travel Tamriel and visit the shrines, dedicated to the Nine Divines, where the humble and faithful may communicate more directly with their gods. Borgakh the Steel Heart is an Orc warrior and potential follower found in Mor Khazgur.During the day she can be found using the training dummy in front of Larak's Longhouse and at night sleeping inside. Master of Whisperers wrote: You have several options of people to marry in Skyrim both male and female, the world of Skyrim doesn’t discriminate with sexual preferences. She's learning the skills of trade. With the exact same stats as the previous entry, Argis the Bulwark’s appearance and accompanying player home makes him particularly desirable. I married Mjoll my first go through. Recruit her as a follower, and take her to the Temple of Mara, conveniently located in Riften. I treat him like my best friend, then kill him when I … Not to mention, as soon as she gets to run the Inn, you'll be banking rich legally. LOOK ill be quick besides RP marriage IDK mabye u kinda GET CASH FROM YO DAMN SPOUSES SHOPE. I think I find myself marrying the Companions twins the most because of that. Oh, the possibilities! If you choose the falkreath house, you get a redguard as a housecarl. When I finally decided to try the skyrim marriage for the sake of trying it, I started by trying to find the most beautiful women in the game. Or the men that share their voices with Revyn Sadri: they all say that your house isn't big enough, even if you live in Proudspire Manor. This is the Skyrim Legendary Edition of the mod Free marriage originally published for Skyrim Special Edition. Race: Nord. Ork men are gross, and ,what do I know, I haven't married, but, they probably call you a milk drinker. Best Person To Marry In Skyrim. Mjoll the Lioness. Probably the massive armor I always put on her. Mjoll the Lioness can be a follower as well as a wife, showing high degrees of … Mjoll also acts as a tank in combat; allowing you to do your own thing while enemies attack her. Location: College of Winterhold. As I said, most of my characters don't marry at all, but if it does fit in with a kind of roleplaying, it's usually a kind of "Gold digger" character who will marry a wealthy spouse (who may or may not fall down the stairs eventually). Brelyna (Brelyna is probably the only person in Skyrim with royal ties to a big group of Dunmer. Currently working on the problem about death of a spouse with the new update, will edit this post upon completion of it, so keep an eye out when I finish. She loves to patrol… Cost: Free. Members 1,003 posts How about marrying for love and marry Fastred? Husband’s Property: Bed, Hall of Attainment. Who do you think the best and worst options are? A really nice choice and has no emotional ties with anyone in the main land.) In Skyrim, who would be the best person to marry with the most benefits? Once i polish those off im going back to skyrim for a long long while! 3. If you want to expedite reaching that level, check out this guide, and you will find valuable information, tips, and links to help you level efficiently, as well as a plethora of other advice. Gimme a break. They know how to cook and stuff. There are several ways to obtain an Amulet of Mara. If you marry Ghorbash the Iron Hand, you get in combat a bunch of "Pray to Stendarr while you can" and "No one bests an Orc" even though he was bested plenty of times. Most spouse benefits are general regardless of the individual married. That's who I chose. Every Hearthfire house has a unique feature that players can build to obtain a specific type of material or special item. On Skyrim, I would like to marry someone but am unsure who. One of the candidates lives in a mining shack, and the other lives in the Grey Quarter. Only one of them is considerably handsome (Moth), but the rest are...ugh. That's why Serana, Brynjolf and Karliah would have been good options for me. This article will argue that Mjoll the Lioness is the best spouse in Skyrim. Aela is Supreme Werewolf Queen of Side-Boob, which makes her almost as popular a wife choice as cranky Lydia. I prefer spouses with at least some involvement in faction quests, with a background or character devloppment. Why You Should Marry Mjoll This article will argue that Mjoll the Lioness is the best spouse in Skyrim. This makes bartering with them essentially useless unless you happen to be stopping home to conduct some sort of business. Out of the non-console-command/modded options, I thought Aela would be great until adoptions came out. *Update 1: currently and quickly finishing a Thieves Guild quest, then going to confirm or deny the possibility of remarriage in Skyrim as of the current patch. O.R Aborishade. The Lover's Comfort bonus increases skills experience by 15% after sleeping near your spouse, Your spouse will open a shop, allowing you to barter, and this will also rack you 100 gold per day. The Orcs (if you're an Orc only. GoodfellowGoodspring. This mission can be activated by speaking to Adril Arano in Raven Rock - just ask him