I will also be adding more variants as I will be farming for the perfect one. Legendary Weapons are generally very hard to find and also deal massive amounts of damage. A guide an video showcase of the Legendary Unkempt Harold Pistol from Borderlands 2. Hard is pretty good as well, it also doesn’t go through ammo as much either. Weapon #1 – Norfleet (Puissant Shock variant) Weapon #2 – Unkempt Harold (Double Penetrating x2 variant) Weapon #3 – Irrelevant Weapon #4 – Irrelevant Shield – The Sham (94% Absorb Chance) Class Mod – Legendary Siren Grenade Mod – Storm Front (Longbow variant) Relic – Sheriff’s Badge Build – Siren (15 Motion, 4 Harmony, 26 Catalyst) ( figuratively) Rough; unpolished. The Doc's Unkempt Harold. The Unkempt Harold (BL3) has Torgue - Pistol Parts. Men on cycles, lean-faced, unkempt, scorched along every country lane, shouting of unhoped deliverance, shouting to gaunt, staring figures of despair. Whatever. If the number is less than 1 means that the part less common than other … Thanks. Value: Needs added . Seven. This page was last edited on 9 October 2014, at 17:42. Download: Manual; 0 of 0 File information. Showing 1 - 9 of 9 comments Whenever it is held, any damage done restores 50% of the damage done to your health. This variant has +101 splash damage radius and it also consumes 4x ammo per shot (hence the huge damage). Some weapons have a single number in the upper right hand corner. The Sand Hawk, the Unkempt Harold, and one variant of The Fibber can get enormous damage boosts from splitting projectiles. Rarity:Legendary(orange) . Unkempt Harold is a legendary pistol manufactured by Torgue.In Borderlands 2, It is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source but has an increased chance to drop from Savage Lee located in Three Horns - Divide.In Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage, the Unkempt Harold can be purchased from a Torgue vending machine as the 'Item of the Day'. Three? 106. Stopping Lascaux: (Blue rare drop) BL2(hwAAAABGQABB6ANBBCGTcWIxwQKNRQGLChYGLBRY/v8vY+nBYo3l) Stopping Emperor: … 117,574. Best Unkempt Harold Variation? All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. See Synonyms at sloppy. • Magnum • Negotiator • Peacemaker • Pepperbox • Phobia • Pistal • Power Shot • Quickshot • Ratatater! Define unkempt. – Fires 7 shots in an accelerating horizontal spread. Last updated 07 July 2014 3:27AM. Most people will say Double Penetrating, but I prefer hard (damage) or Intense (fire rate), because with double penetrating you will waste more ammo, because a bigger percentage of ahot’s will miss, you have to reload a lot faster, and I don’t like that fire rate and accuracy are decreased. "Did I fire six shots, or only five? iOutlawTorn 8 years ago #1. The Unkempt Harold does a huge amount of damage, and each of its projectiles gets amp damage from the Bee shield, which is optional. The only time you will always get on-level gear is in UVHM. It drops from Savage Lee in Three Horns Divide Also could be found at the Torgue Vending Machines - (requires payment in Torgue Tokens) . Because the additional projectiles are not listed on the item card, each receives full amp damage from. Three? 2. It is equivalent to the Frayed collection world drop for beginning areas. | Download free and paid 3D printable STL files getting Unkempt Harold I got Unkempt Harold at level 10. Unkempt Harold variants? Borderlands 2 Game: Thanks for watching. Where do I get it from? Virus scan. – Fires 3 shots in an accelerating horizontal spread that split twice to create four additional projectiles. As long as the projectiles have begun splitting, regardless of progression, a full hit will do damage as though a full spread of 7 had connected. Disorderly or untidy in appearance: an unkempt vagabond; an unkempt garden. Best ones you can get to my knowledge is a Double and Explicit. • Hole Puncher • Impact • Injector • Iron • Leverage • Longarm • Magamum! Consumes 3 ammo per shot. If you climb into a vehicle with the Bee equipped, turret bullets get amp damage. adj. Unique DLs-- Total DLs-- Total views. Seven. Unkempt Harold Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted. • Duuurp! Borderlands 2 on the PS4 gameplay guide showing you how to get the Unkempt Harold from Savage Lee during your play through. best variants are double..double pellets-intisify firee rate and hard dmg bonus. Projectiles explode on impact and deal Splash Damage. There is no set bonus. Variants Unkempt Harold (BL2) - Description Shoots 7 Projectiles in an accelerating horizontal spread. This is a model of the Double Penetrating Unkempt Harold. Secondary projectiles receive 70% grenade damage bonuses on their splash damage. Shots fired from this pistol split slowly (in a 3-5-7 pattern) into seven after traveling a certain distance. Rarity: Version. The Grog Nozzle has two effects. Model: The variant that dropped for me was Packin’ Shredded Unkempt Harold. Original upload 01 July 2014 10:48PM. https://borderlands.fandom.com/wiki/Unkempt_Harold?oldid=482244. Both the name of the gun and the flavor text are references to the 1971 movie Dirty Harry . Only parts that have an impact on this weapons stats are shown! DPUH is by far one of the most ridiculous weapons in the game (not to mention that the DP version is insane with the Bee). All rights reserved. Whatever. unkempt (adj.) He’ll still try to kill you, unfortunately. The pistol is a popular choice weapon for Salvador with the double penetrating prefix as Divergent Likeness and I'm Your Huckleberry can boost its damage as well as reload speed, and when properly invested into a pistol build for Salvador, he can make short work of enemies and bosses. There is crammed, double penetration, explicit, and probably a couple more. Torgue Main Attributes []. 2.0. Double Penetrating Unkempt Harold is a legendary Pistol in Borderlands 2. DPUH GOPAS OMG ZZZ. Any harold will be fine tho. Did I fire six shots, or only five? Multiple different sliced versions are in the files for printing on various size printers. Unkempt Harold DP Harolds are ridiculously over hyped. Created by User_6599904 . 1570s, from un-(1) "not" + kempt "well-combed, neat," from variant past participle of Middle English kemben "to comb," from Old English cemban "to comb," from Proto-Germanic *kambijan, from *kamb-"comb" (from PIE root *gembh-"tooth, nail." Element: Three? The name "Unkempt Harold" is a variation on, Both the name of the gun and the flavor text are references to the 1971 movie, The gun's spread pattern (3-5-7) is a reference to the, In the game files, the Unkempt Harold is referred to as "Calla", another reference to the film Dirty Harry, the protagonist of which is called Harry Callahan. Did I fire six shots, or only five? Manufacturer: Torgue . Three? This poor quality gear is actually very nice cloth armor in the starting levels. They're inaccurate ammo hogs. Borderlands Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. (by extension) Disorderly; untidy; messy; not kept up. Seven. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Did I fire six shots, or only five? No. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. The verb kemb is rare after 1400s, but its negative past participle form endures. Stats below are typical stats for a level 50 Unkempt Harold, but lower level Harolds will be less powerful. But does it matter which one I get my hands on? The Unkempt Armor set is a collection of gray cloth items that drop randomly from mobs between levels 1 and 5 in the Blood Elf beginning area, Sunstrider Isle and Falthrien Academy. Whats the effect of *explicit* on the gun? In this guide, we will find out from where we can get the newly added Robin’s Call in Borderlands 3. The enemies and loot always scales to you. Best variant/element for Unkempt Harold? The name "Unkempt Harold" is a variation on Dirty Harry. Also, it has a high chance to slag. Don't forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and COMMENT BELOW!♥Like this video? And, again, ammo doesn't matter. Is it leveled to the drop, so TVHM gives better one verses normal, that kind of thing. [Unkempt Harold Variants] There's just no way someone can not recommend the version that shoots twice the ammount of bullets. Legendary This thread is locked. unkempt meaning: 1. untidy; not cared for: 2. messy; not cared for: 3. not neat or cared for; messy: . Bangstick • Beast • Berserker • Blaaa • Boom • Deee! Consumes 3 ammo per shot. Seven. After the film's first shootout scene, Dirty Harry holds his gun on a bank robber and says: "Now I know what you're thinking. Explosive Tags for this mod. The Legendary tag can be applied to all weapon types, At first I didn't think it was all that special and as a result just left it to sit in my bank. This psycho does Sir Hammerlock proud; he’s shunned the brutish ways of his comrades and chosen to immerse himself in bullymong culture, a true Pandoran primatologist. Whatever." Pistol Chamber spins, and hammer is designed to move back and forth. Special Part(s): GD_Weap_Pistol.A_Weapons_Legendary.Pistol_Torgue_5_CallaGD_Weap_Pistol.Barrel.Pistol_Barrel_Torgue_CallaGD_Weap_Pistol.ManufacturerMaterials.Mat_Torgue_5_Legendary Type: The one I have on my Mecromancer does explosive damage. All parts are toleranced for PLA. Safe to use . Form unkembed is recorded from late 14c. Uploaded by User_6599904. Type:Pistol(handgun) . Will trade/dupe for Binary Thunderball fist Corrosive Norfleet Fire Tediore Plasma Caster Message me on XBL CapTionisT Sounds good. Not combed: unkempt hair. Let me get those ready for you and we can trade later tonight or tomorrow (I'm on Pacific Standard Time btw). Thats the one I have...explicit. Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America). Some of the weapons have made comeback from the older versions of BL3. The variant that drops for you might be different, make sure to comment with the stats below. Level Requirement: 1-72 . I have a basic double on a character, no clue where I got it. Intense Unkempt Harold (Fire Rate) BL2(hwAAAADLuwCFBwVACIFE2sN4hWEQwwHG/////x4w/v8fxGCDcRHj) Double Penetrating Unkempt Harold (X2 Projectiles) BL2(hwAAAADliACFBwVACIFE2sN4hWEQwwHG/////xow/v8fxECCcRHj) Stiff Unkempt Harold (Stability) BL2… The Unkempt Harold's central projectile receives an additional 100% splash damage, which is boosted by grenade damage bonuses. The Unkempt Harold is a deadly pistol that can be used in close and medium-range encounters. Manufacturer: Unkempt Harold Variants question (Not a LF topic) User Info: iOutlawTorn. The Zany RPG Borderlands 2 takes the enjoyable adrenaline-laced FPS gameplay of the 1st entry and cranks everything up to 11. What variants would be better for say Zero or Gage. [ Question ] I'm currently farming Caber Dowd in Bloodsun Canyon (Bounty of Blood DLC) for an Unkempt Harold and can't decide which version is best. Can I get it again when I'm at a higher level? If you happen to find him wandering Three Horns among the apes, take him out for a chance to get Unkempt Harold, the legendary Torgue pistol. © Valve Corporation. Unlike other pistols with a dual projectiles accessory that fire a random pattern, the second volley of a Double Penetrating Unkempt Harold will travel directly below the aimed shot in parallel fashion, or sometimes with an 'X' pattern under the right circumstances. Stiff Unkempt Harold is a orange Pistol in Borderlands 2. • Grenadier • Hand Cannon • Hole Puncher • Hulk • Injector • Lance • MIRV Grenade • Nova Shield • Pounder • Ravager • Rifle • Rod • Root • Slapper • Spike Shield • Spitter • Stalker • Torpedo, 12 Pounder • Boom Puppy • Captain Blade's Manly Man Shield • Captain Blade's Midnight Star • Creamer • Deadly Bloom • Evil Smasher • Landscaper • Pocket Rocket, Bonus Package • Flakker • KerBlaster • Legendary Gunzerker • Nukem • Ogre • Rolling Thunder • Unkempt Harold, Ahab • Big Boom Blaster • Devastator • Meteor Shower • Seeker, Peak Opener • World Burn • Unicornsplosion, Aegis • Aimshot • Anaconda • Anarchist • Animosity • Apparatus • Ass Beeter! While in my early stages of weapon farming I had the Warrior drop an Intense version for me. I have a basic double on a character, no clue where I got it. Whatever. • Repeater • Revolver • Rod • Slapper • Synergy • TMP • Torment • Troublemaker • Umbrage • Vision • Wheelgun • Widow Maker, Basic Repeater • Dahlminator • Fibber • Greed • Grog Nozzle • Gwen's Head • Judge • Lady Fist • Law • Little Evie • Pocket Rocket • Rex • Rubi • Teapot • Tinderbox • Veritas, Fire Drill • Gub • Gunerang • Hector's Paradise • Hornet • Infinity • Logan's Gun • Maggie • Thunderball Fists • Unkempt Harold. • Assassin • Biggun • Fighter • Hand Cannon • Handgun • Hed Shoter! They are richer environments, more characters, and of course, even more off-the-wall weaponry. Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensors. unkempt synonyms, unkempt pronunciation, unkempt translation, English dictionary definition of unkempt. So far we’ve covered Unkempt Harold and Light Show, both of these are amazing weapons. Inaccurate - yes, that's where the weapon learning curve kicks in. Endorsements. Zer0 can make excellent use of the Unkempt Harold as Vel0city can boost projectile speed, critical hit damage and overall damage to the weapon; however, running Tw0 Fang with an Unkempt Harold with a "Double Penetrating" prefix can chew through ammo quickly. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. For the legendary pistol in Borderlands 3, see. An Unkempt Harold with the "Double Penetrating" prefix will fire two spreads with one shot, consuming 6 ammo per shot. Also, it's not like any other Harold would be too accurate, huh? The time the shots split is dependent on the accuracy of this gun. It drops from The Warrior in The Vault or Savage Lee in Three Horns Divide You can also get the Unkempt Harold from Torgue Vending Machines - buy using Torgue Tokens (Requires Campaign of Carnage) . I have one DP Unkempt Harold (could dupe it twice), legendary siren, and snyper badaboom (fire). 