s.async = true; Buy It Now. }; This grill comes in... Flex with this six piece grill featuring a gold wire. Currency.native_multi_currency = false; 'ready', All diamond grillz are made in either 10K or 14K solid... Bottom Eight Gold Grillz + A Diamond Top Tooth Of Your choice! e.detail.BOOMR.init({ display: block !important; script.async = true; }); var where = document.currentScript || document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; We pride our self in having the best variety at the best prices around. .shopify-payment-button__button--branded .shopify-cleanslate { We got stones? e.detail.BOOMR.t_end = new Date().getTime(); cursor: pointer; Currency.shop_currency = "USD"; This grill is only available for the bottom teeth. All custom work is guaranteed to fit and comes with a lifetime warranty. } Dope Grillz custom grillz are made from real high-quality silver and gold, but should not be used for the replacement of natural teeth or broken fillings. 18K Gold CZ Fangs – Bottom Only. ( If you don't purchase grillz with this section , n 3.2 out of 5 stars 822. Report item - opens in a new window or tab. flex-direction: column !important; parent = parent || doc.body; window.BOOMR.snippetStart = new Date().getTime(); if you're going to be a Vampire, you need two fangs - This deal includes two single vampire fang teeth. } Add to wishlist. Envio feito com seguro, rastreamento e agilidade. form .select { C $9.82 to C $10.14; Buy It Now +C $13.62 shipping; From China; Gold Plated Hip Hop Teeth Grillz … return false; Custom 14K Gold Plated Small Single Tooth Cap Single Fangs - 2 pc Set Grillz Hip Hop Teeth Grill CustomGrillzShop. {shop_id: 48988651676, iframeStyle.height = 0; if(window.attachEvent) { iframeLoader(false); for (var attr in meta) { background-color: #1990c6; Nov 26, 2017 - Explore Tristin's board "grills teeth" on Pinterest. .primary_logo { parentNode.appendChild(link); {"pageType":"collection","resourceType":"collection","resourceId":221991567516} !function(e){e.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",function(){var t;null!==e.querySelector('form[action^="/contact"] input[name="form_type"][value="contact"]')&&(window.Shopify=window.Shopify||{},window.Shopify.recaptchaV3=window.Shopify.recaptchaV3||{siteKey:"6LcCR2cUAAAAANS1Gpq_mDIJ2pQuJphsSQaUEuc9"},(t=e.createElement("script")).setAttribute("src","https://cdn.shopify.com/shopifycloud/storefront-recaptcha-v3/v0.1/index.js"),e.body.appendChild(t))})}(document); cursor: pointer; Skip to content. color: white; .multi_select, {"Trekkie":{"appName":"storefront","development":false,"defaultAttributes":{"shopId":48988651676,"isMerchantRequest":null,"themeId":112437854364,"themeCityHash":"17714468197755208247","contentLanguage":"en","currency":"USD"},"isServerSideCookieWritingEnabled":true,"isPixelGateEnabled":true},"Performance":{"navigationTimingApiMeasurementsEnabled":true,"navigationTimingApiMeasurementsSampleRate":1},"Google Analytics":{"trackingId":"UA-177175217-1","domain":"auto","siteSpeedSampleRate":"10","enhancedEcommerce":true,"doubleClick":true,"includeSearch":true},"Facebook Pixel":{"pixelIds":["292836994697394"],"agent":"plshopify1.2","conversionsAPIEnabled":true},"Google Gtag Pixel":{"conversionId":"AW-849839105","eventLabels":[{"type":"page_view","action_label":"AW-849839105\/WMspCInRzdEBEIGInpUD"},{"type":"purchase","action_label":"AW-849839105\/At0QCIzRzdEBEIGInpUD"},{"type":"view_item","action_label":"AW-849839105\/P_FMCI_RzdEBEIGInpUD"},{"type":"add_to_cart","action_label":"AW-849839105\/Jim5CJLRzdEBEIGInpUD"},{"type":"begin_checkout","action_label":"AW-849839105\/4HHgCJXRzdEBEIGInpUD"},{"type":"search","action_label":"AW-849839105\/6UR8CJjRzdEBEIGInpUD"},{"type":"add_payment_info","action_label":"AW-849839105\/CT_1CJvRzdEBEIGInpUD"}],"targetCountry":"US"},"Session Attribution":{}} Mar 3, 2015 - This Pin was discovered by Mi Ling. Fang grillz, also known as Vampire fang grillz are simply like a normal teeth grill, but with fangs, like a vampire. } addListener(window, 'load', function(){ var trekkie = window.ShopifyAnalytics.lib = window.trekkie = window.trekkie || []; Depending on you, our beloved customer, you’ll want a design and material of grillz you can wear for special occasions. } catch (e) { .animate_left, Get a FREE mold kit with purchase of a grill. Select Top Bottom or Both. 2 Fangs with Back Bar in 10k gold: Gold Type: 10k: Gold Color: Rose Gold available in White, Yellow or Rose Gold: The price being displayed is for 2 Fangs in 10k yellow gold with a back bar. CDN$ 20.76 CDN$ 20. .lazyload { … return trekkie; min-height: 44px; Favorite Add to 14K Gold 5X Layered 6 Teeth Fang Grillz, Gold CZ ... DEMON | Wolf Fangs Grillz, Gold Grillz, Gold Teeth, Gold Fangs, Grillz For Teeth, Hip Hop Jewelry OZCAL. } iframeStyle.display = "none"; if (element.addEventListener) { .shopify-payment-button__more-options[disabled] { Top & Bottom Silver Fang Grillz. } e.detail.BOOMR.t_end = new Date().getTime(); if (!hasLoggedConversion(token)) { Shopify.shop = "grillz-com.myshopify.com"; }; Product Description These extended fangs are all the rage!!! return Monorail.sendRequest("https://" + monorailDomain + "/v1/produce", JSON.stringify(event)); addListener(document.forms[i], 'submit', decorate); window.BOOMR.snippetMethod = "p"; max-width: 100vw !important; if (!promoted) { } Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. Diamond... Two custom fit gold Shabba teeth for the top or bottom. Available payment methods: Grillz. } display: block; if (trekkie.integrations) { } document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(eventsListenerScript); } All grillz are custom made and are also available in Rose Gold, Yellow Gold, and Sterling Silver. Login; Register; My Account; Check Out; Grillz by Scotty. $27.95. if (window && window.navigator && typeof window.navigator.sendBeacon === 'function' && typeof window.Blob === 'function' && !Monorail.isIos12()) { 4.0 out of 5 stars 41. Diamond Dust Strip Fangs 6 Teeth Grillz #220 This custom fit gold grill was made popular by Beyonce, covering the fangs and just the tips of the teeth with a finish that looks like "diamond dust". Hollow grillz are like normal grillz, only that they are hollow in the middle. The drip! your own Pins on Pinterest 'trackLink' We do not offer any gold plated grillz or any pre-made “costume-style” grillz. scriptFallback.type = 'text/javascript'; All custom grillz orders require the use of a do-it-yourself mold kit or an impression created by a licensed dentist. else if (element.attachEvent) { } else if (document.attachEvent) { Each fang has 15pt of diamonds! Page 2. (window.gaDevIds=window.gaDevIds||[]).push('BwiEti'); }); choose your design today!! … These OG Grillz are available in Solid 10K or 14K Gold. }); Are you looking for stones? Explore the exclusive grillz designed by Scotty. Watch; Grillz Teeth Dental Grills 18K … {"shopId":48988651676,"countryCode":"US","currencyCode":"USD","merchantCapabilities":["supports3DS"],"merchantId":"gid:\/\/shopify\/Shop\/48988651676","merchantName":"Grillz.com","requiredBillingContactFields":["postalAddress","email","phone"],"requiredShippingContactFields":["postalAddress","email","phone"],"shippingType":"shipping","supportedNetworks":["visa","masterCard","amex","discover","jcb","elo"],"total":{"type":"pending","label":"Grillz.com","amount":"1.00"}} From $450. }; link.addEventListener("load", promote); 'identify', We also offer grillz in rose gold, or sterling silver options. schema_id: schemaId, if (win.addEventListener) { .shopify-payment-button__button--branded { } return function() { })(); element.attachEvent('on' + type, callback); To readjust, just put the molding bar in hot water again and fit again. This unique style features a classic six tooth gold grill with an open face. CDN$ 5.05 for shipping & import fees … Expand submenu Grillz Collapse submenu Grillz. window.ShopifyAnalytics.lib = window.trekkie; This grill can be customized to your specifications. setCookieIfConversion(token); trekkie.load = function(config) { Also available in Rose Gold, Yellow Gold and Sterling Silver. 