about Miraak. Howdy there partner! I ruled Aela out because even though it can't happen in-game, if you piss Aela off, she would just turn into a werewolf while you're away and kill the kids probably. I want to marry someone who has a big house, or lots of valuable possessions. I then did decide on one, but it was a tough choice and obviously wanted to keep a lot more of them around as well, if only to make going home to store treasure a better experience. They'd mother your kids pretty well, making a man out of your adopted son atleast and teaching your adopted daughter a few great household tricks). I know that all spouses give your character the same amount of money. As a Dragonborn Dad, that would make me proud.) Buying a house is a stressful event at the best of times, even if it's only in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - here's a guide to the best locations to settle down in. (If you marry Camilla, Faendal will come to your house every day, making it seem like you are being cheated on, lol) I would marry Camilla because she looks better than most wives, and Faendal comes over for company. She’ll make a hot wife and is really sweet too. Best person to marry in Skyrim?? She's smart, knows magic and is probably willing to teach your kids while your housecarl could teach them how to be a warrior. Skyrim does not discriminate against same-gender marriages or inter-species unions. 2. There is no need for courting, however many of Skyrim’s candidates for marriages have a small pre-cursor to them being eligible; typically something quest-like in nature. For women it's either Ysolda (it's implied that she already has the money to buy the Bannered Mare, which, I fancy, can't come very cheap), or Viola Giordano who has the decency to already be a bit long in the tooth, so her quiet passing in her sleep won't rouse much suspicion. Although she is proud of Orc traditions and willing to abide … None, all the spouses are exactley the same. Ria is an Imperial. For anyone looking for a companion with their priorities set straight, Mjoll is the ideal choice. Ysolda is one of the easiest women to marry as all you have to do to win her favour is bring her a mammoth tusk. All three are skilled warrior women and possible followers, but Aela’s level cap is 50, while the others max out at 25. She's smart, knows magic and is probably willing to teach your kids while your housecarl could teach them how to be a warrior. Heljarchen Hall has a grain mill that can convert wheat into abundant amounts of flour, which will be especially useful for players that like to cook all the new recipes that Hearthfire adds to the game.. RELATED: Skyrim: The 10 Best Pieces Of Gear For A Mage The Marriage in Skyrim is hilariously bad, I wouldn't be suprised if it did not return in Elder Scrolls VI. I'm still new to the game and I'm worried that I'll choose someone to marry only to find that they suck and there was a better option. Otherwise, an Orc wife is a good choice because they're intimidating yet somewhat kind once you get to know them. Rayya is a female Redguard that has the looks to be the toughest follower and steward in the game. What's better than learning from a Redguard and a Telvanni Dunmer about magic and the art of sword combat? Mar 2, 2012 Gaming. 3. Should I just marry her or should I wait for someone else? The only person I've had the option to marry so far is Ysolda in Whiterun. While not shown in game, I don't think the Orc tribes would enjoy the fact that one of their own married a non-orc to keep the blood-ties going strong. Ok so it is actually my dads and his character is a guy (obviously) so want someone with a big house (maybe a palace) and owns a shop at least lol (would like a Jarl to be honest lol) Edited by Bellaboo1441, 04 May 2012 - 07:30 PM. For roleplaying though, it really depends what kind of a character I'm playing. He ought to sell you an Amulet of Mara, which you should purchase. She's a good-doer and… One downside to Mjoll is the fact that you cannot abuse her as a trainer like some other follower spouses (think of Companions). (Preferably woman)? Talk to her a lot, and she will eventually tell you about her lost sword, Grimsever. It will likewise confer detailed information on how to locate and marry her. Generally speaking, I like Farkas most of all male spouses, because he seems like he would make a good husband (and I find him quite handsome - for a video game character). In my latest playthroughs I usually don't bother with marriage anymore, as it seems quite useless aside from a roleplaying perspective. If you choose the falkreath house, you get a redguard as a housecarl. There are 62 male and female NPC candidates for marriage. There talk to Maramal about marriage. Tbh, I only see this as an advantage and increase in immersion if your a roleplaying type player. She's also one of the nicest people personality wise while looking great too.) Another question: Does it really matter who I marry? Ysolda (Obviously she is a great choice for anyone. Unfortunately, you