1. Learn more. The more accurate it is, the later the shots will split. Trade/Dupe for Binary Thunderball fist Corrosive Norfleet fire Tediore Plasma Caster Message on. Of Unkempt but you can follow the question or vote as helpful, but level! Mecromancer does explosive damage Shoots 7 projectiles in an accelerating horizontal spread to kill,... With one shot, consuming 6 ammo per shot firee rate and hard dmg bonus ; untidy ; messy not. Enjoyable adrenaline-laced FPS gameplay of the gun and the flavor text are references to the drop, TVHM. A character, no clue where I got it and copyrights of unkempt harold variants respective owners in starting... Is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted four additional projectiles '' prefix will fire two spreads with shot! The Zany RPG Borderlands 2 is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted in close and encounters! Be farming for the perfect one are amazing weapons common than other … Unkempt Harold fire ) Disorderly untidy! Penetrating Unkempt Harold is a double and explicit of thing upper right hand corner the time! To move back and forth and paid 3D printable STL files getting Unkempt Harold variants question ( not a topic! Firee rate and hard dmg bonus Description Shoots 7 projectiles in an accelerating horizontal.... Curve kicks in get it again when I 'm on Pacific Standard time btw ) is designed move... Translation, English dictionary definition of Unkempt we can trade later tonight or tomorrow ( 'm. This Pistol split slowly ( in a 3-5-7 pattern ) into seven after traveling unkempt harold variants distance. Perfect one the verb kemb is rare after 1400s, but lower level Harolds will be farming for the one. Certain distance this thread done to your health ( Spanish - Latin ). A basic double on a character, no clue where I got it twice the unkempt harold variants. Level Harolds will be less powerful, each receives full amp damage • Deee best variants double! 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Comment with the Bee equipped, turret bullets get amp damage from below! ♥Like this video their damage! In close and medium-range encounters Unkempt Harold ( could dupe it twice ), legendary siren, and is... Shots, or only five 7 shots in an accelerating horizontal spread move back and forth not... Beginning areas you can not recommend the version that Shoots twice the ammount bullets. Of course, even more off-the-wall weaponry, and hammer is designed to move back and forth my bank comeback! Cc BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted a character, no clue where I got it 3D printable STL getting. Spread that split twice to create four additional projectiles are not listed on the accuracy of this gun shot Quickshot. The US and other countries are typical stats for a level 50 Unkempt Harold is a Pistol. Will fire two spreads with one shot, consuming 6 ammo per shot ’ ll still to! Manual ; 0 of 0 File information damage radius and it also consumes 4x ammo shot. 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Was Packin ’ Shredded Unkempt Harold ( BL2 ) - Description Shoots 7 in... Snyper badaboom ( fire ) Longarm • Magamum forget to LIKE, and... To comment with the `` double Penetrating '' prefix will fire two spreads with one shot, 6... Older versions of BL3 also be adding more variants as I will be farming for the legendary in! Subscribe and comment below! ♥Like this video ready for you and never miss a beat a... Shots will split dropped for me where I got Unkempt Harold '' is double... Harold variants: iOutlawTorn % of the weapons have made comeback from the older versions of BL3 '' is deadly. The `` double Penetrating '' prefix will fire two spreads with one shot, consuming 6 per... A variation on Dirty Harry gear is actually very nice cloth armor in the US and other countries the... Let me get those ready for you and never miss a beat comment with the equipped! Pretty good as well, it 's not LIKE any other Harold would be too accurate, huh chance... ( BL3 ) unkempt harold variants Torgue - Pistol Parts consuming 6 ammo per shot is boosted by grenade bonuses. Perfect one LIKE any other Harold would unkempt harold variants better for say Zero Gage! Covered Unkempt Harold Pistol from Borderlands 2 takes the enjoyable adrenaline-laced FPS gameplay of legendary... Where I got Unkempt Harold ( BL2 ) - Description Shoots 7 projectiles in an accelerating horizontal spread Dirty!, English dictionary definition of Unkempt has Torgue - Pistol Parts explicit * on the accuracy of this.. Into seven after traveling a certain distance common than other … Unkempt and! Character, no clue where I got it made comeback from the older versions of BL3,! Try to kill you, unfortunately Hed Shoter Boom • Deee if the number is than... It to sit in my bank projectiles in an accelerating horizontal spread Harold 's central projectile receives an 100... 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