As a heads-up, you can't save your plugin with the NPC editor window open (or any of the other dialog windows) so click OK to save your current settings, save your plugin, and then re-open the NPC editor to continue working. If that doesnt work, the best option is to load a savegame just prior to finishing their quest. Never edit an existing object unless you absolutely have to. This is likely the problem for you guys that are having trouble accessing and saving your files. Fear). I put her in the map and everything from her voice to her inventory was great she just didn’t look anything like the character I designed. j-u-i-c-e (author) from Waterloo, On on April 18, 2013: @kar2nz: The errors relating to eye/head nifs are connected to the custom race. from reading your responses to other people, i am sure you know how frustrating it can be to learn this, even with a very detailed tutorial like yours (which i followed to the letter, step by step.) The last thing you need to do is add your follower to Skyrim. Do the same with the arrows. A more complex question: I play with SkyRe, and I'd also like to add some spells and perks from that mod. Both types of cell are connected to other cells via loading doors. Disregard my previous comment, anyway, I followed your guide, I ask him to come with me on an adventure, he says something then he doesn't do anything, and the sentence is able to be prompted again. Is there a way to import something like this to console? 4. You may notice that your character's head looks a little distorted. I put my created follower on the skyrim steam workshop, only to discover that when he (and two others I made) lose all their color when downloaded by myself and others anywhere else. open the mcm menu and click familiar faces and edit it to the voice you want it to have and some other stuff. The level that is actually set when you encounter them depends on your own level and the multiplier used to calculate their level. I went back into Creation Kit to find the problem (I still don't know what it is), and tweaked a few things. (: Mike Roy Gray from Meilen, Switzerland on September 26, 2013: I want to get into modding, and this is where I'd like to start. I've tried a bunch of tutorials like this one, but yours has me the closest to what i am looking for. This will export your character's appearance to your installation folder (the one up from Data that contains the Skyrim.exe). (i could learn to live with it, but would rather not). When I first imported him to the game, strictly following your guide, everything worked fine. The process works like this: Do a bit of work on your character, click OK, (the Actor box with your character disappears), save your file, reopen the character, do more work, click OK, (the Actor box disappears), save again. Eventually, they won't be able to carry any more loot because their inventory will be full of bows! Relationships control which NPCs fight or defend other NPCs. If it's unchecked they won't use two weapons no matter how many you give them. Hold Left Mouse Button + Drag Mouse : move a selected object, Hold Shift + Move Mouse : rotate around the selected object, Z + Hold Left Mouse Button + Drag Mouse : move an object up and down along the Z axis, F : drop a selected object to the next lower collision surface (usually the ground or floor). Seriously, thank you for this idiot-proof guide. Do you want a sad face or a happy face following you around? The Relationship tab and Relationship editor. Keep in mind that the characters you create, like any other characters, are going to look different outdoors than they will indoors. I have recreated this follower 5 times, from scratch, just to check that I haven't been missing anything. xD I 'm just started on Skyrim with the PC , I first bought it for the Xbox, So I guess it 's gonna be a while before I meet my follower =3=; should 've made it later , but oh well , again it 's a really great tutorial ! Im using a modded game and tried this with KS Hairdos, Brows and TheEyesOfBeauty. Once you've verified that it's there, proceed to the next step. that panel for creating Relationships don't want to show :/. it worked perfectly besides the fact that my follower does not have any typical dialogue options such as "follow me" somebody should help us understand this step in follower creation. She's a good-doer and… This kind of problem is common if a race uses custom eye meshes, though there are other reasons why you might be having this issue. Create Your Follower's Appearance. PlayStation 3 Xbox 360 PC PlayStation 4. I'm not sure what the problem is, but it sounds like it could be related to Hearthfire which I never got around to downloading. I did everything the tutorial said and when i located my custom follower she has zero dialogue. Do you have a link to a run down of the kind of scripts that could get him up to speed? In the AI Data tab, set the Aggression to Aggressive. Tip: If you try to export your character's face and nothing happens, make sure that the Is CharGen Face Preset box is unchecked. Hope it helps. Do I need to delete him from the Bannered Mare somehow, or drag him from the Bannered Mare to Breezehome in the render window? You can also experiment with the Attack and Bash settings which determine things like how likely the NPC is to use a power attack against a staggered foe and that sort of thing. Navigating in the Render window is a little tricky at first. Once you've located the correct cell, or a cell nearby in exterior world spaces, double-click it to load it in the Render window. The Inventory tab with a character loaded in the preview window. My follower is in the game, seemingly perfect enough, yet, I can't make him follow me- when I talk to him, the only dialouge I get from him are saying greetings and hellos for his voice. If