2018 models for men & women in silver, golds & diamonds. Fully iced out in VS quality diamonds, this diamond dripping grill is simply stunning. "https://cdn.shopify.com/shopifycloud/boomerang/shopify-boomerang-1.0.0.min.js"; Custom Diamond Cut Fangs W/ Open Face Gold Grillz. There are 446 fangs grillz for sale on Etsy, and they cost $82.33 on average. window.ShopifyAnalytics.lib.track( Available In:... View full product details . Also available in... Sign up to get the latest on sales, new releases and more…, 425 S Fairfax Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90036, United States, © 2021 Grillz.com. Single Teeth Fangs Plating Braces Dental Grillz Halloween Party Cosplay Dentures Props Glue Adhesive Punk Goth Death Rock $ 3.98 Add to cart. Iced Out Diamond Tip Vampire Fangs! Mar 3, 2015 - This Pin was discovered by Marta W. Discover (and save!) Shopify.theme.handle = "null"; console.log(e); } Shopify = window.Shopify || {};Shopify.routes =Shopify.routes || {};Shopify.routes.cart_url = "\/cart";Shopify.theme_settings = {};Shopify.theme_settings.current_locale = "en";Shopify.theme_settings.shop_url = "https://grillz.com";Shopify.translation =Shopify.translation || {};Shopify.translation.newsletter_success_text = "Thank you for joining our mailing list! display: none !important; 888-664-1127. window.ShopifyPay = window.ShopifyPay || {}; doc = win.document.open(); payload: payload, var action = document.forms[i].getAttribute('action'); flex: 1 !important; } … Sort. if (window.jQuery) { trackedResourceTypes: ["script", "img", "css"] parentNode.appendChild(script); Material: USD . producer_url: "https://monorail-edge.shopifysvc.com/v1/produce", iframeLoader(true); .product_section .product_form { ("as" in link)) { filter: blur(0); EXCEART 3Pcs Single Top Fang Tooth Grillz Grills Cap Cosplay Vampire Fangs Werewolf Fangs Teeth Decoration for Outdoor Party Home Golden Silver Gold. Condition: New … After you order, we'll send you a mold k Harlembling Solid 925 Sterling Silver Grillz - 6 Or 8 Tooth Or Single Caps/Top & Bottom Grills for Teeth - Real Solid Silver Fronts Don't Change Color . 18K Gold CZ Fangs - Bottom Only - For serious playas only - High quality copper is used for the product in order to have the feel of solid gold grillz. if (token) { This grill comes in... Flex with this two piece grill featuring a gap filler. Top 8 Open Face Grillz (10K, Rose Gold) $895.00. Available in 10K or 14K Solid White Gold. ); Are you looking for fangs? Our custom grillz options start at $250 for a set of .925 silver fangs and our 10k solid gold fangs start at $350. if (jquery) { } Home › Gold Grill (Diamond Fangs Only) IF & Co. Gold Grill (Diamond Fangs Only) $2,200.00. enabled: true, Explore the exclusive grillz designed by Scotty. Gold Grillz, Silver Grillz… var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); !function(o){function n(){var o=[];function n(){o.push(Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments))}return n.q=o,n}var t=o.Shopify=o.Shopify||{};t.loadFeatures=n(),t.autoloadFeatures=n()}(window); } Not only do we offer our standard custom-fitting grillz, we can also make you a one-of a kind design. trekkie.push(args); Note: Only sold in set (top and bottom pieces sold together) One size fits most; Six teeth on top grill, six on bottom margin-bottom: 0; } else if (window.attachEvent) { Hip Hop Vampire Dracula 14K Gold GP Single Metal Fangs Teeth Grillz 2 pc Set . Explore the exclusive grillz designed by Scotty. if (token) { window.__pagefly_analytics_settings__ = {"acceptTracking":false}; FREE SHIPPING AVAILABLE AND MOLD KIT INCLUDED FOR ALL CUSTOM GRILLZ ORDERS IN The U.S. dom = document.domain; window.performance && window.performance.mark && window.performance.mark('shopify.content_for_header.end'); Notify me when this product is available: Two Gold Teeth Off To The Side. }, LOADER_TIMEOUT); } trekkie.methods = [ This grillz style, popularized by the one and only Kim Kardashian, is tasteful yet glamorous. Home; About Us ... Are you looking for stones? Shopify.cdnHost = "cdn.shopify.com"; The Hopeless Romantic is a four tooth grill with hearts cutout design! link.relList.supports("preload") && var twoMonthsFromNow = new Date(Date.now()); .shopify-payment-button__more-options:hover:not([disabled]) { s.type = 'text/javascript'; var parentNode = where.parentNode; } text-decoration: underline; Description; Shipping and payments; eBay item number: 153654603270 . 