Page Structure tags Description , title , head , body etc are part of the page structure tags. Try arranging the tags to the right into the correct order. Tuesday , January 19 2021 Computer 4 Beginners This element, known as the HTML root element, always contains one element and one element. This post will be updated with links to the other posts in the series as they are published. Basic Structural Tags HTML is a mark-up language with ‘tags’ identifying parts of the document to behave in a certain way, for example, to act as a link or to make the text bold. This basic HTML tag reference covers the basic HTML tags required for the HTML document structure of a web page and basic HTML tags used for formatting content on a web page. The letter “p” represents the paragraph element. Just like HTML comments, the browser will not display indentations in the code, these formatting patterns are there solely to help improve the readability of code. WordPress Redirection Plugin and Trailing Slashes. I’ve used HTML comments to label the example we’ve been using to show which tags are opening tags and which tags are closing tags, so you can see how each element is nested. All of the content that you see rendered in the browser is contained within this element. The