nothing appears to be happening, make sure that the Is CharGen Face Preset box is unchecked. If you put your follower in a tavern, for example, they will walk around, sit down and eat, and even stir the cook pot. Followed everything correctly, the NPC is in the world. The .nif file is your character's head mesh and the .dds file is your character's head texture. Your guide is very helpful, i was able to understand and learn everything to base my future modding on. Depending on your machine it may take anywhere from half a minute to a couple of minutes for the editor to load everything. Be sure to put it back when you're done! First, make sure that the Unique flag is set on the NPC. It has a fairly detailed guide to finding things in the editor.). I found this really useful and informative, it's been my first 'dabble' into modding and it's generally been successful. The VoicesFollowerAll list is the list of 'authorized' voices for followers. The Stats tab controls your follower's class, level, attributes, and skills. Combining mods can be very tricky; it's a little outside the scope of this article, but you should be able to figure out what you need to do from the wiki. (Strange but true.) Dude. This means that they can be killed by anyone or anything. Where to remove the bow from the Reference Alias editor. This will open the Reference Alias editor for that Alias. I figured out the issue (The "I need your help" dialog not showing). j-u-i-c-e (author) from Waterloo, On on August 21, 2014: @Kay: Sounds like it might be a voice issue. If you don't like a vanilla combat style, pick a different one or create a new one that you can tweak as much as you like.). Now I'm off to the Creation Kit wiki to get deeper into modding! I have a question, though: I'd like to move a follower, who I have already placed in the game and brought on several adventures, to a different location (I originally placed him in the Bannered Mare, and would like to move him into Breezehome). It's possible to create a custom quest around acquiring your character to create a more authentic experience, like the quests surrounding the followers in the game, but that's well beyond the scope of this article. Start Skyrim and either start a new game or, if you know what you're doing, open the character creation screen through the console using the showracemenu command. tried altering the uppereyesocket and lowereyesocket shaders, and no result. If you want to preview an outfit, check the Full box beside Preview in the bottom center of the NPC window and your character will appear in the preview window on the right. When I push Ctrl+F4 and try to export the face settings the confirmation dialog appears, but nothing more happens. i used to assemble bikes, toys, and furniture for a living. If you're going to do any serious modding at all, you need to know how to clean your mods in the CK, so this is a good opportunity to pick up a fundamental skill. Good luck! What did I do wrong? Also, after exporting the face data, the hair color was not included. As I mentioned in the discussion of classes, the Illusion school isn't used by NPCs at all, so don't bother adding any of these spells to your follower unless you plan on doing a lot of scripting. The newest version of the mod had a .bsa file in it. Leave the Association Type set to None. How, pray tell, do I "replace those scripts?" Clairvoyance), and partly because some spells which work on NPCs won't work on the player. Vanilla followers go down when they reach 10% of their Health.). I can't get her to follow me or do anything else. j-u-i-c-e (author) from Waterloo, On on April 01, 2013: @pogonek: A couple people have mentioned this problem. I'm not going to talk about AI packages in this tutorial because they are very complex and not really necessary for a basic follower. However, there is one unanswered question - where do you add shouts to the follower? Potential Marry: add faction that is required for vanilla marriage quests to the NPC. As it stands, they only exist as a definition inside the editor; they have no existence inside the game world itself. But yeah, wanted to share that as a "adding someone to the marriage faction" type of thing since we're on the topic of adding factions. In case that the mod is useless for this matter, ¿Can I do it via creation kit? Once you've saved your mod, create a new NPC. Keep this in mind when adding spells to your follower. Form lists are located in the Object window under Miscellaneous, FormList. Everything was going well until I got to the relationship tab, I made sure that I had the Unique Flag checked but it still didn't work when I tried to create a new relationship. I don't like to ask much for trouble shooting in comments, but seeing as you're active here, I hope this is alright, me asking here~. crashes both ways. Any ideas? I'm not exactly sure what you mean about the editor not letting you save your changes. My follower worked great for a while, until I had to dismiss her, then she dissapeared so I respawned her with the Editor (I made sure there weren't any other copies) but I don't get the follower dialogue anymore. Dealing with editor warnings and cleaning your mod are rather large topics that are well beyond the scope of this article, unfortunately, but a lot of good information can be found on the Creation Kit wiki and in the official Bethesda forums. Oh man, what a good guide, thank you! Save your work and exit the Creation Kit. SkyUI is not required, although recommended. Like I said, I'm exporting the face settings and it still won't cooperate. FlamesLeftHand. You can change the Level Mult to make them higher or lower when you first encounter them (eg. (Remember: They sneak when you sneak.). Hello! Let’s take a look at our choices… COMPANIONS. NPCs also won't heal you or other NPCs, though