5 out of 5 stars (15) 15 reviews. } Shopify.theme.style = {"id":null,"handle":null}; var loaded = false; It can be a party which comes with nice costumes and accessories, or it can be a stage show as a performer to showcase your wonderful teeth to your audience. LuReen 14k Gold Vampire Dracula Teeth Grillz 2pc Single Fangs and 6 Bottom Grillz Set. } for (var i=0; i < document.links.length; i++) { return; TOPGRILLZ 14K Gold Plated Iced Out CZ Top and Bottom Vampire Fangs Grillz for Your Teeth Hip Hop. We only use precious metals for our custom grillz and do not have any stainless steel. Free shipping. Gold Teeth LA stops by to hook two white people up with a custom grill "For the First Time." {"accessToken":"4e74d889fd80325764e09a7715fe0359","betas":["rich-media-storefront-analytics"],"domain":"grillz.com","predictiveSearch":true,"shopId":48988651676,"smart_payment_buttons_url":"https:\/\/cdn.shopify.com\/shopifycloud\/payment-sheet\/assets\/latest\/spb.en.js","dynamic_checkout_cart_url":"https:\/\/cdn.shopify.com\/shopifycloud\/payment-sheet\/assets\/latest\/dynamic-checkout-cart.en.js","locale":"en"} 76. if (target && (target.getAttribute('action') || target.getAttribute('href'))) { $13.99 - $22.99 JINAO 18K Gold Plated Gold Finish 8 Top Teeth 8 Bottom Tooth Hip Hop Mouth Grills for Men and Women. trekkie.config = config; Only 3 available and it's in 13 people's carts. This grill comes... Flex with this eight piece grill featuring open face cuts. if (promoted) { Learn More. .animate_up, element.addEventListener(type, callback); If you have long been following the hip-hop culture, you will be familiar with the fashion craze of grillz. Discover (and save!) sendRequest: function sendRequest(endpointUrl, payload) { Custom Diamond Gold Grillz and Jewelry Manufacturer. Grillz. document.cookie = 'loggedConversion=' + token + '; expires=' + twoMonthsFromNow; This piece is also available in Rose Gold, Yellow Gold, and Sterling Silver. var link = document.createElement("link"); .swatch_options { If you choose white gold, silver or platinum then your entire grillz … link.rel = "preload"; if (document.addEventListener) { @media screen and (min-width: 750px) { min-height: 50px; High quality copper is used for the product in order to have the feel of solid gold grillz. They are available in wide ranges of styles and colors. script.onerror = function(e) { cursor: default; Your cart - 0 items. $12.99 - $28.90 JINAO 18K Gold Plated Macro Pave CZ Iced-Out Grillz with Extra Molding Bars Included. Removable grillz custom fitted EXACTLY to your mold. CDN$ 5.54 shipping. trackedResourceTypes: ["script", "img", "css"] These are a must have to add to your jewelry collection. Gold Grillz, Silver Grillz, Single Tooth Caps. }); Just put the grill and silicone molding in hot water to soften the mold. 'page', Are you looking for fangs? #dynamic-checkout-cart { if (document.cookie.indexOf('loggedConversion=' + window.location.pathname) !== -1) { window.addEventListener('load', asyncLoad, false); We have perfected the custom grill in every way, including the materials that we manufacture each piece out of. Estilo: Hip Hop / Rock / Pop. Favorite ... Iced Out Fangs Grillz, Diamond Grillz, Fang Grillz, Gold Grillz, Gold Fangs, Gold Teeth, Gift For Her, Gift For Him, CZ Grillz OZCAL. The Bridge can be made in 10K or 14K Solid White Gold and features a two tooth design with an overlay connecting over the remaining bottom teeth in between. Your choice of the Top Eight, Bottom Eight or Full Set with the finest quality diamonds and gold on the market! Currency = window.Currency || {}; var script = doc.createElement("script"); $9.99. .icon-cart.cart-button { Custom fitting our grillz at home is easy only takes 5 minutes! window.BOOMR.snippetMethod = "s"; This head-turning grill gives the illusion of liquid gold dripping down your teeth. Only $ 358.70. (function () { Full details . They can also be... Iced Out Diamond Tip Vampire Fangs! type: 'text/plain' We do not perform dental procedures, and we are unable to take impressions of your teeth in-person. var __st={"a":48988651676,"offset":-28800,"reqid":"9a2de40b-c6f9-4613-a136-f407783a4a23","pageurl":"grillz.com\/collections\/white-gold-grillz","u":"4530e58a0e16","p":"collection","rtyp":"collection","rid":221991567516}; Questions? theme_id: 112437854364, Home Grillz. 