may not barter items with spouses while they’re your follower—more specifically, they do not have money or decent items away from the homestead. I know you don't have to adopt kids but they have a respawn supply of alchemy ingredients in their chests and roleplaying as a guy everyone would look up to, being a father of two orphans and rasing them to be great men/women is a noble task. Regardless of his outlaw status, Talos shrines can be found around Skyrim. The simplest way is to head to the Riften Temple of Mara and buy one from Maramal for 200 gold, but they will also show up in random loot and at merchants. … These lists are always going to be subjective but Ysolda in our opinion, is the best wife in Skyrim. Plus I felt like I was part of a threesome, because her own little follower moves right up in your house with you. The new dialogue is unlocked with certain characters if the Dragonborn is both wearing the amulet and has met the requirement relating to the individual, usually a quest. Jamie is a nerd who loves to help others learn the ropes of video games. When I do marry however, it's highly dependant on what kind of a character I'm playing. Skyrim kicks all kinds of ass i played like 20 hours over the weekend i got it then i got assassins creed revalations & the Halo aniversary. You will likely run into Mjoll walking around during the day. In my latest playthroughs I usually don't bother with marriage anymore, as it seems quite useless aside from a roleplaying perspective. In Skyrim, you can marry anyone of any gender or race.If you're a male Nord, you could marry a male Orc if you wish! I usually make Mjoll carry things until we get back home, at which point I take the stuff back and sell it right to her. If… Skyrim was released in 2011 and its a testament to the game's staying power fans are still playing it. As for women, I prefer Ysolda, because she is very ambitious, strong willed and doesn't seem to share the racial prejudices that many Nords hold dear. She had a tendency to get stuck in rivers, though, for some reason. So finding or investing a few gold into an amulet that lets you marry which in turn is a bad thing even though your spouse provides you with gold (which will quickly outweigh the gold you bought the amulet for), food (really good for survival mods like Realistic Needs and Diseases) and a shop in the comfort of your home (useful if you live in a Hearthfire house and don't wish to travel to civilisation for your resources or supplies). Skyrim Marriage Benefits If you don't own a house already, getting married will give you the option of moving into your spouse's residence. What truly sets Mjoll apart from other followers, though, is the fact that she is an essential NPC. Plus, this is a freaking videogame, so why can't we have it all? Most spouse benefits are general regardless of the individual married. Here's what I limited it down to. And why? Brelyna (Brelyna is probably the only person in Skyrim with royal ties to a big group of Dunmer. Elder Scrolls is a FANDOM Games Community. Marcurio. This character can be found in Riften, occasionally at the Bee and Barb. This will begin a quest to retrieve Grimsever from a Dwemer Ruin, Mzinchaleft. Back to top #2 GoodfellowGoodspring Posted 06 May 2012 - 09:31 PM. 1. That said, in game, I suppose the wealthiest males to marry would be Ainethach (who owns the Silver mine in Karthwasten and, by extension, the town itself) and Pavo Attius who owns the largest gold mine in all of Skyrim (though he does wear Miner's clothes as opposed to Ainethach's fancy dress). First of all, before going into the description, I want to make an important disclaimer: Free marriage is divided in two parts:--> The first part is the ESP/ESL file itself.--> The second part is the scripts. Free marriage. Type Skyrim Marriage into Google and you'll get several sites with charts saying who is available for marriage, and what each arrangement comes with (the UESP Wiki site is what I used). 0 comments. Please can you tell me who is the best person and if I need to do a quest to marry them specifically. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Wait outside the temple until the following dawn. The Elder Scrolls IV: Knights of the Nine. These benefits include: On top of these benefits, certain spouses like Mjoll are available as followers, which makes them walking, talking sources of revenue. Aela and Njada are both Nords and trainers, in archery and blocking respectively. Follow quest directions from there. This means you cannot accidentally kill her. Staying in one of the best player homes in the entire games, Argis the Bulwark is the best husband you can get in the base game of Skyrim. Good to be Mjoll, I guess! One homecooked meal per day, which regenerates health, stamina, and magicka by 25 per second for 600 seconds. I will occasionally send Mjoll home while I train with other followers, only to steal the gold back out of their inventories and toss them aside. 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