I know that they can be scripted to do so. (In the screenshot you'll see Dundaryn, but you haven't actually imported your character's appearance, yet, so you'll just see the first preset instead.) When you click it, assuming the Creation Kit doesn't crash, it will open the Windows file browser in your Skyrim folder. ), Choose a Class and Set or Calculate Skills. It is possible to make your followers level with you, but in order to do that you need to do a bit of scripting, and that's beyond the scope of this tutorial. Your own follower will work the same way unless you explicitly set their level, in which case, they will always be that level instead. You can see what items will be equipped in the list to the right. Check the Unique flag to let the game know there is only one of your character in the game (as opposed to a bandit or conjurer, for example). To add armor or clothing directly to the NPC's inventory, read the following section. That's it! He has downloaded the hair/eye mods I used to make the NPC, and as far as I know the mods are all activated in his game, but the NPC just will not show up where she's supposed to be. Quit the Creation Kit without saving, restore the source code files and re-edit the quest. Only these voices work without making your own dialogue and or scripts. I created my follower with a lot of mods and when i imported the face i suddenly showed a totally different person... Do i need to activate all the mods i used in game to create the char in creation Kit as well? Im still a noob with "modding" and would appreciate all help :), I made a pretty neat character skin with the help of others mods but I don’t think the same modded skin is being exported Into the creation kit. I would be very grateful if you have any solutions to the two problems I've encountered. I have checked, double-checked, and triple-checked that all settings are as they should be in the CK. It 's a pretty nice tutorial though . Any solution for this? Might be a mod conflicting but it might be that I missed something. There's also a Cicero marriage mod floating around with voiced marriage dialogue (which I also have but haven't been able to to test yet, my wife has it as well though & it works great for her). Combat styles are located in the Object window under Miscellaneous, Combat Styles. You can use the mouse wheel to zoom in again until you're fairly close to where you want to drop them, then go to the Object window, find your follower, and drag them into the Render window. You have to mod the original race mod or you need to recreate the parts of the race mod you need (which is probably all of it) inside your follower mod. You can create a new character from the right-click menu in the Object window. Set Morality to Any Crime if you plan on committing any. I tried to correct this manually in the Creation Kit and completed the guide. I've been having the hardest time finding mods that add a decent variety argonian followers. I'm less certain about which perks can be used by NPCs, but you can get an idea from the perks that have been added to the pre-made hirelings that come with the game. If you're fairly handy with the Creation Kit, you can skip the lengthy tutorial and just follow these simple steps: Here's a screencap of my new follower in the Character Creation screen. The inside of the Bannered Mare is a good example of an interior cell. Some NPC's are not able to be married to the player and I did not change that. Hopefully it works for me when I see him Cx. So, does anyone know the name of the faction for people that you can marry? Any solutions? Once i loaded my game she was there but with wrong hair, wrong eyes, wrong brow and for some reason a dark skin color instead of the light one. When you're done tweaking poorly understood numbers, click OK. You will probably have to exit the NPC editor (click OK to save changes) and save your plugin before your new combat style will appear in the drop-down list in the AI Data tab. The first thing you need to do is set the Aggression. Followers will often revert back to the hunting bow even if you give them a better bow to use. The subcategories you're most likely to be interested in are Armor, Weapons, and Ammo. ), any idea why i can't create Relationship ? If you're using your companion along with a mod that modifies follower behavior, just load that mod later in the load list than your follower. Combining mods without a special tool (like WryeBash or TES5Edit) requires an understanding of the mods you're merging; you can't just load multiple mods in the Creation Kit because the CK ignores data from any mod (.esp) other than the mod you're actually working on, even though you can see its data and apparently edit it. Could somebody explain this thing to me please? I followed the instructions perfectly, yet the NPC doesn't seem to strike up (interactive) dialogue with me, any help on this? How can you EDIT your working custom follower? Open the Creation Kit and load the game files in the Data browser: go to File, Data..., and double-click the Skyrim.esm and Update.esm so that a little x appears in each of the boxes. , do I find my character in the screenshot, you 're done them marriage faction skyrim making your own mod other! Turned one of the town or dungeon that they can be downloaded from! To install comprehensive and well-written tutorial end up with weird collision issues November,... `` I need your help '' dialog not showing up including yours ) that do know. Window and drag him there clothing and armor that you 've decided where want. Anything that has a number ( typically 0, 1, 2 or! Default that most vanilla classes use import ” the correct list im a noob this. Trouble accessing and saving your files, find the quest properly I into! 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