'trackForm', iframeStyle.width = 0; cursor: default; // Try the sendBeacon API var href = document.links[i].getAttribute('href'); promoted = true; … } Find great deals on eBay for fang grillz. window.performance && window.performance.mark && window.performance.mark('shopify.content_for_header.start'); window.BOOMR = window.BOOMR || {}; Custom, hand-crafted products are delivered to you by Grillz Montreal, a Canadian Retailer. bootstrap(parentNode, "boomr-async"); window.BOOMR.themeId = 112437854364; eventsListenerScript.src = "//cdn.shopify.com/shopifycloud/shopify/assets/shop_events_listener-68ba3f1321f00bf07cb78a03841621079812265e950cdccade3463749ea2705e.js"; var linkerParam = tracker.get('linkerParam'); script.src = 'https://cdn.shopify.com/s/trekkie.storefront.a912d99e7f80608b6575b820485ff3c0c991ca75.min.js'; window.attachEvent("onload", boomerangSaveLoadTime); $699.00 $437.00. Gold ... 2 Top 2 Bottom Silver Fang Grillz Top & Bottom Silver Fangs are a weekly best seller by Seattle Gold Grills. } FREE Delivery by Amazon. source_url: "https://cdn.shopify.com/s/trekkie.storefront.a912d99e7f80608b6575b820485ff3c0c991ca75.min.js"}); if (window.BOOMR && (window.BOOMR.version || window.BOOMR.snippetExecuted)) { visibility: hidden; } ga('require', 'linker'); Quick Links. for (var i = 0; i < trekkie.methods.length; i++) { CDN$ 39.99 CDN$ 39. Produto Unissex. Currency.money_format_no_currency = "${{amount}}"; .shopify-payment-button__button--unbranded:hover:not([disabled]) { Iced Out Grillz With Fangs . font-weight: 500; } Shopify.currency = {"active":"USD","rate":"1.0"}; window.BOOMR.application = "storefront-renderer"; New (Other) $9.99. for (var i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) { return; text-align: center; Medium length fangs. From United States ; Customs services and international tracking provided. The Even Steven is a four tooth gold grill. event = event || window.event; }; 99. Be sure to select "Standard shipping and mold kit" for your shipping option at checkout. }); All grillz are custom made and come... A Staple In The Grillz Game. Regular price $ 148.99 $ 148.99. width: 100vw; (function() { } iframeStyle.border = 0; The purple grillz is designed with extras to include iced out, open face, diamond cut and fangs. } Material: Cobre com banho de ouro ou prata. The look and feel of real diamonds. The grill will go around your tooth, like a frame - Less "in your face" and more subtle. It is also available in .925 Sterling Silver, Rose Gold and Yellow Gold. }); bootstrap(); Your own personal grills handcrafted and tailored to a custom fit, just for you real gold grillz, with each tooth individually polished to a beautiful finish. display: block !important; Grillz with fangs have become one of the hottest new trends in the hip hop and rap culture with people like Miley Cyrus, Beyonce and Kylie Jenner wearing them. Find great deals on eBay for grillz fangs. var event = { win.addEventListener("load", win._boomrl, false); When you choose yellow gold or rose gold, we will add a white coating on the "diamond dust" finish for 2-tone look. producer_url: "https://monorail-edge.shopifysvc.com/v1/produce", var LOADER_TIMEOUT = 3000; See more ideas about Grillz, Fang grillz, Gold grillz. var script = document.createElement("script"); transition: background 0.2s ease-in-out; 'track', var customDocumentWrite = function(content) { try { doc._boomrl = function() { script.id = "boomr-scr-as"; window.BOOMR.themeName = "Retina"; These custom made Fang Grillz can be fitted for the top canines, bottom canines or both and come in 10k Gold, or 14k Gold.... "Why Kodak?" typeof link.relList.supports === "function" && CDN$ 39.99 CDN$ 39. } else if (window.Checkout && window.Checkout.$) { Nov 11, 2016 - Explore wolfpower's board "gold fangs" on Pinterest. iframeLoader(true); Rainbow Fang Grillz 18k Gold Plated CZ Multi-Color Top Vampire Teeth Bling Fangs. Last updated on Sep 03, 2020 13:59:27 PDT View all revisions. Both fangs will fit on your teeth perfectly with the silicone melding bar, and it only takes a few minutes to custom fit them right at home. call us for your appointment today window.BOOMR.snippetVersion = 12; These diamond grillz... Set yourself apart with these trendy grillz. script.id = scriptId || "boomr-if-as"; return true; Grillz are the ultimate sign of wealth. window.ShopifyAnalytics.lib.page( } position: relative; if(action && action.indexOf('/cart') >= 0) { Precious Solid Gold Dripping Over Signature Punch Design This Grillz Set is an STLGRILLZZ Exclusive. e.detail.BOOMR.init({ You must purchase a do-it-yourself mold kit or have your impression created by a licensed dentist. jquery('body').append(content); Subscribe to receive updates, access to exclusive deals, and more. 3.1 out of 5 stars 39. 3.3 out of 5 stars 344. If your looking to use something not listed on the site like platinum or rhodium, contact us on our custom shop page. padding: 1em 2em; window.ShopifyPaypalV4VisibilityTracking = true; } metadata: { Remember, though—Halloween isn’t the only time of year you can rock a stylish and fashionable pair of vampire grillz. A premiere gold grill company based out of Atlanta, Ga. whose mission is to provide quality customer service and products to every customer. var first = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; Now all that's left is... Diamonds Are A Girls Best Friend. first.parentNode.insertBefore(scriptFallback, first); Also available in Yellow Gold, Rose Gold and Sterling Silver. scriptFallback.async = true; You gotta check out our vampire grillz selection. for (var i=0; i < document.forms.length; i++) { Shopify.locale = "en"; }; Livraison gratuite sur une sélection d’articles dès 25€ d'achats. This grill comes... Flex with this six piece grill featuring opal. All diamond grillz are made in 14K gold. link.addEventListener("error", function() { Tamanhos: Único - moldável x. ( No Grillz include in this section ) * Just simply add this with grillz you want to order . }; See more ideas about grills teeth, grillz, girl grillz. 24K Plated Gold Silver Diamonds Fangs Joker Gold Grillz for Mouth Top Bottom Hip Hop Teeth Grills for Teeth Mouth + 2 Extra Molding Bars + Cloth Post Malone Costume ... Only 10 left in stock. Shop with confidence. The #1 place to buy custom gold grillz online. 14pc Sterling Silver High Polished Grillz Set is a great look and very affordable! xhr.send(payload); Once the mold hardens, adjust the back prongs on the grill for a tight fit. Apparel; Contact Us. Do you offer open face grillz, gold fangs, diamond grillz, and silver grillz? var key = trekkie.methods[i]; Popular . border: 0 none; display: none; QUANTITY # OF TEETH/SET: Add to Cart. return true; s.src = urls[i]; parent.appendChild(script); ";Shopify.translation.cart_discount = "Discount";Shopify.translation.edit_cart = "Edit Cart";Shopify.translation.add_to_cart_success = "translation missing: en.layout.general.add_to_cart_success";Shopify.translation.agree_to_terms_html = "I Agree with the Terms & Conditions";Shopify.translation.checkout = "Checkout";Shopify.translation.or = "translation missing: en.layout.general.or";Shopify.translation.continue_shopping = "Continue Shopping";Shopify.translation.empty_cart = "Your Cart is Empty";Shopify.translation.cart_total = "Item total";Shopify.translation.subtotal = "Subtotal";Shopify.translation.cart_notes = "Order Notes";Shopify.translation.product_add_to_cart_success = "Added";Shopify.translation.product_add_to_cart = "Add to Cart";Shopify.translation.product_notify_form_email = "Enter your email address...";Shopify.translation.product_notify_form_send = "Send";Shopify.translation.items_left_count_one = "item left";Shopify.translation.items_left_count_other = "items left";Shopify.translation.product_sold_out = "Sold Out";Shopify.translation.product_unavailable = "Unavailable";Shopify.translation.product_notify_form_success = "Thanks! C $40.84; Buy It Now +C $16.14 shipping; 19 Watching. }; ... Extended Fangs. addListener(document.links[i], 'click', decorate); doc.write(""); } else { } 5 out of 5 stars (15) 15 reviews $ 20.00 FREE shipping scriptFallback.src = 'https://cdn.shopify.com/s/trekkie.storefront.a912d99e7f80608b6575b820485ff3c0c991ca75.min.js'; Handmade 6 Teeth Slugs Fang Grillz with handset Cubic Zirconia Stones Grillz Description: Color: White Gold Material: Brass Size: One Size Fits All Diamonds: CZ Extra: Comes with a wax bar and instruction paper on how to use it. Currency.money_format_currency = "${{amount}} USD"; } // sendBeacon was not successful ); We use only the finest gold, rose gold, and sterling silver for our grillz. Need some fangs? win = iframe.contentWindow; event_created_at_ms: currentMs, return false; var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); bootstrap(); Checkout. Because They're The Coldest Grillz In The Game. margin-top: 1em; BOOMR_lstart = new Date().getTime(); Free shipping. - -- We are the #1 Gold Teeth Jewelry Store - Providing you only top Quality Gold Grillz. }, Powered by Shopify. Contact Us; FAQs; Toggle navigation. } $140.00 Flex with this six piece grill featuring extended fangs.. ... We only send emails once a month and only about good things. window.BOOMR.themeVersion = "4.7.3"; See more ideas about Gold fangs, Grillz, Fang. Your cart - 0 items. } Each grill is created out of a semi-precious metal from either .925 sterling silver, jeweller’s brass, or stainless steel, and are then plated with real gold, rose gold, black gold, or rhodium. HOLLOW TEETH. window.ShopifyAnalytics.meta.currency = 'USD'; var script = document.createElement('script'); On Grillz they are all CUSTOM MADE so we can't do refunds but will not stop until your set is made to perfection.. Seattle Gold Grills 3900 E Valley Road Suite #100, Renton, WA, 98057 link.as = "script"; var s = document.createElement('script'); window.BOOMR.url = } // XHR beacon var originalDocumentWrite = document.write; You get the pair for a total of 30pt of diamonds! opacity: 1; The style was first made popular when the rapper Pharrell rocked it. var target = event.target || event.srcElement; ); isIos12: function isIos12() { .shopify-payment-button__button[disabled] { twoMonthsFromNow.setMonth(twoMonthsFromNow.getMonth() + 2); Home ; about us ; grillz ; Collections ; Merch 're going be... 14K, 18K, 22K and grillz fangs only if & Co. Gold grill company based out of - wolfpower. Platinum or rhodium, contact us on our custom grillz orders require the use of a grill on custom! Highest quality 10K or 14K Solid... Bottom six with a Top Shabba check our. Please let us know before ordering is available: two Gold Teeth Off to the common man, at. Goth Death Rock $ 3.98 add to cart as Vampire Fang grillz wide ranges styles... Streetwear inspired Fangs, grillz, Silver Grillz… Discover our line of luxe Dental jewellery W/ extended option! Take your fashion style to a new level, on H custom grillz mold kit or have Impression. This diamond piece can be made in either 10K or 14K Solid Gold dripping down your Teeth.... Dripping Over Signature Punch design this grillz Set upon special request Single Cap canine Fang grillz Top & Bottom Set... Select `` standard shipping and mold kit or an Impression created by licensed... Particular grills is for the product in order to have the feel of Solid Gold dripping down your.... That 's left is... diamonds are a Girls best Friend: people who live for Halloween grillz Extra.... we only use precious metals for our custom grillz mold kit - Teeth Dental Impression kit w/Putty only! Face, diamond Cut Fangs W/ open face from a great look and very affordable grills. 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